Memories, thoughts, imaginings of the two woman whom were once in my life consistently and as potential lovers yet neither of the relationships manifested.
Last night and this morning I reenacted in my mind past events where I was interested in a woman I saw routinely, one at school and one at work. One was older and married, and she was actually the initiator, the other my age and we were in school together. I didn’t want to be involved with a married woman for consequence, and the next year I’d be off the college so I didn’t want to start any relationship with the other girl. I think the point is the visions/memories just came back vividly.
tVenus n Mars
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: tVenus n Mars
Nice. Yes, pleasant sexy fantasies are certainly consistent with Venus transiting your Mars.
Jim Eshelman
Re: tVenus n Mars
T venus is conjunct my N mars today.
Which also means t venus is sextile my n mercury and my n uranus.
Also, being conjunct my n mars it would seem since my n mars is part of my strongest midpoint (venus/mars conjunct my Dec square my N pluto) that it is also influencing that part of me.
I feel good today.
I instigated/acted on feelings of love and tenderness and hope last night.
Hope and dreams seem to be a uniquely human condition.
Life and its pressures and tensions and ambiguous ways are so challenging. It feels like, we tether ourself to a dream or wish or story or hope, like a child who wakes up in the dark cold night afraid of the strange sounds and disorientation of the blackness and cold, and clings to a blanket for strentgh and warmth, not knowing that the sun will eventually rise and the warmth and light return.
Last year I had a date for this transit. A wonderful simple dinner. And all year I held on to that blanket of niceness. Hoping.
This year though my progressed chart grew and my SSR gave me an opportunity to be alone and be myself. My progressed chart shows a very powerful moon/pluto trine mars tribe saturn, which feels awsome because its like an anchor for my deeply sensitive emotional aspects.
It always amazed me the physical symptoms I used to get when my emtions were triggered....legs weak and shakibg...hands flushed....lead in my gut....tightness in my chest....distorted vision.
I barely had any physical reactions to what could have been a devastating emotional situation. I faced my fears and confusion and dreams and was fact better then ok. I was happy to go home and be alone and listen to music I like and do my own thing.
It was like I let go of the balloon.
Which also means t venus is sextile my n mercury and my n uranus.
Also, being conjunct my n mars it would seem since my n mars is part of my strongest midpoint (venus/mars conjunct my Dec square my N pluto) that it is also influencing that part of me.
I feel good today.
I instigated/acted on feelings of love and tenderness and hope last night.
Hope and dreams seem to be a uniquely human condition.
Life and its pressures and tensions and ambiguous ways are so challenging. It feels like, we tether ourself to a dream or wish or story or hope, like a child who wakes up in the dark cold night afraid of the strange sounds and disorientation of the blackness and cold, and clings to a blanket for strentgh and warmth, not knowing that the sun will eventually rise and the warmth and light return.
Last year I had a date for this transit. A wonderful simple dinner. And all year I held on to that blanket of niceness. Hoping.
This year though my progressed chart grew and my SSR gave me an opportunity to be alone and be myself. My progressed chart shows a very powerful moon/pluto trine mars tribe saturn, which feels awsome because its like an anchor for my deeply sensitive emotional aspects.
It always amazed me the physical symptoms I used to get when my emtions were triggered....legs weak and shakibg...hands flushed....lead in my gut....tightness in my chest....distorted vision.
I barely had any physical reactions to what could have been a devastating emotional situation. I faced my fears and confusion and dreams and was fact better then ok. I was happy to go home and be alone and listen to music I like and do my own thing.
It was like I let go of the balloon.