Mars in Leo sign project

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Jim Eshelman
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Mars in Leo sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Mars in Leo discussions project, which will run August 18 - September 17, 2019 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Mars in Leo people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

Here are Mars in Leo interpretive resources on the forum:
Primary section: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=32#p119
Garth Allen: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33#p134

Mars in Leo has similarities to and differences from Sun in Leo. To help discern these similarities and differences, here is a link to the earlier Sun in Leo viewtopic.php?f=51&t=1615

My current concise summary of Mars in Leo (always subject to change) reads:
Strong, courageous, decisive, self-confident; chutzpah. Upbeat energy. Pragmatic idealist. Leap in to help (whatever is needed); takes charge as needed (autocratic?). Observant, knows what’s going on, reads situations well. Sexually ardent, bold, forthright (often, but not always, the aggressor).
Here on Solunars, few people have Mars in Leo; but it does appear in the birth charts of Freya's sister and former husband (and a few people that appeared here briefly and disappeared).

To this we can add pragmatic, research-minded astrologers Reinhold Ebertin and Kenneth Irving; the last three U.S. Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump (along with Lyndon Johnson, U.S. Grant, and Benjamin Harrison); Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Dir. Robert Mueller; First Ladies Jacqueline Onassis, Betty Ford, and Rosalynn Carter; Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor Hirohito, Fidel Castro, and seven popes; Amelia Earhart, Princess Diana; Charles Manson, Susan Atkins, David Koresh, and several infamous murderers.

Also numerous legendary-scope entertainers and culture impact figures from the arts such as Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Yoko Ono, Edith Piaf, Della Reese, Ernest Hemingway, Charlton Heston. Lesser yet highly significant music figures including Alice Cooper, George Michael.
Jim Eshelman
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Mars in Leo sign project

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Every one I know who has Mars in Leo has a fluid idea of what marriage means, every one has cheated, every one has either broken or has nearly broken their marriage because of their cheating goes and cheats again. They all seem to enjoy flirting, and make small talk by expressing interest in other people sexually and don't understand how their behavior could ever be inappropriate.

Mars in Leo people seem to be very interested in looks, their own and others, and judge people on how they look, including how much work they put into keeping themselves physically attractive. Moreover they all think everyone else should be interested in their opinions. These are the people who are personally and vocally insulted when a heavy person dares eat at Cheesecake Factory a table away from them and do it loud enough to be heard. Even if they themselves are heavy.

They all feel smarmy to me. One is a close relative. I avoid his company at any social gathering. He hit on a friend of mine in front of his wife and me at my mother's funeral. Ick. He also thinks catcalling women he drives by is flattering them. He is a half century out of high school. He's not unusually forward for this group.

Donald Trump has this placement.
Soft Alpaca
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Re: Mars in Leo sign project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

I don't have the fortune knowing any Mars Leo people. One thing I do like however is the use of chutzpah, it would describe those who are well known and who have this aspect very well. It looks to be as if it is their pure fevor that gets them so far in life.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mars in Leo sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars in Leo samples from my Example Chart Collection:
  • Pres. Ulysses S. Grant, Pres. George W. Bush, Pres. Barack Obama, Pres. Donald Trump, King James I, King Charles VIII, Czar Ivan the Terrible, PM Indira Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Rep. Helen Gahagan Douglas, Diana Princess of Wales, Edith Wilson, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Betty Ford, Rosalynn Carter, Imelda Marcos
  • Frank Sinatra, Alice Cooper, Isaac Hayes, Jerry Garcia, George Michael, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Edith Piaf, Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt, Stevie Nicks, Gloria Estefan, Britney Spears, Lari White
  • Olivia De Haviland, Janet Gaynor, Mae West, Jayne Mansfield, Raquel Welch, Carol Burnett, Geraldine Chaplin, Ellen Burstyn, Kathy Bates, Helen Hunt, Marcia Gay Harden, Brooke Shields, Claudia Schiffer, Barbara Hershey, Rita Wilson, Jeff Bridges, Gene Wilder, Cheech Marin, Garrison Keillor, John Holmes, Robert Downey Jr., Kelly Ripa, Rona Barrett, Julia Child, Gordon Ramsay
  • Mary Shelley, Gustave Flaubert, Ernest Hemingway, Oriana Fallaci, Tamora Pierce, Robert Graves
  • Alan Dershowitz, Alfred Dreyfus, Clara Barton, Dottie Wiltse Collins, Elisabeth of the Trinity, Gen. George Patton, Henry Ford, Chelsea Clinton, Joanne Herring, Rodney King, Linda Tripp, Marthe Hanau, Linda Tripp, Linus Pauling, Carl Sagan, Martin Heidegger
  • Charles Manson, Gerald Gallego, Genevieve Lhermitte, Myra Hindley, James Hanratty, Amy Fisher, David Koresh
  • Elias Ashmole, Franz Hartmann, Max Heindel, Llewellyn George, Reinhold Ebertin, Kenneth Irving
Jim Eshelman
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