Here are the stack summaries of the five worst hot air balloon accidents in history:
LUXOR (19 died)
Year (Capsolar): Moon-Jupiter
Year (Cansolar): Moon Mars-Uranus-Pluto
Quarter: Sun Saturn Moon-Neptune
Month: Mercury Mars Jupiter Neptune Mercury-Mars-Neptune Mercury-Mars-Jupiter
Week: Pluto
Day (Capsolar): Neptune Moon-Jupiter Moon-Sun
Day (CanQ): Mercury Moon-Mars-Uranus-Pluto Mercury-Saturn
LOCKHART (16 died)
Year: Jupiter.
Quarter (Cansolar): Moon-Jupiter
Quarter (Arisolar): Sun Uranus Sun-Uranus
Month: Uranus Pluto Moon-Sun-Uranus
Week: Mars Moon-Uranus
Day (CapQ): Moon-Uranus Moon-Pluto Moon-Pluto
Day (Cansolar): Mercury Venus Saturn Moon-Jupiter Moon-Jupiter
Year (Capsolar): Moon-Sun-Mars
Year (Cansolar): Mars Moon-Uranus Venus-Mars
Month: Moon Sun Mercury Moon-Sun-Mercury
Week: Uranus Jupiter-Uranus Saturn-Neptune
Day (Capsolar): Moon Jupiter Uranus Jupiter-Uranus
Day (Cansolar transit): Sun.
CARTERTON (11 died)
Year (Capsolar): Moon-Neptune
Year (Cansolar): Moon Mercury Moon-Mercury
Quarter: Moon-Pluto
Month: Venus Moon-Saturn Sun-Pluto Jupiter-Pluto
Week: Moon Moon-Saturn Moon-Pluto Mars-Uranus
Day (Capsolar): Moon Mars Moon-Neptune
Day (Cansolar): Mercury Moon-Neptune Venus Jupiter
Year: Moon Mercury Jupiter
Quarter: Venus Uranus Pluto Mars-Uranus-Pluto
Month: Uranus Pluto Moon-Saturn Uranus-Pluto
Week: Neptune Moon-Mercury Moon-Saturn
Day (Capsolar): Moon Moon Sun Venus Saturn Moon-Sun Sun-Saturn
Day (Cansolar): Sun Saturn Jupiter
STUDY: Worst Balloon Crashes
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
STUDY: Worst Balloon Crashes
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: STUDY: Worst Balloon Crashes
13 Moon
11 Sun Jupiter Uranus
10 Mercury
9 Pluto
8 Saturn
7 Neptune
6 Mars
5 Venus
9 Moon
7 Mercury
6 Sun Jupiter Uranus
5 Venus
4 Mars Saturn Pluto
3 Neptune
5 Moon-Sun Moon-Jupiter Moon-Uranus Moon-Pluto
4 Moon-Saturn Moon-Neptune
3 Moon-Mercury
2 Moon-Mars
0 Moon-Venus
4 Mars-Uranus Uranus-Pluto
3 Mars-Pluto
2 Sun-Uranus Jupiter-Uranus
1 Sun-Mercury Sun-Mars Sun-Saturn Sun-Pluto Mercury-Mars Mercury-Jupiter Mercury-Saturn Mercury-Neptune Venus-Mars Mars-Jupiter Mars-Neptune Jupiter-Pluto Saturn-Neptune
13 Moon
11 Sun Jupiter Uranus
10 Mercury
9 Pluto
8 Saturn
7 Neptune
6 Mars
5 Venus
9 Moon
7 Mercury
6 Sun Jupiter Uranus
5 Venus
4 Mars Saturn Pluto
3 Neptune
5 Moon-Sun Moon-Jupiter Moon-Uranus Moon-Pluto
4 Moon-Saturn Moon-Neptune
3 Moon-Mercury
2 Moon-Mars
0 Moon-Venus
4 Mars-Uranus Uranus-Pluto
3 Mars-Pluto
2 Sun-Uranus Jupiter-Uranus
1 Sun-Mercury Sun-Mars Sun-Saturn Sun-Pluto Mercury-Mars Mercury-Jupiter Mercury-Saturn Mercury-Neptune Venus-Mars Mars-Jupiter Mars-Neptune Jupiter-Pluto Saturn-Neptune
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: STUDY: Worst Balloon Crashes
These are quite interesting. I think we have some mysteries to unlock here.
First, to state the "problems" - On casual inspection, and on the tallies, it's easy to see that there is a lot of Jupiter here. That might be a coincidence or might be a kind of signature. I can think of several things Jupiterian about hot air balloon rides, including the fact that they tend to be somewhat hoity-toity recreations. Mildly speaking against this theory is that Venus performs so poorly - these are not showing as initially "let's wake up early, go out into beautiful country, have a lot of cool fun with bright and pretty colors, and they open cheap champagne for everyone at the end." I'd have expected more Venus with the Jupiter.
And, in several ways, these tallies look like they are upside down. Moon is easily the most angular here, and Moon is almost never anywhere but the bottom in event tallies. Aside from Venus, the three malefics are at the very bottom
These are not showing as classic Mars & Saturn events despite crashes, fires, and deaths.
In fact, Uranus (often with Pluto) is the most obvious general planet. It seems these are not being portrayed as "classically malefic" events so much as "freaky, weird" events, which is kinda true. And I have no trouble thinking of balloon rides in general (and especially first or rare balloon rides for most passengers who take them) as inherently Uranus events.
The last event (5th in rank, least loss of life) is the poorest set of charts. Besides that one, they all look pretty good if we temporarily ignore the Jupiter. (Working under the theory that Jupiter might somehow be a "signature planet" of this sort of activity, its reasonable to look at the charts without Jupiter, just to see if they portray the events well enough in general... and then to come back to consider the Jupiter meaning.)
Here are the five events "explained" by the charts, temporarily ignoring Jupiter:
Here are the stack summaries of the five worst hot air balloon accidents in history:
LUXOR (19 died)
YEAR: The Cansolar has a tight Moon-Mars-Uranus-Pluto aspect angular. These aspects all progress to partile in a 5-week window that defines the event. MONTH is an extraordinary Caplunar in every respect. WEEK puts Moon, Uranus, and Pluto on angles. DAY is marked primarily those CanQ Moon progressions, plus an angular Mercury (anchoring the geographical location) that is squared by Saturn. Altogether, a spectacular showing.
LOCKHART (16 died)
After a poor start with the Year, the Bridge pulls a series of lunar progressions that are universal (not geographically specific), especially Moon to two Plutos and one Uranus. MONTH then puts Uranus & Pluto angular with luminaries. WEEK puts Mars exactly angular with a Moon-Uranus. DAY has those lunar progressions in the CapQ and Saturn angular in the CanQ. This is an excellent showing for a disruptive, fundamentally Uranus-Pluto event that turns out bad.
YEAR: A partile Moon-Mars conjunction in a dormant Capsolar. The Cansolar takes over and puts Mars exactly on MC, and some Venus and Pluto in the mix plus Moon-Uranus. MONTH has only transportation themes. WEEK has Uranus tightly angular and a foreground close Saturn-Neptune conjunction. The DAY brings Uranus to an angle. (There is a lot of Jupiter interwoven with this one; but, remember, I'm skipping that for now.) Dancing around the Jupiter, this is a solid showing for a fundamentally Uranian event that turns out bad; and this one was an actual mid-air collision.
CARTERTON (11 died)
YEAR shows Mercury themes. BRIDGE brings transiting Neptune and Mars to Capsolar Moon and angles. MONTH: A strange mix, hard to assess simply but ultimately showing shocking, disruptive circumstances. WEEK: Magnificent chart for loss, fiery explosion, etc. with Moon-Pluto, Mars-Uranus, and Moon-Saturn themes dominant. DAY: The Mars & Neptune to Capsolar. Overall, an excellent showing.
YEAR: Poor chart, showing good Mercury events. The Bridge doesn't help. MONTH: Moon-Saturn, plus Uranus-Pluto angular and partile square, quite accurate. WEEK: Moon-Saturn partile, Neptune exactly on MC, a Mercury theme: Accurately shows tragedy in Mercury matters. DAY: CapQ has luminaries partile aspecting Saturn on angles. CanQ throws in an extra Saturn. Other than the misleading Capsolar, this is all pretty good.
First, to state the "problems" - On casual inspection, and on the tallies, it's easy to see that there is a lot of Jupiter here. That might be a coincidence or might be a kind of signature. I can think of several things Jupiterian about hot air balloon rides, including the fact that they tend to be somewhat hoity-toity recreations. Mildly speaking against this theory is that Venus performs so poorly - these are not showing as initially "let's wake up early, go out into beautiful country, have a lot of cool fun with bright and pretty colors, and they open cheap champagne for everyone at the end." I'd have expected more Venus with the Jupiter.
And, in several ways, these tallies look like they are upside down. Moon is easily the most angular here, and Moon is almost never anywhere but the bottom in event tallies. Aside from Venus, the three malefics are at the very bottom

In fact, Uranus (often with Pluto) is the most obvious general planet. It seems these are not being portrayed as "classically malefic" events so much as "freaky, weird" events, which is kinda true. And I have no trouble thinking of balloon rides in general (and especially first or rare balloon rides for most passengers who take them) as inherently Uranus events.
The last event (5th in rank, least loss of life) is the poorest set of charts. Besides that one, they all look pretty good if we temporarily ignore the Jupiter. (Working under the theory that Jupiter might somehow be a "signature planet" of this sort of activity, its reasonable to look at the charts without Jupiter, just to see if they portray the events well enough in general... and then to come back to consider the Jupiter meaning.)
Here are the five events "explained" by the charts, temporarily ignoring Jupiter:
Here are the stack summaries of the five worst hot air balloon accidents in history:
LUXOR (19 died)
YEAR: The Cansolar has a tight Moon-Mars-Uranus-Pluto aspect angular. These aspects all progress to partile in a 5-week window that defines the event. MONTH is an extraordinary Caplunar in every respect. WEEK puts Moon, Uranus, and Pluto on angles. DAY is marked primarily those CanQ Moon progressions, plus an angular Mercury (anchoring the geographical location) that is squared by Saturn. Altogether, a spectacular showing.
LOCKHART (16 died)
After a poor start with the Year, the Bridge pulls a series of lunar progressions that are universal (not geographically specific), especially Moon to two Plutos and one Uranus. MONTH then puts Uranus & Pluto angular with luminaries. WEEK puts Mars exactly angular with a Moon-Uranus. DAY has those lunar progressions in the CapQ and Saturn angular in the CanQ. This is an excellent showing for a disruptive, fundamentally Uranus-Pluto event that turns out bad.
YEAR: A partile Moon-Mars conjunction in a dormant Capsolar. The Cansolar takes over and puts Mars exactly on MC, and some Venus and Pluto in the mix plus Moon-Uranus. MONTH has only transportation themes. WEEK has Uranus tightly angular and a foreground close Saturn-Neptune conjunction. The DAY brings Uranus to an angle. (There is a lot of Jupiter interwoven with this one; but, remember, I'm skipping that for now.) Dancing around the Jupiter, this is a solid showing for a fundamentally Uranian event that turns out bad; and this one was an actual mid-air collision.
CARTERTON (11 died)
YEAR shows Mercury themes. BRIDGE brings transiting Neptune and Mars to Capsolar Moon and angles. MONTH: A strange mix, hard to assess simply but ultimately showing shocking, disruptive circumstances. WEEK: Magnificent chart for loss, fiery explosion, etc. with Moon-Pluto, Mars-Uranus, and Moon-Saturn themes dominant. DAY: The Mars & Neptune to Capsolar. Overall, an excellent showing.
YEAR: Poor chart, showing good Mercury events. The Bridge doesn't help. MONTH: Moon-Saturn, plus Uranus-Pluto angular and partile square, quite accurate. WEEK: Moon-Saturn partile, Neptune exactly on MC, a Mercury theme: Accurately shows tragedy in Mercury matters. DAY: CapQ has luminaries partile aspecting Saturn on angles. CanQ throws in an extra Saturn. Other than the misleading Capsolar, this is all pretty good.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: STUDY: Worst Balloon Crashes
But then we have to add the Jupiter back in. I want to single it out for separate mention.
YEAR: Universal Moon-Jupiter square in the dormant Capsolar, then none in the Cansolar. MONTH & WEEK: None. DAY: Transiting Jupiter still aspects CapQ Moon, and transiting Sun triggers the Capsolar's Moon-Jupiter aspect. - That's plenty of Jupiter in pivotal places, though it misses the lunar ingresses altogether.
YEAR: Jupiter closely angular is the only thing operative in the Cansolar. MONTH & WEEK: None. DAY: Transiting Jupiter still aspects Cansolar & CanQ Moon. (Notice that the CapQ had its own, more explosive lunar progressions.) - Again, the lunar ingresses are missed, and the Jupiter is basically something set up in the Year chart and continued.
YEAR & MONTH: None. WEEK: A curious Jupiter-Uranus opposition dominates, with both of them angular. Jupiter is not tightly angular, but the aspect is quite as important as the foreground Saturn-Neptune. DAY: CapQ puts the same Jupiter-Uranus on angles (which, admittedly, is the only way to put the Uranus on the angles). - Other than this Jupiter-Uranus aspect's dominance of (what are usually) the two most important and reliable techniques we have (Week chart + CapQ), it doesn't appear.
YEAR: None. MONTH: Jupiter barely foreground and tied only to a Pluto aspect, so not at all aberrant for "bad" events. WEEK: None. DAY: Jupiter transit to a Cansolar angle contrasts Mars-Neptune transits to the Capsolar. (Really, this is the only Jupiter presence in this event, and can almost be overlooked.)
YEAR: Jupiter closely angular. MONTH & WEEK: None. DAY: Jupiter squares Cansolar MC. We can almost ignore this given that the CapQ is so strong and accurate that "best practice" would use the Cancer techniques only as fill in (and the CanQ had an angular Saturn 08' anyway).
Ah, I'm quite happy to broke Jupiter out this particular way. I saw so much, that I had missed that the lunar ingresses remain completely untouched by Jupiter altogether (except for that Jupiter-Uranus opposition for @). The activity is all in the solar ingresses and daily timing derived from them. This is quite fascinating.
For LUXOR, the whole world had a Moon-Jupiter for the year, and it continued to be transited. For LOCKHART, Jupiter was angular in the Cansolar, and continued to transit factors soon after. For ALICE SPRINGS, only that interesting Jupiter-Uranus aspect popped in, though in very important places (it pretty much defined the event). For CARTERTON, we don't really have a Jupiter presence worth mention. For LUBLJANA MARSHES, Jupiter was closely angular for the year and continued a (mostly buried) transit to a solar ingress at the end (amidst Saturn appearances).
YEAR: Universal Moon-Jupiter square in the dormant Capsolar, then none in the Cansolar. MONTH & WEEK: None. DAY: Transiting Jupiter still aspects CapQ Moon, and transiting Sun triggers the Capsolar's Moon-Jupiter aspect. - That's plenty of Jupiter in pivotal places, though it misses the lunar ingresses altogether.
YEAR: Jupiter closely angular is the only thing operative in the Cansolar. MONTH & WEEK: None. DAY: Transiting Jupiter still aspects Cansolar & CanQ Moon. (Notice that the CapQ had its own, more explosive lunar progressions.) - Again, the lunar ingresses are missed, and the Jupiter is basically something set up in the Year chart and continued.
YEAR & MONTH: None. WEEK: A curious Jupiter-Uranus opposition dominates, with both of them angular. Jupiter is not tightly angular, but the aspect is quite as important as the foreground Saturn-Neptune. DAY: CapQ puts the same Jupiter-Uranus on angles (which, admittedly, is the only way to put the Uranus on the angles). - Other than this Jupiter-Uranus aspect's dominance of (what are usually) the two most important and reliable techniques we have (Week chart + CapQ), it doesn't appear.
YEAR: None. MONTH: Jupiter barely foreground and tied only to a Pluto aspect, so not at all aberrant for "bad" events. WEEK: None. DAY: Jupiter transit to a Cansolar angle contrasts Mars-Neptune transits to the Capsolar. (Really, this is the only Jupiter presence in this event, and can almost be overlooked.)
YEAR: Jupiter closely angular. MONTH & WEEK: None. DAY: Jupiter squares Cansolar MC. We can almost ignore this given that the CapQ is so strong and accurate that "best practice" would use the Cancer techniques only as fill in (and the CanQ had an angular Saturn 08' anyway).
Ah, I'm quite happy to broke Jupiter out this particular way. I saw so much, that I had missed that the lunar ingresses remain completely untouched by Jupiter altogether (except for that Jupiter-Uranus opposition for @). The activity is all in the solar ingresses and daily timing derived from them. This is quite fascinating.
For LUXOR, the whole world had a Moon-Jupiter for the year, and it continued to be transited. For LOCKHART, Jupiter was angular in the Cansolar, and continued to transit factors soon after. For ALICE SPRINGS, only that interesting Jupiter-Uranus aspect popped in, though in very important places (it pretty much defined the event). For CARTERTON, we don't really have a Jupiter presence worth mention. For LUBLJANA MARSHES, Jupiter was closely angular for the year and continued a (mostly buried) transit to a solar ingress at the end (amidst Saturn appearances).
Jim Eshelman