The most interesting feature is that you get a "discovered" natal Sun-Moon opposition within half a degree. (I don't suppose you have any old flames hanging around, do you?)
Well, it is not an old flame - but a brand new one. This pair bonding seems to be happening and it all started on the night of August 30th-31st when I was not looking for it at all. It kinda came as a surprise out of the blue - it was a strange and entertaining night and a string of events lead to this.All close Moon-Sun hard aspects in returns have, as one of their strongest probabilities, "formation of [polarized] relationship" or "receiving very special attention from one or many."
As I explored our synastry I got more and more interested. It has some very interesting features, especially when looking into solar arcs as well. He is sooooo much opposite to my ex that it is comic ... and he is even interested in astrology! (And he didn't say that to impress me, I had not even mentioned it, he mentioned it first).
I only looked at conjunctions, oppositions, squares and trines... there are also some sextiles and other aspects that I won't mention.
Firstly birth chart, birth location for both:
He has Neptune and Venus closest to MC ecliptically at his birth place and relocated. He is a professional musician. His Sun, Mer, Mars and Jupiter are closest to angle in the mundoscope and Saturn is on his WP. He has a wide Venus-Neptune conjunction, so artistic, romantic and perhaps dreamy - but his Venus is also square his Saturn, so it is also grounded and I guess capable of the commitment of long term bonding.
So what does my chart do to his chart?
Dsc conj ASC almost partile. Often said to be an instant attraction and even to be each other's ideal partner when the other's DSC comes to your own ASC. But probably never enough in and of itself... the charts need more contacts.
My Jupiter partile his Moon-Sun midpoint (with my Venus on the opposite side). *My Jup is also on my own Sun-Moon midpoint. So both our Sun-Moon midpoints are aligned, in the same degree!
My Saturn opp his Venus-Nep.
My Mer-Mars trine his Nep-Venus and square his Uranus.
My Moon trine his Mer.
Moon opp his Uranus-Moon - tight orb with Ur but wider orb with his Moon.
Sun opp his Sun-Mars - wide orb.
My Pluto trine his Sun-Mars and his Pluto on my n. WP.
Relocating both charts to Rvk makes both our angles align almost partile. But this time it is my rel DSC conj his rel MC and his n. Venus. He is always complimenting me in such a admiring and beautiful way. My rel MC conj his rel ASC which also makes my Uranus sq his ASC.
A very interesting scenario is brought about with our solar arcs / directed charts.
Our dir ASC are again opposite each others. Our dir Moons are opposite within 3° but interestingly they are both on our n. ASC/DSC angles, mine is on his DSC and his is on my DSC. Apparently very good for emotional understanding, connection and bonding. There also seems to be a strange telepathic ability between us and our imaginations connect in another dimension

And then this in the solar arcs:
My dir Mars is almost exact square his dir. Moon.
My dir Sun is partile trine his dir Venus.
My dir MC is partile his dir Mer.
My dir Nnode is conj his Sun-Mars.
My n. Nnode is conj his dir Venus.
My dir Venus trine his n. Venus.
My dir Jupiter is within 3° from his dir ASC.
My dir ASC and Saturn on his dir IC and close to his his n. Jup and opp his n. Sun-Mars.
My dir Uranus partile his dir Pluto.
When I direct the relocated Rvk charts even more is revealed ... that is when we get a double Mars symbolism. His n. Sun-Mars falls onto my dir DSC, so his n. Jup is opposite on my dir ASC and my n. Mars falls onto his dir DSC and there is a strong strong magnetic and sexual pull in both of us even now when I have gone away and am in a different country.
Well, there is most definitely something strong going on between us - whether it will last or not, time will tell. I really meant to say a final goodbye to him ... and kinda did in a very nice manner with my expression of gratitude which he reciprocated as I left. Just wanted to put it into a nice memory because I was just trying to be sensible and didn't want to start something when I am so newly separated. Well he also separated about 9 months ago and that was actually one part of the reason we bonded initially. That and him playing guitar and me singing

As I said, this might be just a short lived romance, I guess there is no way to tell now ... but at least it is full of sparks, it has that rare strong magnetic pull that feels so deep in the core that it's almost impossible to resist it. And then a feeling of being so much more alive when we are with each other and when we chat.
Composite chart shows DSC as midpoint between Venus 9° below and Pluto 9° above and Jupiter is also in 7th. The MC is the midpoint between the composite Sun and Moon. If using WSH Moon is in 11th and 8th house has Ur, Mer, Sun, Mars and Nnode. But if I use Campanus house system it puts all those planets plus Pluto, Jup and Nep into a big 7th house.