Angular (Foreground) planets - interpretation resources
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
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Angular (Foreground) planets - interpretation resources
Click the planet name (link) to jump to the page below for its meaning when on an angle (foreground).
MOON Appetite, Sensitivity, Response
SUN Centricity, Dignity, Seeding
MERCURY Curiosity, Perception, Analysis
VENUS Pleasure, Justice, Beauty
MARS Courage, Energy, Aggression
JUPITER Enjoyment, Ambition, Inclusion
SATURN Independence, Reserve, Struggle
URANUS Individuality, Freedom, Renewal
NEPTUNE Imagination, Temptation, Mystery
PLUTO Outlier, Uncontrolled, Innocence
ERIS (under investigation)
SEDNA (under investigation)
MOON Appetite, Sensitivity, Response
SUN Centricity, Dignity, Seeding
MERCURY Curiosity, Perception, Analysis
VENUS Pleasure, Justice, Beauty
MARS Courage, Energy, Aggression
JUPITER Enjoyment, Ambition, Inclusion
SATURN Independence, Reserve, Struggle
URANUS Individuality, Freedom, Renewal
NEPTUNE Imagination, Temptation, Mystery
PLUTO Outlier, Uncontrolled, Innocence
ERIS (under investigation)
SEDNA (under investigation)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
SUN foreground (Centricity, Dignity, Seeding)
SUMMARY: Warm, friendly, welcoming, sharing light, planting seeds. Vital, bold, confident. Dignity, gives and expects respect, needs to shine. Impelled toward a distinctive purpose (role) to discover and fulfill. Urge to command (good leader; or bossy, entitled, controlling). Needs centricity (attracts satellites), flourishes as center of someone's attention. Drawn to traditional institutions with heritage. Need for personal continuity, something that survives them.
Sun not necessarily foreground for murderers, but avoids remote background. (Bradley)
Notebook #93 observations: Generally indicates narcissism; but mostly they are a strong, positive bunch. Egoic energies appear to be much more dominant and obvious with Sun on MC/Asc than IC/Dsc.
- Unusually strong individuation needs. Need to forge a distinctive identity, to be one distinguished thing.
- Warmth: Warm, friendly, welcoming, loyal.
- Light: Wants to contribute to others, make an impact, share their light. - Long-term impact on others is more likely from planting seeds than "taking talent under wing."
- Strong vitality, good overall health, intelligence.
- Confident, bold (assertive), robust in argument. Willing to step forward, speak up, act (moral courage). - At least acts confident (actual confidence depends on maturity).
- Has a gift for moving things forward simply by taking the next step (seeing and doing the next thing needed). Even if not feeling decisive, can more easily act decisively (do something) than wrestle and wrangle with strategies and plans.
- CORE THEME: Impelled toward a distinctive role in life - a direction, target, destiny, or purpose - that they must discover and fulfill. - Early life is commonly a seeker phase to discover this, "wandering around looking for a clue," undecided more than indecisive (cf. Hero archetype myths).
- Presents with dignity, refuses to be dominated or intimidated, gives and expects respect.
- Vulnerable to wounded pride from disrespect or not being seen for oneself.
- Requires opportunity for self-expression, a chance to shine. (Not competitive per se: others are not part of this equation.)
- At their best: Leaders, born commanders, in charge of themselves, do remarkably well in charge of others.
- At their worst: Bossy, controlling, with a sense of entitlement (often unstated).
- In either case, responds easily and respectfully to command structures while nurturing an urge to rule.
- Among the eminent, Sun angular overflows with power, command, confidence, and distinction. [Sun is the most frequently angular planet for the first 45 men to serve as U.S. President, including James Madison, James K. Polk, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Chester A. Arthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald R. Ford, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, and Joseph Biden.]
- Centricity: Naturally attracts a circle of "satellites" surrounding them (usually without seeking it or necessarily wanting it).
- In romance, flourishes when love is centered squarely on them and they are "seen" by their partners: Uses intimate relationship as a further tool to clarify who they are.
- Attracted to traditional institutions that convey heritage and incite pride.
- A need for immortality or effective personal continuity infuses solar motivations and characteristics. This commonly expresses as a strong need that their impact or contribution survives them, that they have "left something of them behind." Among public figures, continuity often includes elements of successorship or inheritance (not necessarily familial).
- Few have children.
- Solar murderers: Though Sun is not inherently homicidal, several high-profile murderers were born with angular Sun. This group includes female murderers Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houten, Winnie Ruth Judd, Florence Maybrick, and Valerie Solanas, in addition to Henri Desiré Landru, Bruno Hauptman, Fritz Haarmann (the "Butcher of Hanover"), Robert Strack (the "Beast of Cologne"), Mark David Chapman, and Erik and Lyle Menendez. Most of these were psychotic. Deeper exploration of these abnormal examples may disclose valuable information about healthy expressions of Sun. [In the Bradley study of murderers, Sun was not necessarily common in the foreground but was statistically uncommon in the background.]
Sun not necessarily foreground for murderers, but avoids remote background. (Bradley)
Notebook #93 observations: Generally indicates narcissism; but mostly they are a strong, positive bunch. Egoic energies appear to be much more dominant and obvious with Sun on MC/Asc than IC/Dsc.
Fagan & Firebrace wrote:[If born with Sun angular] ...he will tend to forge a path for himself in life as he itches to rule and command others. If... he is born when the Sun is remote from the angles, these qualities will not be obvious and may even be absent.
If the natal Sun is foreground and the Moon in the background the native will be a self-made man, determined and possibly ruthless. This is especially noticeable when the Sun is [in a Hub constellation] when he may heed no counsel other than his own.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
MOON foreground (Appetite, Sensitivity, Response)
SUMMARY: Needs constant stimulation (of mind or senses). Responsive, adaptive, malleable to social, psychological, and environmental conditions (impressionable). Strong sexual appetites: responsive to affection, friendship, sexual suggestion. Amiable, accommodating, good-hearted; sensitive, receptive, empathic, tender (touchy, moody, reactive). Vulnerable to judgments, displeasure, criticism. Natural before an audience (connected). Imaginative. ... 847#p50119
Amiable, many friends, simple, good company, good-hearted, accommodating, disorderly, absent-minded, generous, imaginative, easily influenced, fashionable, worldly, nonchalant, poetic, dreaming, obliging, rather snobbish, superficial, tolerant. [Regarding the character traits fashionable, worldly, rather snobbish, superficial: While conceivable as a "putting on airs" variation of the "putting on an act," I don't find these descriptive of angular Moon people I personally know.]
HIGH: Politicians, writers
LOW: Soldiers, sports champions
Notebook #93 observations: (Moon on Midheaven) Very strong on service.
OBSERVATIONS on U.S. Presidents: Many had the disadvantage of coming into office in tough times. Almost none of them rose to the occasion. Grant, a magnificent general, had the task of reconstruction in his lap and failed miserably amidst weakness and graft. Buchanan probably had no chance of preventing civil war and he fell rapidly to the low expectations of his term. Hoover inherited the conditions rapidly spiraling into the Great Depression and, despite doing many of the things that later marked his successor's New Deal, he basically never stood a chance of recovery.
- Responsive, adaptive, malleable, impressionable (easily influenced). [Gauquelin: easily influenced]
- Instinctively adapts to shifting physical, social, and psychological conditions. Pronounced neuroplasticity rapidly and flexibly forms new neural connections, associations, and chameleon-like adaptations. (Adapts easily, but not always happily.)
- Lives in ongoing need of stimulation, of something new to absorb and assimilate. This may be a feeding of the mind as much as the senses, so they appear active, intensely curious, and inquiring. [Appetite is the common theme behind most lunar traits: The “nurture” theme expresses primarily as literal or metaphorical feeding. For example, the intense curiosity often reflected on lunar faces looks less like Mercury’s intellectual need for data and more like they want to be fed.]
- Unconsciously dons a mask, reflexively takes up accent, style, and mannerism, or otherwise adjusts behavior (advantageous in sales, service, performance, politics, or other public facing).
- Amiable, accommodating, compliant, obliging, tolerant, good-hearted, with a generous spirit. [Gauquelin amiable, accommodating, obliging, tolerant, good company, good-hearted, generous, nonchalant]
- Driven by basic instincts and needs (food, procreation, survival).
- Strong sexual appetites. Highly responsive to sexual suggestion. [OBSERVATION: Most "sex kitten" celebrities have Moon near an angle.]
- Affection and friendliness light them up like a light switch. [Gauquelin many friends]
- Sensitive, receptive, empathic, responsive to others' emotions. May show heightened psychic sensitivity or active telepathy.
- Tender, vulnerable (touchy, moody). Prone to self-doubt and pessimism. Others’ feelings can overwhelm them, especially judgments, displeasures, or criticism.
- Becomes reactive (infantile) if overwhelmed or disconnected from empathy or feelings. [Gauquelin: disorderly]
- Most lunar men (and some lunar women) shield themselves as early as infancy, appearing guarded, intellectual, disconnected.
- Even if shy or private, is a natural before an audience. Connection to mass mind gives easy rapport with a crowd (e.g., celebrities, politicians).
- Imaginative. Strong powers of imagery. Writers with instinctive rapport with their audience. [Gauquelin poetic, dreaming, imaginative]
- Talent for improving others' foundations. Make the best editors, arrangers, adapters, developers, promoters, caretakers, assistants. [Statistically common for Gauquelin collections of writers and politicians.]
- Does poorly in highly competitive fields (due to favoring rapport). In general, Moon produces opposite character and profession profiles to Mars, which gives (by social standards) a vaguely feminine feel to lunar men. [Statistically uncommon for Gauquelin collection of soldiers and sports champions and, generally, produces an opposite character and profession profile to Mars.]
- U.S. Presidents Observations: Many had the bad luck to enter office in tough times (especially economically). Few rose to the occasion. ... 847#p50119
Amiable, many friends, simple, good company, good-hearted, accommodating, disorderly, absent-minded, generous, imaginative, easily influenced, fashionable, worldly, nonchalant, poetic, dreaming, obliging, rather snobbish, superficial, tolerant. [Regarding the character traits fashionable, worldly, rather snobbish, superficial: While conceivable as a "putting on airs" variation of the "putting on an act," I don't find these descriptive of angular Moon people I personally know.]
HIGH: Politicians, writers
LOW: Soldiers, sports champions
Notebook #93 observations: (Moon on Midheaven) Very strong on service.
OBSERVATIONS on U.S. Presidents: Many had the disadvantage of coming into office in tough times. Almost none of them rose to the occasion. Grant, a magnificent general, had the task of reconstruction in his lap and failed miserably amidst weakness and graft. Buchanan probably had no chance of preventing civil war and he fell rapidly to the low expectations of his term. Hoover inherited the conditions rapidly spiraling into the Great Depression and, despite doing many of the things that later marked his successor's New Deal, he basically never stood a chance of recovery.
Fagan & Firebrace wrote:Should the Moon be angular especially in one of the weak [Spoke] constellations... and the Sun cadent, the native will be weak, having little stamina and swayed by the opinions of others.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
MERCURY foreground (Curiosity, Perception, Analysis)
SUMMARY. Alert, attentive, curious, observant, strategic, analytic. Mentally sharp, hard to fool (knows more about you than you think). Youthful animation, keenness. Easily bored without mental stimulation. Knack for handling business (entrepreneurial). Good at detailed work. Nervous (anxiety? worry? touchy?). Little emotional affect, hard to read. Curiosity drives sexual choices.
OBSERVATION: Several of the most successful professional pop musicians (and other entertainers) have Mercury foreground. Given their commercial success, I'm inclined to think it shows keen business acumen. The group includes Madonna, Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, comedians like Johnny Carson and Robin Williams, directors who know the business as well as Clint Eastwood, Woody Allen, and Robert Altman, as well as straight commercial figures like Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, Lee Iacocca, and Bill Gates (examples that also mark communications media, transportation, and computer industries).
STATS: Foreground Mercury is part of one form of the profile for alcoholics (Bradley).
- Unusually strong information needs (curiosity, gaining and sharing information, understanding and demonstrating relationships between facts).
- Alert, attentive, curious, observant, strategic, analytic. Mentally sharp (obsessive with details). Some are quick thinkers, never missing a thing; others are patiently, quietly studious. Both groups are hard to fool and know more about you than you think they do.
- Eyes reflect keen, alert, sharp, clever faculties even into advanced age. (You can tell they are watching, paying attention, "taking things in." Physical animation and quick energy give a youthful impression.)
- Prone to easy boredom without frequent mental stimulation. (Most are careful to arrange their lives so that there is rarely a shortage of stimulation.)
- Courage of convictions. Speaks truth unhesitantly, even defiantly (as if advocating for the truth of the facts).
- Business knack, entrepreneurial, oriented toward commerce; realistic, natural at "doing business," drives it by moving information and forging communication. (Whatever their particular field, they likely are good at handling the business aspect of it.)
- Nervous types, anxious, or worriers (allergies), sometimes with substance abuse problems (alcohol or drug abuse, smoking). [STATS: Foreground Mercury is typical in the profile for alcoholics (Bradley)] Nonetheless, many (perhaps half) are more physically calm. (For most who are not calm, it is a drug issue.)
- Little emotional affect. Informational communication comes more easily than emotional communication. Gives few clues about what is really going on with them, how they feel: It is hard to read whether they are kidding, offended, or unaffected.
- Surprisingly easy to offend by getting a fact wrong about them. (It is an intellectual affront: They are not necessarily emotionally sensitive to it but take it seriously.) Rather than respond to it emotionally, most just vanish.
- Sense of humor is playful, geeky, clever. (Often not their most noticed feature - they can seem so business-like - yet usually present on inspection.)
- Talented at precise, detailed work. Manually skilled, mechanical aptitude.
- Curiosity drives their sexual choices as much as any other single factor; also, very skilled hands.
OBSERVATION: Several of the most successful professional pop musicians (and other entertainers) have Mercury foreground. Given their commercial success, I'm inclined to think it shows keen business acumen. The group includes Madonna, Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, comedians like Johnny Carson and Robin Williams, directors who know the business as well as Clint Eastwood, Woody Allen, and Robert Altman, as well as straight commercial figures like Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, Lee Iacocca, and Bill Gates (examples that also mark communications media, transportation, and computer industries).
STATS: Foreground Mercury is part of one form of the profile for alcoholics (Bradley).
Garth Allen (Kid Gloves) wrote:The most conspicuous trait of the individual whose natal Mercury is dominant is the youthful intentness of his mannerisms and overall appearance. He just doesn’t look at home in a rocking chair unless he is using it as an observation perch. His head shifts position from time to time, often with a jerk, in order not to miss a trick in the world around him. His eyes and face have a self-conscious motility reminiscent of bird behavior. Even in advanced age this aura of youngishness can be striking – the quick physical movement, the ballbearing sweep of the line of vision, the promptness of every response. At school, he seemed somewhat younger than the average of his classmates. His follicles have perseverance and he is apt to sport a head of hair when the pates of most of his friends have long since resembled billiard balls.
The speed of his physical reactions has a mental counterpart so that he tends to make up his mind on the spur of the moment and expresses himself as though he never feels the need to ponder a decision. Mercurians like to keep busy just for the sake of doing something as they are creatures to whom boredom can mean psychological disaster. They impress others as either temperamentally unstable or too susceptible to distraction to be reliable and this impression has cost many Mercurians a deserved promotion, or, for that matter, a job for which they are eminently suited. There is nary a baritone in the purebred Mercurian population for this planet’s vocal range is a few keys higher than the norm. The Mercurian has an opinion about everything under the Sun and is quick to react with an unpremeditated often unpredictable attitude – “That’s nice!” or “How terrible!” or “Naturally!” He’s a born skeptic and when interested in religion is likely to approach his own creed with a “Methodist” viewpoint, i.e., the Kingdom of Heaven should be founded here in this world rather than looked for in the sky. He has a natural resistance against being fooled, thanks to his skeptical streak, and often possesses a business instinct.
The whole personality of the typical Mercurian – physique and psyche considered together – appears oriented to his nervous system. It is difficult to find a true Geminian or Virgoan who does not have at least one physical allergy. There appear to be more alcoholics born under Gemini than under any other constellation; alcoholism itself is medically definable as a chemical sensitivity or, in plain words, an allergy. Similarly there are more health-food faddists and vegetarians born in Virgo than under any other constellation. The likes and dislikes of the Mercurian are clear-cut and exacting, especially where the telltale neurotic foods arc concerned (eggs, onions, squash, milk, etc.).
The overresponse of all their physical functions reflects this emphasis on their neural organization, for they are usually hypersensitive to pain, easily raise welts quickly when bruised or bitten by mosquitos, suffer cold and closeness earlier than others, and have poor resistance against skin ailments. The proclivity to nervousness, in the ordinary usage of the word, is the reason why Mercurians tend to be smokers and drinkers, more easily develop psychosomatic symptoms, and get unduly excited over what others consider trivialities. Mercurians are likable people; it’s difficult to stay mad at anybody who can whistle and it’s impossible to dislike someone who at fifty enjoys flying a kite with the neighborhood kids or who would, if he could, pay his way into the movies with the pop bottle deposits, just for the heck of it!
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
VENUS foreground (Pleasure, Justice, Beauty)
SUMMARY: Charming, attractive, popular, friendly, gracious. Feels and responds powerfully, forthrightly. Invested in experiencing, absorbing impressions. Flirtatious, affectionate (sexually more receptive than aggressive). Loving, caretaking, mothering. Kind, considerate, averse to cruelty and harm. Stands against injustice (personal or social). Acts to reduce their own stress and friction. Needs beauty, enjoys "the good life." Drawn to pleasure, peace, tranquility (not pain, violence, turbulence).
GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Charming, amiable, loved, gracious, kind, benevolent, comical, elegant, looks young, poet, successful, likes travel. Lesser level of significance: To please, good manners, considerate. Significantly low: Aggressive, choleric, excessive, lively, quarrelsome.
- Unusually strong affection needs: loving and being loved, giving and receiving nurturance, affiliation vs. separation, sex, shared play).
- Charming, attractive, popular. Friendly, cheery, gentle, pleasing, often funny. Gracious, considerate. (Even the men have a gracious gentleness, often a softness.) [Gauquelin charming, loved, amiable, gracious, looks good, comical, not quarrelsome; to please, good manners, considerate]
- Flirtatious, affectionate. Sexually more receptive (loves to be "taken") than aggressive (unless Mars hosts a luminary or is equally strong). [Gauquelin not aggressive]
- Feels and responds to things powerfully, forthrightly.
- Invested in experiencing life, absorbing impressions.
- Loving, caretaking. Often "mothering" (devoted) toward friends.
- Especially loves young people (at ease with them). Deeply loving and affectionate parents. [My personal chart files include an unusual number of schoolteachers with Venus foreground.]
- Kind, benevolent. Stands against cruelty, harm, and inflicting pain. [STATS: Rare in horoscopes of murderers.] [Gauquelin kind, benevolent]
- Perceiving justice (personal or social justice) is basic to their sense of rightness in the world. Can be stubborn and fierce against perceived injustice or someone's unfair treatment. (Passionate about causes.)
- Gravitates toward the beautiful, not the coarse; pleasure, not pain; and peace and tranquility, not violence and turbulence, their sense of justice permitting. (Absence a perception of injustice, Venus is not known to be angry or bad-tempered.) [Gauquelin not choleric]
- Needs settings and conditions that reduce stress and friction for them. (May be willing to increase others' stress levels to get this.)
- Prioritizes pleasurable stimulation of their senses and exposure to beauty. Treat themselves to pleasure, likes travel, enjoys a life of comfort and elegance, “the good things in life,” or deep exposure to nature. [Gauquelin likes travel, elegant]
GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Charming, amiable, loved, gracious, kind, benevolent, comical, elegant, looks young, poet, successful, likes travel. Lesser level of significance: To please, good manners, considerate. Significantly low: Aggressive, choleric, excessive, lively, quarrelsome.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
MARS foreground (Courage, Energy, Aggression)
SUMMARY: Independent, determined, persevering, self-willed. Aggressive, challenging, needs to win (combative, quarrelsome). On the go, needs to burn energy, impulsive (strong and untiring when young). Courage (physical and moral: forthright, outspoken, argumentative). Dominates, commands. Business leadership, competitive excellence. Strong sexual drives need frequent satisfaction.
HIGH: Soldiers, sports champions, business executives, doctors
LOW: Artists, writers
STATS: Common for murderers (Bradley). Foreground Mars is part of one form of the profile for alcoholics (Bradley).
Notebook #93 observations: With Mars on MC, probably serious authority issues (with parental patterns involved) are at stake here, although I have too small a list to be sure.
OBSERVATIONS: Very few teachers (Eshelman notebooks). A surprising number of psychotics and near psychotics have a closely foreground Mars it seems (Eshelman notebooks, numerous examples - many due to extreme substance abuse).
- Unusually strong power or strength needs (aggression, dominance, controlling others, opposition, independence, contrariness, defense, deference).
- Independent, determined, persevering, self-willed. Want to have their own way (make their own decisions, run their own show). [Gauquelin self-willed]
- Aggressive, competitive, challenging, needs to win (combative, quarrelsome, takes risks). Seeks to prove self in battle (literal or figurative: war, athletics, games, verbally, mentally, in business, sexually - any way they can test themselves, demonstrate and hone skill and power, or measure and improve their ranking). [STATS: Sports champions (Gauquelin).] [Gauquelin traits reckless, daring, fighting]
- Fiery, full of energy, "on the go." Needs to burn energy (physically or mentally). Strong and untiring when young. [Gauquelin traits fiery, untiring, strong, full of vitality, dynamic, energetic]
- Impulsive, acts without calculation.
- Seeks dominance, command, and control. (Some, averse to the idea of dominating, express this as a need to lead effectively). - In business, shows leadership and competitive excellence. [STATS: Business executives (Gauquelin).] [Many angular Mars entertainers are known as much for business or executive excellence as for their other talents: Orson Welles, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barbra Streisand, Charles Chaplin, Merv Griffin, Lady Gaga. Add noted executives such as Henry Ford, Rupert Murdoch, and 11 U.S. Presidents.]
- Courage, including the moral courage to defend own beliefs (forthright, outspoken, argumentative). [Gauquelin traits courageous, valiant, straightforward]
- Sexually aggressive. Strong sex drive needs frequent satisfaction. Prefers enthusiasm or ferocity in a partner. (Many striking examples exist of people known to "like it rough.")
- Occupations: Common for soldiers, athletes, executives, doctors [Gauquelin professional studies.]. Other observed areas of success include physical trainers, realtors, high-pressure sales (and other competitive and blood pressure straining fields), sex professionals, law enforcement, and anything relying on muscles and strength. Few teachers (perhaps due to Mars' limited patience and empathy).
- Contributes to the profile for alcoholics and other addiction and statistically common for murderers (two Bradley studies). – These seem connected, perhaps as part of a larger destructive (including self-harming) pattern in maladjusted cases: Most angular Mars murderer examples on file had a mental disorder, often psychosis, often tied to extreme substance abuse. – Of course, most people with foreground Mars will be neither alcoholics nor murders, though a statistically significant numbers of murderers and alcoholics have Mars foreground.)
HIGH: Soldiers, sports champions, business executives, doctors
LOW: Artists, writers
STATS: Common for murderers (Bradley). Foreground Mars is part of one form of the profile for alcoholics (Bradley).
Notebook #93 observations: With Mars on MC, probably serious authority issues (with parental patterns involved) are at stake here, although I have too small a list to be sure.
OBSERVATIONS: Very few teachers (Eshelman notebooks). A surprising number of psychotics and near psychotics have a closely foreground Mars it seems (Eshelman notebooks, numerous examples - many due to extreme substance abuse).
Garth Allen AA 6/75 wrote:The rising-Mars type tends to be unusually active and physically assertive. Psychologically he feels the inner need to compete, rather than merge forces, with others. Where unable to compete, he belittles in order to cut opponents and envied associates down to size. He is forever taking cuts at the world, though does not normally recognize hostility for what it is.
Fagan & Firebrace wrote:Unpolished diamonds, rough, uncouth, loudmouthed, clamorous, noisy, wiry, muscular, untidy, prone to swearing and cursing, hot-headed, impetuous, brave, daring, reckless, spoiling for a fight, delighting in sport, machinery and mechanics, easily succumbing to temptation, exulting in conflict... Fundamentally Mars is a "killer"; he destroys for the sheer love of it. The exercise of power gives him immense gratification but there is nothing essentially cruel or vindictive about him.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
JUPITER foreground (Enjoyment, Ambition, Inclusion)
SUMMARY: Upbeat, enjoys the good in life. Needs to be liked (important to someone). Ambitious: needs esteem, inclusion, recognition as an expert. Judgmental, strong sense of personal entitlement. Aspires to (enjoys) life of leisure and civilization's fruits. Unusually lucky. Generous, kind, inclusive, hospitable. Responds to cultural totems, heritage, rituals, social graces. Faithful to communities embodying their culture. Champion of justice and what's right. Entertaining. (If afflicted: Air of superiority, greed, envy; makes own luck through shady ethics or crime.)
GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: At ease, ambitious, opportunistic, authoritarian, talkative, likes to assert himself, sense of the comical, communicative, debonair, spendthrift, gay, gesticulating often, good-humored, independent, happy, worldly, prodigal, bantering, likable, vain.
STATS: Very scarce for murderers (Bradley). In employment start charts, marks a superior worker; but they tend to gain allies so become hard to terminate (Quellas).
HIGH: soldiers, journalists, actors, politicians
LOW: scientists, doctors
- Unusually strong ambition needs (need for achievement, recognition, exhibition, esteem, superiority).
- Upbeat, choosing to present a positive tone. Likable, congenial, high frustration tolerance. [Statistically uncommon for murderers (Bradley).]
- Intent on good times and enjoying the good in life (within their reach).
- Respectful, tolerant, kind, inclusive, welcoming, hospitable, generous, usually well received.
- Sexually giving, generous, hospitable.
- Perhaps more than anything else, wants to be liked and important to someone.
- Often surprising luck or advantage under the circumstances. - Their temperament is better suited to a blessed life than one of hardship.
- Champion of justice and fair play. Passionate for "what's right." (Vengeful if Jupiter is afflicted.)
- Ambitious, authoritative. Needs esteem, respect, and inclusion. Aspires to leadership, wants recognition as an expert (especially the men). Dignified bearing (or arrogant air of superiority), judgment, powerful sense of personal entitlement. [Includes 11 U.S. presidents, nearly every British monarch of the current dynasty, numerous modern members of the royal family, and many powerful, distinguished politicians worldwide. U.S. presidents without Jupiter foreground at birth commonly have had it angular in Washington. Additionally, Jupiter angular is statistically common for the Gauquelin politicians collection.]
- Favors a life of leisure and its perks. Enjoys civilization's fruits: education (academics), religion, drama, music, history, travel, and foreign cultures. Patron of the arts.
- Responds to cultural totems, heritage, tradition, social and ceremonial rituals, and social graces.
- Faithful to one's community, (family or family surrogate): “the gang,” fraternity or sorority, religion, nation, race, political party, movement, team, clan, tribe, class, circle, or other group that embodies a distinct culture.
- If afflicted: Greedy, envious. Makes own luck through opportunism, shady ethics, or crime.
- Actors and singers with a honed instinct for entertainment. Includes truly gifted artists of enormous stage and film power. [Statistically common in Gauquelin actors collection, which can be generalized to entertainers of all types. Males include the trio of Brando, Clift, and Dean and the perennial genius of Dustin Hoffman. Women, after a long list of classic greats, add Meryl Streep, Salome Gens, and Nicole Kidman. Singers include the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Judy Garland (and her daughter), Bette Midler, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bob Marley,, and John Legend. Steve Allen, inventing The Tonight Show, created a new genre of important, persisting entertainment. Even Jupiter-angular murderers tend to reach celebrity, if not mythic, status, including Manson, Bundy, Simpson, and Kosiminski (most likely Jack the Ripper).]
- Comedians with Jupiter angular deliver feel-good humor quite different from the piercing, insulting humor common to Mars and Saturn. [People laugh at Jupiter humor because it makes them feel good, and at Mars or Saturn humor because it recognizes that they feel bad. The humor genius of angular Jupiter includes the likes of Gene Wilder, Lenny Bruce, Phyllis Diller, and Carol Burnett.]
- Creators and explorers exciting our imaginations on outer space and inner space, likely related to the "higher and higher" and spiritually aspiring themes of Jupiter plus its connection to myth. That Jules Verne, Gene Roddenberry, and George Lucas on one hand and Albert Hoffman, Timothy Leary, and Richard Alpert on the other appear on the same astrological list is extraordinary. Eminent spiritual pioneers include Sri Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda.
- Astrologers of great note and contribution: The connection appears to be to astrology itself (because today’s astrologers are successors of an ancient priesthood?), since the names cross genres and personality styles. [Names include the philosophical Dane Rudhyar; the technically precise Ebertin and Witte; the statistics-driven Gauquelin and Irving; leaders drawing astrological communities together (Edith Custer and Noel Tyl); and the two most commercially successful astrological authors in history, Joseph Goodavage and Linda Goodman.]
- Occupations: Statistically common for the Gauquelin data collections for soldiers and journalists (in addition to the actors and politicians already mentioned). Statistically uncommon for scientist and doctors.
GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: At ease, ambitious, opportunistic, authoritarian, talkative, likes to assert himself, sense of the comical, communicative, debonair, spendthrift, gay, gesticulating often, good-humored, independent, happy, worldly, prodigal, bantering, likable, vain.
STATS: Very scarce for murderers (Bradley). In employment start charts, marks a superior worker; but they tend to gain allies so become hard to terminate (Quellas).
HIGH: soldiers, journalists, actors, politicians
LOW: scientists, doctors
Garth Allen, AAM 6/56 wrote:A word about the connection of Jupiter with crimes of gain as contrasted wit crimes of vengeance or of erotic depravity. A powerful natal Jupiter that is badly laced with afflictions will often compel its owner to so crave the accouterments which signify social altitude that he may go to dishonorable extremes to satisfy this desire, even resorting to embezzlement or outright robbery. This is the rationale for the frequent prominence of Jupiter in the astrology of crime patterns... Every reader surely knows at least one individual of the afflicted Jupiter type whose eyes light up at every passing Cadillac and haberdashery window, but who cannot seem to save even a dollar a week toward ultimate lawful purchase of the coveted objects... It is the ergie of Jupiter in you that makes you feel a wee bit embarrassed when you are with new people you would like to impress favorably but have to let know that you work behind a counter or with a drill or beside a conveyor belt, and so on."
Fagan & Firebrace wrote:When placed in the foreground natally it generally indicates that the native is born a gentleman, having the benefits of good parentage and an excellent education. It could be that these advantages are attained through his own efforts in later years. Jupiter, at all times, stands for the best of everything. Hence those who are fortunate enough to be born when it is dominant usually go to the best schools, wear the most stylish clothes, belong to the best clubs, consort with the best people, or enter the best professions, often the church, the law, consular services, the army, or medicine.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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SATURN foreground (Independence, Reserve, Struggle)
SUMMARY: Needs to be independent, self-sufficient, self-reliant, private. Survival instincts drive much of the behavior. Industrious, conscientious, methodical, driven (works hard). Struggle (hardship especially in youth, struggle for security, burdensome life demands, or struggling on others' behalf). Some are beaten down, most gain strength and endurance. Cautious, prudent, emotionally reserved, careful (may shut others out). Strong pa-rental themes.
GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Formal, reserved, conscientious, cold, methodical, meticulous, modest, observant, organized, not talkative, precise, reflective, retiring, reserved, wise, melancholy, timid, industrious, silent, sad.
HIGH: Scientists, doctors
LOW: Artists, journalists, actors, writers.
Notebook #93 observations: Marked persistence. On Ascendant: a little anomic, private, defining their own way, with a strong sense of character.
- Saturn traits are rooted in the need to be independent, self-sufficient, self-reliant, autonomous, and private (silent, austere, modest). Survival instincts drive much of the behavior. Maturing is a process of securing autonomy. [Gauquelin not talkative, silent, modest.]
- Industrious, driven, willing to work hard, conscientious, dutiful, controlling (methodical, careful, can be obsessive about details). [Gauquelin: industrious, conscientious, meticulous, methodical, organized, precise]
- Struggle (overcoming tough odds) is a signature feature of their lives. Some experience early hardship, feeling deprived or unnourished physically or emotionally, with struggles for security or burdensome life demands. Some take on struggle on others' behalf.
- Most gain strength and endurance compensating for oppressive conditions, physical limitations, or other hardship.
- A few are beaten down by this. In the few who develop mental illness, characteristic forms are reactions against harsh reality either by trying to evade it, overcompensating with obsessive control, or resigned negativity turning to depression. [Also, we find suicides. Most Saturn angularities do not commit suicide, of course (it is a breakdown of the fundamental survival drives of a healthy Saturn). Besides suicides, we find other notable tragic deaths such as Janis Joplin, Natalie Wood, and assassinated heads of state, as well as people whose lives were impacted and shaped by a death close to them, especially of a parent or partner. Death, therefore, proves itself a significant Saturn theme.] [Gauquelin: melancholy, sad]
- Unusually strong material needs (to construct, order, acquire, conserve, and retain).
- Cautious in day-to-day matters: relies on the proven and stable. Prudent, effective management of resources. Can "make it work" with what they have.
- Stubborn, resistant to persuasion or having their minds changed.
- Strong parental themes (especially paternal): father-identified, reacts strongly to father figures, feels father looking over shoulder, looking for paternal approval. (Wants either to be Dad, be better than Dad, or kill Dad.)
- Seems emotionally reserved or inaccessible (serious, solemn, aloof, grave). Reflexively protects self emotionally, which may shut others out. [Gauquelin: reserved, cold, retiring.]
- In romance, tests people for loyalty and safety before committing, then proves dutiful and devoted. (Can be vindictive if betrayed.)
- Typical occupations include medicine and other sciences, which require rigor, conscientious method, detail, and long and grueling training. [Examples include Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Simon Newcomb, Louis Pasteur, Margaret Mead, and Paul Janssen.] Also, any field that demands driven, industrious endurance and persistence, from physical laborer to executive (including strong, often iron-fisted heads of state). Several aspiring musicians (private examples) but uncommon overall for artists, actors, writers, and journalists. [In the Gauquelin data collections, Saturn angular was statistically common for scientists and doctors and statistically uncommon for artists, actors, writers, and journalists. Despite the writers category being atypical, we find significant literary figures that may be taken as marking a Saturn style, including Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Oscar Wilde, Herman Hesse, William Burroughs, Ken Kesey, Truman Capote, Virginia Woolf, and Jacqueline Susann.]
GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Formal, reserved, conscientious, cold, methodical, meticulous, modest, observant, organized, not talkative, precise, reflective, retiring, reserved, wise, melancholy, timid, industrious, silent, sad.
HIGH: Scientists, doctors
LOW: Artists, journalists, actors, writers.
Notebook #93 observations: Marked persistence. On Ascendant: a little anomic, private, defining their own way, with a strong sense of character.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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URANUS foreground (Individuality, Freedom, Renewal)
SUMMARY: Unconventional, independent, individualistic, going their own way. Needs breathing room (physical, mental, moral, sexual, social) and frequent renewal (new interests and experiences, shed inhibitions, shaking off stale conditions). Delights in exploration, learns fast. Frank, blunt, candid (may soften disdain with humor). Views people impersonally (few filters). Prefers disclosure over mystery. Electrifying entertainers.
OBSERVATIONS: Few teachers (Eshelman notebooks).
Notebook #93 observations: On MC: Overall, they are people who have a hard time "fitting in." (This is true to a lesser degree of the other angles.) On IC: I need to explore the relationship of attachment-connection to their independence etc. For example, in social and other groups, they seem more likely to remain in the group and "act out," where the other angles are more likely to leave under similar situations.
- Strongly individualistic, independent, going their own way.
- Unconventional, sometimes provocative, controversial, or peculiar, rarely staying "in bounds" of others' expectations. (They can still surprise you even after years of familiarity.)
- Freedom and renewal needs are unusually strong: Requires freedom (generous breathing room) physically, mentally, morally, sexually, and socially and frequent renewal through new interests and experiences, shedding inhibitions, and shaking off stale conditions.
- Delights in inquiry, exploration, and discovery. Absorbs ideas quickly. (Mostly non-dogmatic, but may ride a pet hobbyhorse until it drops.)
- Prefers disclosure over mystery. Realists who "call it the way they see it" (frank, blunt, courageous, expresses strong views freely). Occult interests are to dispel mystery, not indulge it.
- Great (often electric) enthusiasm to share what they have found. (May make it their mission to point out what they think others miss.)
- Frustrated by small, narrow, or shortsighted minds. Commonly softens expressions of frustration or disdain with humor (or expresses contempt with derision).
- Impersonal. Takes people as they are, assessing their virtues with a clear eye, little bias, and few emotional filters. Though innately loyal, neither their loyalty nor their favor adheres to blood ties or personal considerations. (Often seems detached from or indifferent to family.)
- Politically, follows own mind unapologetically. Uranus inherently favors no specific ideology. [Though Uranus is historically linked with liberalism and favors freedom, innovation, and the socially progressive, its natives stretch across the liberal-conservative spectrum. U.S. presidents with angular Uranus reach from Roosevelt and Obama to Hoover and Reagan. Some of the most conservative recent Supreme Court justices have had Uranus angular, including Scalia, Kennedy, and Alito.]
- Entertainers generate excitement and thrills. Many are electrifying. [In music, consider Tina Turner and Grace Slick, Mick Jagger and Jimmy Page (plus many others). Among classic actors, this translates into startling sexuality as with Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Vivien Leigh, and Sophia Loren, but also the comedy of Lucille Ball, the thrills of Harry Houdini, and the revolutionary impact of Steven Spielberg.]
- Social impact has been most evident through sexuality (perhaps only because sex has been so repressed historically). In addition to the raw open sexuality of many entertainers, Uranians like Dr. Krafft-Ebing, Bettie Page, Hugh Hefner, Larry Flynt, Jacqueline Susann, and Linda Lovelace broadened social-sexual boundaries. While even libertine politicians usually have stayed on the safe side of social controversy, Uranian sex scandals have not been rare, e.g., Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, and Christine Keeler.
- Occupations are diverse and usually selected for maximum freedom of thought and movement and evade conflicts with authority. [In my personal chart files, I find almost no public school teachers with Uranus foreground.] The eminent scientists are mostly mind scientists. [C.G. Jung, Jean Piaget, Mary-Louise von Franz, R.D. Laing, Richard von Krafft-Ebing; but also the brilliant physical scientists Marie Curie and Werner Heisenberg.] Astrologers include some of the greatest modern figures, especially those of an objective, scientific leaning (Llewellyn George, Charles Carter, Elbert Benjamine, Donald A. Bradley, Andre Barbault), as well as many who contributed much to astrology as a profession in the late 20th century.
OBSERVATIONS: Few teachers (Eshelman notebooks).
Notebook #93 observations: On MC: Overall, they are people who have a hard time "fitting in." (This is true to a lesser degree of the other angles.) On IC: I need to explore the relationship of attachment-connection to their independence etc. For example, in social and other groups, they seem more likely to remain in the group and "act out," where the other angles are more likely to leave under similar situations.
OBSERVATIONS on U.S. PRESIDENTS:Garth Allen (Kid Gloves) wrote:The true Uranian simply is not blood-blinded, for he automatically appraises the character and worthiness of his flesh relative with the same unclouded eye by which he measures the mettle of a foreigner… [T}here is a characteristic detachment from natural obligations and earthy relationships – often a complete repudiation of lineage and citizenship in the sense of being ‘in the world but not of it.’ The typical Uranian has a tendency toward being so dedicated to what he believes to be his predestined reason for having been born, he is apt to be heedless of his loved ones and careless about himself. At times a blessing to his progress, at other times a blight on his personality, the innate trait of impersonableness, the ability to think apart from personal equations, is the most conspicuous earmark of the Uranus-dominated individual. To the Uranian, his boss, the Pope, the minister, the cop, the President himself, ‘are, after all, just people.’ When the Uranian’s key planet is afflicted at birth, it is difficult to find anybody more arrogant and undesirable as a friend. Uranus always goes head first, especially during the height of travail.
- What all (or nearly all) Uranus-angular Presidents have had in common is enormous courage and ingenuity. Three were generals. Both Roosevelts demonstrated other significant military leadership, in most cases tied into generally exceptional resourcefulness, pragmatism, and charting their own way independent of ideology.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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NEPTUNE foreground (Imagination, Temptation, Mystery)
SUMMARY: Crafts reality (impassioned certainty, adamant personal story, dreamer). Needs to be absorbed, enchanted, and draw others in (inspiring, persuasive). Open to temptation, enticement, or to surrender or lose oneself. Sensitive (vulnerable), empathy, compassion, tunes into others (but often inaccurately, disproportionately). Stirs drama. Ease relating to the unseeable. Chooses mystery over revelation.
STATS: High for murderers (Bradley).
OBSERVATIONS: Frequent among school teachers (Eshelman notebooks).
- Reality-forging needs are unusually strong. Needs to be absorbed, immersed, enchanted, fascinated, or spellbound by something. (Impressionable.)
- Lives in a personal reality womb (bubble-reality): Tenacious worldview: absorbed in the details of their own story, passionate about things that frame and populate it, impervious to others' logic. (Unusually good memory for facts, can mobilize them persuasively.)
- Driven to reorganize, reframe, or represent the world to suit their idea of it, "making sense of it" by ordering, sorting, naming, labelling, and categorizing complexity. (Naming or name-calling is a Neptune tactic to pin down a thing or insist it is such-and-so.)
- Employs impassioned certainty and persuasiveness to move and inspire others.
- Forward-looking dreamers of the future (visionary). - Other factors determine whether their vision is optimistic or pessimistic, a hopeful dream or an anxious nightmare.
- Most common Neptune expressions are socially positive or negative forms of forging a reality and drawing others into it. Positive forms include the performing arts (acting, music, fantasy, filmmaking, other storytelling), visual arts (especially painting), inspirational leadership (centered on a sharable vision), and seducing to healthy pleasure. Negative forms include lying, hoodwinking, betraying, cheating, fraud, ensnaring, and seducing toward destruction.
- Imagination and superior ability to conceptualize and function within mental (psychological) space supports math, abstract science, the arts, mysticism.
- Stirs drama and commotion (usually unconsciously, sometimes intentionally). May thrive amidst surging emotions (as if fed) or withdraw protectively. - Drama most often stems from their passion for their home reality, bad planning or choices (mismatching reality), or extraverting inner turmoil into the world as self-expression; but sometimes it has no overt cause.
- Complaining is common, usually as a type of storytelling with tightly woven threads that defy disentanglement. (This seems independent of any actual dissatisfaction or trouble.)
- Sensitive (feeling vulnerable, exposed). Feels strongly (sometimes surging, storming emotions). Tunes into others (perhaps inaccurately or disproportionately). Sympathy, compassion, empathy (or easily hooked, sensitive to rejection, feeling betrayed).
- The few who develop serious mental illness are deeply haunted by personal demons, split from objective reality, with deep distrust (paranoia). Substance abuse or other dependencies are common. Milder forms: depression, apprehension, anxiety, distrust, suspicion, and intractable negative patterns including feeling a victim. (Not characteristic of most Neptunians.) [Foreground Neptune was statistically common for murderers in the Bradley study and a later unpublished study. Infamous examples include Henri Desire Landru, Lizzie Borden, Lee Harvey Oswald, Richard Speck, Erik Menendez, James Huberty, Peter Kurten, and Stephen Paddock.]
- Drawn to temptation, seduction, enticement, desire - something to which they can surrender, in which they can lose themselves (including ego-dissolving activities).
- Chooses mystery over revelation. Attracted to the unfamiliar, foreign, exotic, mysterious, theatrical, enchanting, and deceptive.
- Often strong religious drives without necessarily committing to conventional religion (except as a convenience). Often a pagan ease in relating to unseeable things and inward journey.
- Occupations: Mathematics, mind science; psychologists and other counsellors. Painters and other artists, novelists, filmmakers, storytellers, and other creators who forge absorbing realities. [In addition to outstanding (usually male) film directors, several actresses with Neptune foreground have become film executives and producers overseeing project gestation, e.g., Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore, Mindy Kaling, and Geena Davis vs. Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, and Ron Howard.] Frequent among schoolteachers in my notebooks. Any other field that mobilizes Neptune's aptitude for weaving seductive realities. (Group the political leaders with the actors.)
STATS: High for murderers (Bradley).
OBSERVATIONS: Frequent among school teachers (Eshelman notebooks).
Garth Allen (Kid Gloves) wrote:Neptune feeds and thrives upon another. This stems from the vampire motif of Neptune which in another form is the osmosis motif in astrological literature, viz., infiltration and undermining... Natal Neptune near an angle is an earmark… of individuals spending their lives in more or less continuous invalidism – this does not necessarily mean physical invalidism as it can apply to emotional cripples, too. A long-term infirmity of any kind which spells the native’s unavoidable reliance on others for sustenance and protection is due to Neptune’s influence… Neptune rules invalidism whether it is natural or psychosomatically contrived...
…observe how consistently those born under a prominent Neptune are inwardly compelled to reorganize the world to suit themselves, to classify, name and pigeonhole not only people but processes and purposes. Invariably the individual who comes forth with another ‘occult revelation’ which shows yet another version of the visible and invisible universe on neatly drafted shelves, planes and cycles, is strongly Neptunian. In the everyday world… those with afflicted Neptunes are identifiable by their tireless tendency toward name calling and calumny, and suspicions of conspiracy by others. To a Neptunian, apparently, everything simply must have an ulterior motive and anything to which they object simply must be the work of the devil or… be of sinister design… another trait of Neptune in the extreme: its imperviousness to logic once a viewpoint or policy is adopted...
The Neptunian’s distrust of others, his insistence that there must be a snake in the grass somewhere, sometimes reaches fantastic heights, to his own undoing… The Neptune-dominated soul actually spawns its own Satans, its own conspiratorial forces, its own destructive images, and projects them onto the world as "enemies."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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PLUTO foreground (Outlier, Uncontrolled, Innocence)
SUMMARY: Need to live by their own rules (not others' rules or conventions). Social outsider (enjoys solitude), resists reflexively conforming to herd expectations (unique, eccentric, odd). Respectful of people (not systems). Kind, unthreatening, guileless (rarely antisocial); innocent without naivete. Deeply affected by cruelty or injustice. Spiritually inquiring, questioning. Unrushed in emotional commitment. (If severely afflicted: cruel, unfeeling, inhuman.)
STATS: High for murders (Bradley): "Its role in the climatology of crime is unquestionable."
- Need to live by their own rules, true to themselves (resists control). - This results in a lot of NOT following other people's rules or conventions. - A few draw attention for their disobedience, though most slip through the cracks quietly, almost invisibly.
- Solitary (outsider, anomaly) within the herd. (Only rarely solitary from the herd.) - Needs (enjoys) solitude. - Wanders in the wilderness (physically, psychologically), "black sheep" averse to reflexively conforming to herd expectations (unique, eccentric, odd, contradictory, contrary). [Being more or less immune to the changing winds of style and dismissive of social expectations, many are unconventional in their attire. Cross-dressing was tracked for Plutonians centuries before its modern resurgence (Chevalier d'Eon himself had Sun in Virgo closely conjunct Pluto), while others seem indifferent or defiant in their dress.] A figurative or literal outlier interrupting uniformity, a foreign or alien element disrupting homogenous predictability.
- Offers opinions frankly, without complexity, sometimes incisively.
- Kind, unthreatening, guileless. Only extreme examples are maladapted or antisocial. Most are socially well-adjusted, connect to others well, nearly invisible in their disruption, "live and let live."
- Despite abiding in the social outskirts, most are affected deeply by seeing cruelty or injustice. Even on smaller, everyday matters, they are quick to assist others in need.
- Remarkably respectful of all other people (perhaps more than any other planet type).
- A metaphor: While Moon furthers evolution through adaptation and consequent natural selection, Pluto is mutation (a solitary exception appearing in the gene pool) or an outsider introducing foreign genes, disrupting genetic predictability, literally "writing his own code." [Anthropologically, it is no accident that Pluto's most famous myth is a rape.] Thus, Pluto signifies evolution by disruption from outside the system.
- Innocent but without naivete (except in the very young, who sometimes seem naive, credulous, and even unworldly).
- Spiritually inquiring, wrestles with existential issues, wants to understand how life works and what is behind it (often holds unconventional ideas about it). Usually agnostic (shying from formalities in religion as in everything else), though many practice a personal religion.
- In romance, does not rush into emotional commitment, unconcerned with legally formalizing a relationship (especially the women).
- Occupations are diverse, with no specific career emerging statistically. The chief requirement is that the vocation fit the character, allowing time for solitude and independence (without excessive, arbitrary oversight). Most notebook examples are independent, self-employed (including several psychotherapists and astrologers), with a general entrepreneurial spirit (some form of "going it alone"), sometimes with an element of changing a prevailing paradigm. Most show unusual competence in most things they undertake.
- Some with angular Pluto severely afflicted are cruel, unfeeling, lacking basic humanity. [Most people with Pluto angular are harmless or, at worst, keep to themselves. However, some with Pluto aspecting Mars or Saturn display antisocial traits. Pluto foreground is statistically common for murderers (Bradley study) and, more broadly, other crime. Murderers with Pluto closely foreground usually have it aspecting Saturn or Mars.]
STATS: High for murders (Bradley): "Its role in the climatology of crime is unquestionable."
Garth Allen (Kid Gloves) wrote:The singling-out function of Pluto expresses itself as intense individuality, in a setting of oneself apart from the common throng, not in the aristocratic sense of elitism but in the antisocial sense of to hell with it all. Pluto-dominated souls suffer spiritually when being counted as mere members of a herd. Their contention against society is usually a matter of trying to keep from being dissolved by the gastric juices of Establishment mores and politics. They can be frighteningly cruel and unfeeling if Pluto is linked with a malefic planet, in which case the antisociality can take on diabolic forms. By contrast, Pluto coupled with a benefic can take on or radiate utterly angelic qualities. The dearest, most inoffensive souls you encounter in life are apt to have strong, unafflicted Plutos. No, Pluto by itself is not a malefic; it is more sinned against than sinning. People noted for their genuine niceness and lack of guile are born under Pluto interweavings with other benefic planetary forces.
People who are strongly Plutonian in makeup and behavior often dress garishly and in defiance of majority tastes even though they are the essentially timid, nonaggressive type. They can be the prime examples of sheer high camp – innocent and ingenuous at the same time they are being what polite conformists consider outrageous in manner and viewpoint. They seem completely at home in the forest primeval, for they have natural rapport with other forms of life, just as they can seem part of the décor of a bohemian coffeehouse. Don’t misunderstand: they are not of the great unwashed ilk who consider themselves children of Nature and seekers of Truth. Rather, they are the real thing in the way of God’s children – because Plutonians need no countercultural trappings, no doctrines or causes or poses to fall back on as the raison d’etre of their existence. They just are, and that is all there is to it. It is difficult to hassle them about anything creedal or ethnic; they won’t want to argue back out of consideration for your own blood pressure. This innate air of naivete makes them seem to invite aggression by others, which is why it is said that upbeat Plutonians are born targets for romantic and erotic overtures – and sometimes forcible molestation.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
ERIS foreground
Exploration of Eris is relatively new. Ideas we have today may vary significantly from what we discern in the future. Please consider the following tentative and exploratory.
SUMMARY: Mischievous, curious, trickster, outlier, and disruptor: Naturally navigates the swarm of chaos more easily with practical advantage (but thus also leaves a wake of chaos, disrupting imposed orders and conditions, because they have little native resistance to disorder). Manages the incomprehensible, juggles undecided possibilities.
SUMMARY: Mischievous, curious, trickster, outlier, and disruptor: Naturally navigates the swarm of chaos more easily with practical advantage (but thus also leaves a wake of chaos, disrupting imposed orders and conditions, because they have little native resistance to disorder). Manages the incomprehensible, juggles undecided possibilities.
- Mischievous, curious, trickster.
- Outlier, and disruptor.
- Naturally navigates the swarm of chaos more easily with practical advantage, but thus also leaves a wake of chaos, disrupting imposed orders and conditions, because they have little native resistance to disorder.
- Manages the incomprehensible, juggles undecided possibilities.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
SEDNA foreground
Exploration of Sedna is relatively new. Ideas we have today may vary significantly from what we discern in the future. Please consider the following tentative and exploratory.
SUMMARY: Warm, affectionate, bearing joy. Responds most powerfully to their feelings. Can be radiantly sexual, charismatic. Requires justice (sometimes vengeance), decisive righting of wrongs. They find their center in the unspoken (pre-rational, pre-verbal) (instinct for mathematics and natural sciences). When unhinged, rebels violently against distortions by reason. Buried darkness: ancient treasures or things long suppressed, shamed, and brutalized (accumulated rage, terror, and violence). Parental (especially father) issues need resolution. Women may have deep distrust of men (abuse history?). Worst expression: prone to and retaliates against abuse or victimization (vengeful or just), or enacting violence and abuse.
SUMMARY: Warm, affectionate, bearing joy. Responds most powerfully to their feelings. Can be radiantly sexual, charismatic. Requires justice (sometimes vengeance), decisive righting of wrongs. They find their center in the unspoken (pre-rational, pre-verbal) (instinct for mathematics and natural sciences). When unhinged, rebels violently against distortions by reason. Buried darkness: ancient treasures or things long suppressed, shamed, and brutalized (accumulated rage, terror, and violence). Parental (especially father) issues need resolution. Women may have deep distrust of men (abuse history?). Worst expression: prone to and retaliates against abuse or victimization (vengeful or just), or enacting violence and abuse.
- Warm, affectionate, bearing joy.
- Responds most powerfully to their feelings.
- Can be radiantly sexual, charismatic.
- Requires justice (sometimes vengeance) and decisive righting of wrongs.
- They find their center in the unspoken, pre-rational, and pre-verbal.
- Instinct for mathematics and natural sciences.
- When unhinged, rebels violently against distortions by reason.
- Buried darkness, whether ancient treasures or things long suppressed, shamed, and brutalized (accumulated rage, terror, and violence).
- Parental (especially father) issues need resolution.
- Women may have deep distrust of men (possible abuse history).
- Worst expression: Prone to abuse or victimization and retaliates (vengefully or justly). As a variation, others are the enactors of violence and abuse.
Jim Eshelman