Families Charts and Uranus's Dark Reality

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Soft Alpaca
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Families Charts and Uranus's Dark Reality

Post by Soft Alpaca »

On realization of my Angular and Luminary Uranus I recalled heavy Aquarius energy in my Mom's, brother's, and Sister's charts. I had also recalled that we had thematically shared Mars-Mercury sign and aspects, so I thought maybe the same happened elsewhere in the charts.

For a little background my family is an addiction family. What we thought were normal family affairs, were sometimes not even close. As we have grown, for the better but have begun to grow further apart in distance, the temperament of our family doesn't change. We swear together because words are simply that, everything from sex to aliens are at the table conversation. However there is a little less spoken about darkness that's in all of us. From the music we listen to, to the actions we unconsciously do. This is the dark reality of our past that we choose to carry with us into our futures.

In my Mom's chart she has an aquaris sun, my brother an aquarius mars, and my sister an aquaris moon. Uranus in this situation is very pertinent as well. We have luminary Uranus aspects. My mother's loosely conj. her moon and loosely square her sun. My sisters loosely conj. her moon. My brothers sesquisquare his sun and conj. his Mars. Lastly mine is square by sun and on an angle.

Its intresting that the sign and planet are so important in all of our charts. I'm going to have and check trains to the sign to see how it effects the energy in the house as a whole.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
Avshalom Binyamin
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Re: Families Charts and Uranus's Dark Reality

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

Interesting. Angular Neptune and Moon-Mars aspects are very common in my family.
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Re: Families Charts and Uranus's Dark Reality

Post by Lance »

@Soft Alpaca,

I'm confused. Were you referring to swearing and sex-talk as dark behaviors?

Second, I have an angular Uranus and know a good number of other Uranus types. I do not associate darkness with Uranus at all. Free-thinkers? Yes. Bright-feeling minds? Yes. Some serious eccentrics? Yes.

I guess I'm kind of trying to unpack what you're describing.
Soft Alpaca
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Re: Families Charts and Uranus's Dark Reality

Post by Soft Alpaca »

A Uranuian person forges their reality from the actual. From something that they experienced.

For my family (all the Uranus folk) have this reality formed from the view of a drug addict family life style. Being poor, hungry, seeing or experiencing abuse, and seeing the bad parts of society and the world happened to the family as a whole. I ligtimantly used to think having parents who did nothing but sleep, left at 3 am in the morning without a word, having the oldest child caring for each others, etc was totally normal. So eventhough we are apart, we all have a reality formed from this darkness.

The darkness is the brutal reality of a world we continually choose to live in, one that we could honestly change overnight if we all decided to, but instead we continue to look away.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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