In thinking about my background moon and how in the past I have not clearly or agressively communicated or went after my needs, which has given me troubles in relating to people, would it be accurated to say that I was expressing the polarity of a more Taurian nature?
In another thread it was discussed how in situations when our normal way of navigating is failing us, we draw from our polariry.
Im curious if this is true and if the background placement of luminaries tends to utilize the functions/traits of its polar sign?
I am also curious if during the demi lunar transit we are given an opportunity to develop those traits of our polariry which are underdeveloped/immature in our character?
I do believe we are always capable of growth and development at anytime, but it would seem that when the moon is in the opposite of our natal that the world at large is providing a stage in which to better synthesize the anima/aminus within ourselves.
My moon is square the my sun and I have been concidering how during my demi lunar returns I now have a Taurian moon squaring my sun and the differences that has brought to my emotional body and to the circumstances that manifest in my life.
Often, it feels as if my demi lunar returns are stronger or have more of a physical manifestion of curcumstances, as if it is giving me the opportunity to use parts of me that do not usually get utilized.
Re: Polarity
This one of the threads
And another
And another
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Polarity
There is, indeed, I think, a general psychological principle that amounts to "in emergencies, flip to your polar opposite" (I state that very crudely). Basically, traits that are least developed in us tend to be our fallback when our normal resources, behaviors, etc. prove inadequate to the situation. This is seen in Jung's concept of the anima/animus, in other psychological models that identify major and minor (or superior/inferior) personality dynamics or behavior styles, etc. I think it is also present in astrological polarities, especially of the Sun-sign.
I don't think that';s what's happening with the particular dynamics you discussed, but I wanted to acknowledge that it's there.
I don't think that';s what's happening with the particular dynamics you discussed, but I wanted to acknowledge that it's there.
You don't have a background Moon; or, rather, while it is technically in the background (close to the 6th cusp), it is still one of your strongest planets with its 1°41' square to MC. Your Moon-Jupiter-Neptune conjunction and Pluto square Ascendant are among the most defining characteristics of your chart.Veronica wrote:In thinking about my background moon
I think it's simpler than that. Dig into the traits of your angular Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune and their conjunctions with each other. Moon in particular gives many of the traits you are mentioning, plus the whole cluster is more inclined to generosity and "doing for others" than in doing for yourself. (The Aquarius Sun shares some of that, too, of course.)and how in the past I have not clearly or agressively communicated or went after my needs, which has given me troubles in relating to people, would it be accurated to say that I was expressing the polarity of a more Taurian nature?
Ah, yes, I missed that you already caught that.In another thread it was discussed how in situations when our normal way of navigating is failing us, we draw from our polariry.
I don't think it has anything to do with the luminary being background. (I also don't think the angularity of luminaries has anything to do with how vividly sign traits are expressed, i.e., a Scorpio Moon will shine as a primary part of your character regardless of how angular Moon is.)Im curious if this is true and if the background placement of luminaries tends to utilize the functions/traits of its polar sign?
For that to be true, sign positions would have to matter in return charts. I've never noticed or thought that sign positions have anything to do with the meaning of lunar returns.My moon is square the my sun and I have been concidering how during my demi lunar returns I now have a Taurian moon squaring my sun and the differences that has brought to my emotional body and to the circumstances that manifest in my life.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Polarity
Thanks for explaining!
Very interesting.
"For that to be true, sign positions would have to matter in return charts. I've never noticed or thought that sign positions have anything to do with the meaning of lunar returns."
So then its not having to do with it being Taurian....but its opposite my natal moon and square my sun...
Would my natal moon square to my sun be concidered applying during the lubar return
And at my demu lunar the Transiting moon position square my batal sun be concidered seperating?
I think I tried to understand the idea of what a square means from both my lunar return moon vs my demi return moon.
Very interesting.
"For that to be true, sign positions would have to matter in return charts. I've never noticed or thought that sign positions have anything to do with the meaning of lunar returns."
So then its not having to do with it being Taurian....but its opposite my natal moon and square my sun...
Would my natal moon square to my sun be concidered applying during the lubar return
And at my demu lunar the Transiting moon position square my batal sun be concidered seperating?
I think I tried to understand the idea of what a square means from both my lunar return moon vs my demi return moon.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Polarity
You'll always have a Moon-Sun square in the SLR or Demi-SLR, but (like everything else) it will only be really important if on angles.Veronica wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 10:59 am Would my natal moon square to my sun be concidered applying during the lubar return
"Applying" and "separating" isn't based on which side of Sun your Moon is on (that distinction is dexter or right-handed vs. sinister or left-handed.) Your Moon at 7°44' Scorpio or Taurus will always be separating from your Sun at 5°05' Aquarius, i.e., it will have passed the exact square by 2°39'. Nonetheless, there is no known distinction in meaning of applying vs. separating aspects.
Jim Eshelman
- Synetic Member
- Posts: 1013
- Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:47 pm
Re: Polarity
Curious if polarity plays out in the natal. My moon is fairly background and upon reading moon in aquarius the description both good and bad describes me better or at least as well as my leo moon. This also makes me think back to the Leo luminaries I've met in the past. I've often described some Leo's as Cubs and some as Lions. In retrospect most of those Leo's who I'd call Cubs (often highly artistic, intuitive, quiet, cute, not very domineering yet sometimes dramatic) had their leo placements in the 8th or 12th houses....
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..