Suggestions for upcoming Solar Return

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Suggestions for upcoming Solar Return

Post by Oriole »

Hi all,

This is my first post on this forum. I am only beginning my study of SLR's using Jim's excellent book. However, I am unsure about my upcoming solar return and would be grateful for any suggestions. My main questions are: I am open to traveling for this birthday and was wondering if Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain would be a good location. It makes Sun Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter angular. Unfortunately, Neptune is also angular (conj DSC) and involved in a T-Square with the other planets. So I am curious, would such a configuration grant itself unfortunate as far as relationships go? (It is one of the areas I'd like to improve this year, along with possibly purchasing real estate). And if it is indeed detrimental, what would be a better option then?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated!

According to my birth certificate, I was born September 7, 1982, 11:37 PM, Odessa, Ukraine.
Currently reside in: New York, NY
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Re: Suggestions for upcoming Solar Return

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome, Oriole. With your birthday approaching next week, we need to move fast on this, yes?

Great question - it's a tough call. You have some great planets angular but not only the Neptune but also Mars. Mars-Neptune is pretty tough and some of those other Neptune aspects can be unpleasant. I'm sure I'd like not to travel and rely on unknown resources and any reliable transportation with Mercury-Neptune that strong.

I'm away from the computer this week that can easily calculate the mapping. I'd try to tweak it to bring the Jupiter closer to the angle - maybe the Venus-Jupiter exactly angular. Since that involves reducing the angles, it may throw you out into the Atlantic and be unreasonable, but that would be the theory
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Re: Suggestions for upcoming Solar Return

Post by Oriole »

Thank you for your swift reply, Jim. Yes, time is of the essence indeed. I have looked at some other locations, and the only one I found that is similar, but places Jupiter closer to IC, is Reykjavik, Iceland. ASC remains the same, so there is still that Mars presence looming nearby. However, I am hopeful that its Venus/Sun/Mercury conj will soften the influence. What do you think?
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Re: Suggestions for upcoming Solar Return

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It isn't perfect, but it's much improved. Venus is within a degree of Asc, so it dominates.

You're going to have a Moon-Saturn conjunction regardless - which you'll feel especially in three months, give or take a month. So it's good to get other things lined up to your benefit. This location does IMHO tip the scales better your way.

And another forum member is on her way to Reykjavic in the next few days also.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Suggestions for upcoming Solar Return

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Happy birthday, Oriole. I hope all is going well with you.
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Re: Suggestions for upcoming Solar Return

Post by Venus_Daily »

I really am so happy to see other forum members traveling for their birthdays. I've read certain news articles regarding astrology and travel for the Solar Return. I think the difference between our method and theirs is precision and accuracy.

Happy Birthday, Fellow Leo!
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