NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
- Jim Eshelman
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NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
Please feel free to download a copy of my new research report, Astrology & Finance, from the following link: ... file%2cpdf
(I have removed the draft version I made available yesterday, after completing a rewrite pass last night.)
This report contains two main sections:
Most of the book examines the Sidereal solar and lunar cardinal ingresses, with their transits and progressions, for a series of financial crises broadly called “panics.” Most of these occurred in the United States, and these are examined both for the center of government in Washington, DC, and the center of finance in the Wall Street district of New York City. Clear patterns emerge in these charts.
A final chapter moves from minute examination of these few large events to broader, more categorical examination of a larger number of smaller significant events. Specifically, the main tools for short-term event timing are tested against the 20 dates on which the American stock market (as measured by the Dow Jones index) made its greatest single-day gains, another 20 when
it dropped the most, and another 20 where the market fluctuated most widely over the course of the day.
Your comments are welcome (including errata - this stuff is a bear to proofread, and your help is always appreciated).
Enjoy! ... file%2cpdf
(I have removed the draft version I made available yesterday, after completing a rewrite pass last night.)
This report contains two main sections:
Most of the book examines the Sidereal solar and lunar cardinal ingresses, with their transits and progressions, for a series of financial crises broadly called “panics.” Most of these occurred in the United States, and these are examined both for the center of government in Washington, DC, and the center of finance in the Wall Street district of New York City. Clear patterns emerge in these charts.
A final chapter moves from minute examination of these few large events to broader, more categorical examination of a larger number of smaller significant events. Specifically, the main tools for short-term event timing are tested against the 20 dates on which the American stock market (as measured by the Dow Jones index) made its greatest single-day gains, another 20 when
it dropped the most, and another 20 where the market fluctuated most widely over the course of the day.
Your comments are welcome (including errata - this stuff is a bear to proofread, and your help is always appreciated).
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
SteveS wrote:Jim wrote:Yes, Neptune has distinguished itself in our market research with Jim’s SMA as being the leading planetary influence for financial panics. Prominent Neptune symbolism in a Cardinal Sidereal Solar Ingress, particularly the Capsolar or Cansolar for DC or NYC is par-excellent symbolism for a financial panic with sharply falling prices after sharply rising prices. Before we started this research project with financial markets, Jim had isolated non-dormant Neptune with his SMA work as causing ‘hysterics’ involving mass collected psychology, and we can certainly isolate Neptune as causing mass hysterics with any type of sharp market movements. One of the most recent amazing examples of Neptune’s market hysterics is the financial panic of 2008. If you will go to the following link: ... al_AverageNeptune is distinctive to financial panic.
and scroll down to the largest intraday point swings in market history-- then compute NYC 2008 Cansolar-- you will notice when all of these wild speculative one day swings were occurring happened when transiting Neptune was partile cnj NYC Cansolar Asc in the autumn of 2008, involving a non-dormant Mars-Neptune NYC 2008 Cansolar. As usual Jim—excellent writings with this Astrology & Finance thread.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
Let's test this one specific claim against the data at hand.SteveS wrote:Prominent Neptune symbolism in a Cardinal Sidereal Solar Ingress, particularly the Capsolar or Cansolar for DC or NYC is par-excellent symbolism for a financial panic with sharply falling prices after sharply rising prices.
First... as an aside... what does data show thus far about Neptune and these events? Here are the hard numbers I can pull out of A&F.
1. Of all charts used in the stack for all the financial panics studied, combining both NY and national capitals such as Washington, Neptune was one of the three planets most often angular or aspecting the Moon. (The three, in order, were Sun, Saturn, Neptune.)
1A. For NYC, Neptune was second only to Sun - Saturn and Pluto came next. For national capitals, Neptune was second only to Saturn. (Sun came third.)
2. DC lunar ingress of the week shows Neptune spike for individual days of greatest losses.
But what about the solar ingresses in particular, as Steve mentioned...
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
Lets take every non-dormant solar ingress for each of the 20 panic events (i.e., treating NY and DC as separate events), and tally what planets were foreground for each.
For the national capitals (Washington, Vienna, Berlin, Tel Aviv), there were 24 separate non-dormant solar ingresses involved. For these, Saturn is the most frequent foreground planet and Neptune is totally average, using my usual method of 1 point for close angularity and .5 points for wider:
Su 6
Mo 5
Me 5.5
Ve 7.5
Ma 7
Ju 8
Sa 11
Ur 3.5
Ne 6.5
Pl 6
For New York City, there were 12 separate non-dormant solar ingresses involved. Once again, Neptune is quite average. This time, Saturn (though higher than most planets) plays second fiddle to a large spike of Venus (which has twice as many points as Neptune, for example). I saw this Venus pattern in passing as I was first going through the charts, and I credit it to happiness before the crash - part of the boom - for much the same reason that Venus was angular in the 1941 Capsolar which marked a year of a nation being strongly peace-leaning for 11 months - before Pearl Harbor hit.
Su 2
Mo 2.5
Me 2.5
Ve 7
Ma 3.5
Ju 2.5
Sa 5.5
Ur 1.5
Ne 3.5
Pl 3
If we combine these two - taking all locations - Saturn is the strongest force (16.5 points) with Venus (due to the heavy NYC weight) coming in second at 14.5 points. Uranus remains the least (5 points). Neptune is quite average at 10 points.
This Venus pattern is really interesting to me! When ALL charts in the stack - solar, lunar, and daily - are counted, Venus is totally average. Only when specifically NYC solar ingresses are tallied does it emerge. By definition, then, it must be a long-term factor distinctive to New York (i.e., Wall Street). Since Venus dominates the shortest term charts for days of greatest single-day gains, I conclude it is bullish and, therefore, must be showing the "party" in full swing up until the point of the crash. (Or so is my theory.)
Still, though, I haven't found Neptune as a stand-out factor in these solar ingresses; but I still have a couple of other ways to look at it...
A few other quick summaries:
Let's drop the wider angularities, and only count the planets within the immediate foreground - within 3° of horizon or meridian, or 2° of lesser angles. If we take the capital cities only, Saturn is the clear winner (8 pts, where nothing else is above 5). If we take NYC only, Venus and Saturn tie with 5 pts each, nothing else being above 3 pts (Neptune is 2 pts). If we combine NYC with the capital cities, we get (predictably) Saturn highest (13), Venus placing (10), and Neptune quite average at 6. (This is useful BTW: It tells us that the rankings when we use all foreground are essentially the same as when we use only immediate foreground, so, hereafter, I can use all available data points for this particular data set.)
Since the specific claim included only Capsolars and Cansolars... I don't have the data sorted that way (would require revisiting all the charts), but let's get close with considering only the currently active Chart of the Year (which will usually be a Capsolar)...
For the world capitals, we have 11 Year charts that are non-dormant. Saturn dominates these (Saturn has 5 points, everything else is 1.0-3.0). For NYC, we have 5 non-dormant Year charts: This aren't many data but, what's there, shows Venus in the lead. Combining all of these for Year-chart-only, we get a total of 22 charts, with the following results: Saturn leads with 6.5 points, then Venus, then Pluto.
I have one more approach. So far, though, despite Neptune's importance in the shorter term charts, I can't squeeze anything out of these data to show that Neptune has any significance in the solar ingresses, regardless of location.
For the national capitals (Washington, Vienna, Berlin, Tel Aviv), there were 24 separate non-dormant solar ingresses involved. For these, Saturn is the most frequent foreground planet and Neptune is totally average, using my usual method of 1 point for close angularity and .5 points for wider:
Su 6
Mo 5
Me 5.5
Ve 7.5
Ma 7
Ju 8
Sa 11
Ur 3.5
Ne 6.5
Pl 6
For New York City, there were 12 separate non-dormant solar ingresses involved. Once again, Neptune is quite average. This time, Saturn (though higher than most planets) plays second fiddle to a large spike of Venus (which has twice as many points as Neptune, for example). I saw this Venus pattern in passing as I was first going through the charts, and I credit it to happiness before the crash - part of the boom - for much the same reason that Venus was angular in the 1941 Capsolar which marked a year of a nation being strongly peace-leaning for 11 months - before Pearl Harbor hit.
Su 2
Mo 2.5
Me 2.5
Ve 7
Ma 3.5
Ju 2.5
Sa 5.5
Ur 1.5
Ne 3.5
Pl 3
If we combine these two - taking all locations - Saturn is the strongest force (16.5 points) with Venus (due to the heavy NYC weight) coming in second at 14.5 points. Uranus remains the least (5 points). Neptune is quite average at 10 points.
This Venus pattern is really interesting to me! When ALL charts in the stack - solar, lunar, and daily - are counted, Venus is totally average. Only when specifically NYC solar ingresses are tallied does it emerge. By definition, then, it must be a long-term factor distinctive to New York (i.e., Wall Street). Since Venus dominates the shortest term charts for days of greatest single-day gains, I conclude it is bullish and, therefore, must be showing the "party" in full swing up until the point of the crash. (Or so is my theory.)
Still, though, I haven't found Neptune as a stand-out factor in these solar ingresses; but I still have a couple of other ways to look at it...
A few other quick summaries:
Let's drop the wider angularities, and only count the planets within the immediate foreground - within 3° of horizon or meridian, or 2° of lesser angles. If we take the capital cities only, Saturn is the clear winner (8 pts, where nothing else is above 5). If we take NYC only, Venus and Saturn tie with 5 pts each, nothing else being above 3 pts (Neptune is 2 pts). If we combine NYC with the capital cities, we get (predictably) Saturn highest (13), Venus placing (10), and Neptune quite average at 6. (This is useful BTW: It tells us that the rankings when we use all foreground are essentially the same as when we use only immediate foreground, so, hereafter, I can use all available data points for this particular data set.)
Since the specific claim included only Capsolars and Cansolars... I don't have the data sorted that way (would require revisiting all the charts), but let's get close with considering only the currently active Chart of the Year (which will usually be a Capsolar)...
For the world capitals, we have 11 Year charts that are non-dormant. Saturn dominates these (Saturn has 5 points, everything else is 1.0-3.0). For NYC, we have 5 non-dormant Year charts: This aren't many data but, what's there, shows Venus in the lead. Combining all of these for Year-chart-only, we get a total of 22 charts, with the following results: Saturn leads with 6.5 points, then Venus, then Pluto.
I have one more approach. So far, though, despite Neptune's importance in the shorter term charts, I can't squeeze anything out of these data to show that Neptune has any significance in the solar ingresses, regardless of location.

Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
The final approach is to go event by event, for each location, and just see if there is at least a representative presence of Neptune in Capsolars or Cansolars. (As a comparison: Mercury is not even close to being the most angular planet in transportation disasters, but there is a distinctive Mercury presence in each of them. Does that happen here with Neptune?)
CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
CANSOLAR: Neptune square MC < 2°
NY PRIOR CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune opposition (0°02') on EP/WP
DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune just over 3° from MC, most interesting because of the partile aspects with Mercury & Mars - none of them count as "immediate foreground," all just past 3°, but arguably the strongest thing in the chart in combination with rising Saturn and a Moon-Pluto conjunction.
DC CANSOLAR: Essentially the same, but with one major exception: Neptune is only 1° from Midheaven, and all the Mercury-Mars-Neptune cluster are super close.
CAPSOLAR: Dormant. (Neptune aspects are insanely bad, but they aren't anywhere near the angles.)
PRIOR CANSOLAR: Neptune very widely foreground (nearly 6°). One has to get to the month chart (Caplunar) before Neptune seriously appears.
NY & DC CAPSOLAR: Dormant.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune very widely angular (7°+), though significant for a partile Saturn-Neptune square in the foreground (Saturn is 1°+ from WP).
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune is closer to the angle - 3°40' from MC - and most distinctive for the Mars/Neptune midpoint being 0°11' from MC.
NY & dc CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
(Event was in first half of the year with a non-dormant Capsolar, so normally no reason to check the Cansolar.)
DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune < 1° from IC, in 3°+ mundane square to Moon.
NY & DC CAPSOLAR: Moon-Neptune opposition (1°, not angular, affecting the entire world).
NY CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune square (partile). Neptune is distantly angular (5°+), hardly the most obvious thing in the chart, but a presence especially because of the Moon aspect.
DC CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune square (partile), now with Neptune < 2° from MC. One of the two most important things in the chart.
CAPSOLAR: Dormant.
PRIOR CANSOLAR: Neptune 9° from the angles, shouldn't be counted as a significant factor. (This was a minor event, I wouldn't take this overly seriously.)
CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
CANSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY & DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY CANSOLAR: No Neptune.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune is over 8° from IC. It's hard to call it a major factor. It's one point of interest is that it opposes Mercury 1°+ in mundo.
DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune rises < 2°.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune rises 3°+
CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
CANSOLAR: Neptune square MC < 2°
NY PRIOR CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune opposition (0°02') on EP/WP
DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune just over 3° from MC, most interesting because of the partile aspects with Mercury & Mars - none of them count as "immediate foreground," all just past 3°, but arguably the strongest thing in the chart in combination with rising Saturn and a Moon-Pluto conjunction.
DC CANSOLAR: Essentially the same, but with one major exception: Neptune is only 1° from Midheaven, and all the Mercury-Mars-Neptune cluster are super close.
CAPSOLAR: Dormant. (Neptune aspects are insanely bad, but they aren't anywhere near the angles.)
PRIOR CANSOLAR: Neptune very widely foreground (nearly 6°). One has to get to the month chart (Caplunar) before Neptune seriously appears.
NY & DC CAPSOLAR: Dormant.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune very widely angular (7°+), though significant for a partile Saturn-Neptune square in the foreground (Saturn is 1°+ from WP).
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune is closer to the angle - 3°40' from MC - and most distinctive for the Mars/Neptune midpoint being 0°11' from MC.
NY & dc CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
(Event was in first half of the year with a non-dormant Capsolar, so normally no reason to check the Cansolar.)
DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune < 1° from IC, in 3°+ mundane square to Moon.
NY & DC CAPSOLAR: Moon-Neptune opposition (1°, not angular, affecting the entire world).
NY CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune square (partile). Neptune is distantly angular (5°+), hardly the most obvious thing in the chart, but a presence especially because of the Moon aspect.
DC CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune square (partile), now with Neptune < 2° from MC. One of the two most important things in the chart.
CAPSOLAR: Dormant.
PRIOR CANSOLAR: Neptune 9° from the angles, shouldn't be counted as a significant factor. (This was a minor event, I wouldn't take this overly seriously.)
CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
CANSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY & DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY CANSOLAR: No Neptune.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune is over 8° from IC. It's hard to call it a major factor. It's one point of interest is that it opposes Mercury 1°+ in mundo.
DC CAPSOLAR: No Neptune.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune rises < 2°.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune rises 3°+
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
OK, Steve, I think you nailed it. This one was really interesting because Neptune is so infrequently present that it is totally average in all tallies of angular planets for these events - Saturn is by far more common in the solar ingresses, Neptune is utterly uninteresting. However, when events are examined item by item, Neptune has an unmistakably important role in almost every case.
Some caveats...
The most important caveat is that this effect doesn't show for any non-USA event tested. For now, we should consider Neptune in the Capsolar/Cansolar as a distinctly American market element IMHO. Second, the effects are far stronger for Washington than for NY in most cases, but not in all cases. Third, the effect is exclusively in the Cansolar, not the Capsolar! <!> (In one instance, a milder effect was also in the Capsolar.)
Stripping out the non-USA events, and the charts that showed nothing, here is a tighter summary of the charts that showed something.
CANSOLAR: Neptune square MC < 2°
NY PRIOR CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune opposition (0°02') on EP/WP
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune just over 3° from MC, partile aspects with Mercury & Mars - none in "immediate foreground," all just past 3°.
DC CANSOLAR: Essentially the same, but with one major exception: Neptune is only 1° from Midheaven, and all the Mercury-Mars-Neptune cluster are super close.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune very widely angular (7°+), though significant for a partile Saturn-Neptune square in the foreground (Saturn is 1°+ from WP).
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune is closer to the angle - 3°40' from MC - and most distinctive for the Mars/Neptune midpoint being 0°11' from MC.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune < 1° from IC, in 3°+ mundane square to Moon.
NY & DC CAPSOLAR: Moon-Neptune opposition (1°, not angular, affecting the entire world).
NY CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune square (partile). Neptune is distantly angular (5°+), hardly the most obvious thing in the chart, but a presence especially because of the Moon aspect.
DC CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune square (partile), now with Neptune < 2° from MC. One of the two most important things in the chart.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune is over 8° from IC. It's hard to call it a major factor. It's one point of interest is that it opposes Mercury 1°+ in mundo.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune rises < 2°.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune rises 3°+
Some caveats...
The most important caveat is that this effect doesn't show for any non-USA event tested. For now, we should consider Neptune in the Capsolar/Cansolar as a distinctly American market element IMHO. Second, the effects are far stronger for Washington than for NY in most cases, but not in all cases. Third, the effect is exclusively in the Cansolar, not the Capsolar! <!> (In one instance, a milder effect was also in the Capsolar.)
Stripping out the non-USA events, and the charts that showed nothing, here is a tighter summary of the charts that showed something.
CANSOLAR: Neptune square MC < 2°
NY PRIOR CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune opposition (0°02') on EP/WP
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune just over 3° from MC, partile aspects with Mercury & Mars - none in "immediate foreground," all just past 3°.
DC CANSOLAR: Essentially the same, but with one major exception: Neptune is only 1° from Midheaven, and all the Mercury-Mars-Neptune cluster are super close.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune very widely angular (7°+), though significant for a partile Saturn-Neptune square in the foreground (Saturn is 1°+ from WP).
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune is closer to the angle - 3°40' from MC - and most distinctive for the Mars/Neptune midpoint being 0°11' from MC.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune < 1° from IC, in 3°+ mundane square to Moon.
NY & DC CAPSOLAR: Moon-Neptune opposition (1°, not angular, affecting the entire world).
NY CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune square (partile). Neptune is distantly angular (5°+), hardly the most obvious thing in the chart, but a presence especially because of the Moon aspect.
DC CANSOLAR: Moon-Neptune square (partile), now with Neptune < 2° from MC. One of the two most important things in the chart.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune is over 8° from IC. It's hard to call it a major factor. It's one point of interest is that it opposes Mercury 1°+ in mundo.
NY CANSOLAR: Neptune rises < 2°.
DC CANSOLAR: Neptune rises 3°+
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
Wow... and here is the kicker confirmation!
The one USA event that showed nothing was the Panic of 1893. Because the event occurred in the first half of the year, and the Capsolar was non-dormant, I didn't check the Cansolar from July 1892. From previous work, we know that this would be valid but usually not necessary - a lighter layer.
Nonetheless... The 1892 Cansolar has Neptune 0°55' from square MC. (It's not in orb in NY.)
Therefore, for the USA major panic crises, we have a 100% critical presence of Neptune in the Cansolars - not the Capsolars! - for Washington or NY (usually for Washington).
I think I need to add an extra chapter to the book to address the solar ingresses in particular...
The one USA event that showed nothing was the Panic of 1893. Because the event occurred in the first half of the year, and the Capsolar was non-dormant, I didn't check the Cansolar from July 1892. From previous work, we know that this would be valid but usually not necessary - a lighter layer.
Nonetheless... The 1892 Cansolar has Neptune 0°55' from square MC. (It's not in orb in NY.)
Therefore, for the USA major panic crises, we have a 100% critical presence of Neptune in the Cansolars - not the Capsolars! - for Washington or NY (usually for Washington).
I think I need to add an extra chapter to the book to address the solar ingresses in particular...
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
SteveS wrote:Jim wrote:I agree Jim. IMHO, your SMA teachings pertaining to our market analysis also help confirm the partile 90 of Mars-Neptune in our Nation’s July 4th 1776 Chart symbolizes a Nation which experiences violent financial panics at times. When a non-dormant Neptune Capsolar or Cansolar appears, depending on if we have seen large price increases in successive years for the DOW; this ripens the probability for a financial panic. Also, when I absorb your analysis about SMA non-dormant Sun-Saturn symbolism associated with price declines, this is a natural fit for the tight Sun-Saturn square in the July 4th 1776 Chart symbolizing a Nation experiencing Depressions/Recessions. In my 37 years of analyzing systems of financial astrology for American Markets, I think your SMA teachings is correlating the most important timing function I have ever witness pertaining to WHEN to take profits with long term investing on Wall Street. Our Nation’s History proves it is the greatest wealth producing Nation on the Planet, but when non-dormant Neptune appears in Cap-Can-Solars it wipes out most of the market’s capital produced over many years of wealth production.For now, we should consider Neptune in the Capsolar/Cansolar as a distinctly American market element IMHO.
Jim wrote:Exactly! It is the greatest financial astrology work (SMA) I have witness containing much astrological truth.I think I need to add an extra chapter to the book to address the solar ingresses in particular...
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
SteveS wrote:Jim wrote:Yes, when I first applied your SMA teachings to my interest in the historical DOW, it illuminated for the first time in my life the true symbolic importance of these July 4th aspects. It reminded me of J.P. Morgan’s reputed quoted words:I think. I've seen you previously allude to the importance of our Sun-Saturn and Mars-Neptune as reflected in the impact of Sun-Saturn and Mars-Neptune aspects over time, and I think the recent findings highlight this.
There is no direct JP Morgan source for these quoted words, more about this with the dubious following link:“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” ... astrology/
Nonetheless, I can certainly see where these SMA market discoveries would be invaluable information for large institutional market investors.
Jim wrote:Indeed!!!This suggests we should also take a closer look at whether there is ongoing unusual importance for other aspects that appear in the U.S. natal, which would include Mercury-Pluto and Venus-Jupiter.
Jim asked:Concerts are coming in Sept-- just got back from a week on a beautiful Beach without computers or phone. How was your Wine tasting trip?BTW, how were the concerts?
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
SteveS wrote:Jim wrote:Excellent observation Jim. Our next DC Cansolar with a non-dormant ‘critical presence’ of Neptune is July 16th 2016 with Nep 2,20 cnj Asc—Jupiter also non-dormant 1,36 cnj Dsc. NYC does not feature non-dormant Neptune.Therefore, for the USA major panic crises, we have a 100% critical presence of Neptune in the Cansolars - not the Capsolars! - for Washington or NY (usually for Washington).
Tight mundo square of Moon-Neptune.
Tight eclipto square of Saturn-Neptune
Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
Jim wrote:
When I joined solunars back in 2007, my first priority was to nudge Jim in offering his Sidereal Astrology expertise analysis with Bradley’s 3 1957 AA articles on Sidereal Mundane Astrology (SMA). Personally, I was primarily interested in the acute timing of major financial panics, since I have an experience background with markets, and realize what a financial opportunity it is for a knowledgeable market person to be able to time a major financial panic, "opportunities are associated with crises." Jim, has achieved his brilliant SMA analysis admiralty with this topic--"Astrology & Finance." IMO, the greatest crises, besides a major war, a country can experience is a major financial panic. Major financial panics lead to prolonged economic depressions. Do I know 100 % when the next major financial panic will occur in USA? No, but I know with high probability what normally has to ‘technically’ happen with a price chart combined with other major internal technical’s of a market-- before a major financial panic can occur. It’s basically very simple, and I am going to discuss this simplicity later. Jim’s above quoted words has actually simplified for the mundane astrologer when there is high probability for a major financial panic. My market technical experience can/will simplify this even more. to be continued.The pattern Steve was discussing is an economic crisis pattern that has appeared 100% of the time for major U.S. economic panics: Neptune is angular in the prior Cansolar. Always the Cansolar, and only the U.S. (similar panics in other parts of the world don't repeat this pattern - this doesn't bother me because each economy/nation has distinctive behaviors, characteristics, motivations, etc.).
This happened for the Panic of 1819, Panic of 1837, Panic of 1857, Panic of 1873, Panic of 1893, Panic of 1907, 1929 Wall Street Crash, 1987 Stock Market Crash, and 2008 Subprime Mortgage Crisis. That's 100% of all similar events.
The angular Neptune isn't, by itself, sufficient; but, historically, it has been a prerequisite.
The next time Neptune is angular in a Cansolar for Washington, DC is 2020. (Or, barely foreground in 2019.)
Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
DC’s 2020 Cansolar intrigues me with Mars/Neptune=Asc, EP, Ax, & SVP, sort of an outlier solar ingress chart when considering Mars-Neptune dormant or non-dormant. But, I will be paying close attention to this Cansolar for possibly timing major panic attack situations in the Dow, only if the Dow is in a “blow-off” topping mode making new all-time historical highs.
Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
I think Jim’s excellent research with financial panics has proven: SMA Angular Mars-Neptune is the number one planetary combo-- kick starting long term economic misery in the USA, followed closely by angular Saturn-Neptune. Sidereal Mundane Astrology (SMA) has proven major financial panics are foreordained.
Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
The first link is a 10 minute youtube video from one of my favorite movies, “Margin Call,” about what the top Executives at Lehman Brothers (including company’s lawyer) planned to do after their risk management expert told them their MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities) holdings were putting the company in grave danger. Lehman Brothers decided to sell ALL of their MBS in one day, a frigging FIRE sale! It was this Lehman Brothers fire-sale of their MBS on Wall Street which fundamentally triggered a Market Panic Sell-off which led to the “Great Recession” of 2008, including the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.
The second link is history about Lehman Brothers which began in Montgomery, Alabama by an immigrant, a remarkable achievement by an individual.
The 3rd link is New York’s 2008 Cansolar. Jim with his brilliant Sidereal Mundane Astrology (SMA) research with financial panics has proven Neptune is the # 1 angular signature for all the financial panics in history of Wall Street. Sept 2008 is when Lehman Brothers filed bankruptcy, and Sept-Oct the financial markets collapsed. Note on the NY’s 2008 Cansolar, t. Neptune was partile cnj NY’s Cansolar Asc during Sept-Oct 2008.
The 4th link is Jeremy Irons (great actor) 3 minute speech about the reality of financial panics, and what happens in a capitalism system with a financial panic, which I believe a-lot of truth. ... others.asp
The second link is history about Lehman Brothers which began in Montgomery, Alabama by an immigrant, a remarkable achievement by an individual.
The 3rd link is New York’s 2008 Cansolar. Jim with his brilliant Sidereal Mundane Astrology (SMA) research with financial panics has proven Neptune is the # 1 angular signature for all the financial panics in history of Wall Street. Sept 2008 is when Lehman Brothers filed bankruptcy, and Sept-Oct the financial markets collapsed. Note on the NY’s 2008 Cansolar, t. Neptune was partile cnj NY’s Cansolar Asc during Sept-Oct 2008.
The 4th link is Jeremy Irons (great actor) 3 minute speech about the reality of financial panics, and what happens in a capitalism system with a financial panic, which I believe a-lot of truth. ... others.asp
Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
New to this forum and just came across this thread. Not sure have much to contribute but recall that Charles Jayne in "A new Dimension in Astrology' pub. AFA 1975 mentions that he finds 'Neptune' to be 'bullish' and Jondro in his 'Astrological Dictionary' says that Jupiter represents the 'sellers' and Saturn the 'buyers'. In addition to my interest in astrology, I'm a full time futures trader in the YM (dow) and ES (S&P) Would be very interested in any intra-day timing techniques that anyone is willing to share.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: NEW REPORT: Astrology & Finance
Welcome. I think you can say that Neptune is bullish in the sense that it's inflationary. Jupiter Neptune, nations in particular lead to high speculation and expansive investment, not necessarily based on fundamentals. Anyway have fun.
Jim Eshelman