The Van Gogh brothers

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Jim Eshelman
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The Van Gogh brothers

Post by Jim Eshelman »

A fascinating chart comparison is that between Vincent Van Gogh and his considerably more practical, pragmatic brother Theo.

Vincent Van Gogh, March 30, 1853, 11:00 AM LMT, Zundert, Netherlands (AA data)
Theo Van Gogh, May 1, 1857, 3:30 AM LMT, Zundert, Netherlands (B data)

A credible telling of their relationship is found in a play Marion is producing called Vincent. Leonard Nimoy wrote and performed the one-man play (about an hour long), playing Theo the week after Vincent died, being willing to talk about it for the first time - supported by Vincent's letters to Theo over the years. You can see the entire Nimoy performance here:

The least to remember when watching it is that Theo was an Aries and Vincent a Pisces - that lays out the primary dynamic. There are subtleties only an astrologer can understand, from the Aries vs. Pisces initially and then from the fact that they both had Neptune almost exactly angular (with Theo's Neptune on Vincent's MC, closely square Vincent's Moon - there is a deep "enabler" dynamic unfolding in this). Vincent's Sun and Venus are on Theo's Ascendant, Theo's Jupiter conjoined Vincent's Mercury - that tells so much of the story. And then Theo's Mars is 4 1/2 degrees from Vincent's Saturn.

There is so very much in these charts. Consider, for example, what Theo's relationship to art and creativity would have been had he not been Vincent's younger (and more pragmatic and responsible) brother. (As it was, he was an art dealer.)

Those are the highlights. Dig deeper into the two natals, their similarities and differences, and their aspectual connections to see a lot more.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: The Van Gogh brothers

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Thank you Jim, indeed very fascinating.

I believe there's a small typo in the birthyear of Theo, it is 1857.

There's another Theo van Gogh :) who was a film maker and the great grandson of Vincent's brother Theo.
His birth details are: July 23 1957, 12:15 PM, The Hague, The Netherlands.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: The Van Gogh brothers

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Year fixed :)
Jim Eshelman
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