Dates for Uranus in Pisces...
Apr 15 1673 to Sep 10 1673
Feb 6 1674 to Apr 13 1681
Dec 9 1681 to Jan 15 1682
Apr 18 1757 to Sep 10 1757
Feb 8 1758 to Apr 16 1765
Dec 7 1765 to Jan 21 1766
Apr 20 1841 to Sep 10 1841
Feb 11 1842 to Apr 19 1849
Dec 3 1849 to Jan 27 1850
Apr 22 1925 to Sep 11 1925
Feb 13 1926 to Apr 21 1933
Dec 3 1933 to Jan 30 1934
Apr 23 2009 to Sep 11 2009
Feb 14 2010 to Apr 23 2017
Dec 1 2017 to Feb 2 2018
Uranus in Pisces
- Jim Eshelman
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Uranus in Pisces
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Uranus in Pisces
TheScales_BothWays wrote:Uranus usually represents the "new", "original", (and perhaps the "cool" and "trendy"), the need for [creative?] individualistic expression, and perhaps youngsters and the youth too in general (if they're not [also?] represented by Venus).
Pisces/Neptune was always symbolic for:
-Migration, travelling/wandering off to faraway places, wanderlust
-Fascination with the "unknown",
-"being someone else"/masquerading
-Oral simulation, by which I mean, food, oh yeah, food! And perhaps the cigarette/smoking industry, by connecting Pisces with Venus-Jupiter (Venus exalted in Pisces and Jupiter being the traditional ruler of Pisces), as smoking addicts (and also foodies) commonly have Venus-Jupiter aspects. And I also known a fair number of Pisces luminaries who just love food.![]()
-The state of being in intoxication?
-And deception, betrayal, disillusionment and disappointments as well.
-Idealistic perfection?
Recently, (especially among youngsters and the youth) travelling has become very popular, with the rise of travel blogs, travel [youtube and TV] channels, and social media profiles of people sharing solely their travel experiences, each creatively in their own individualistic way, and in here people show their colourful individuality as well. Every youngster of today probably dreams of travelling around the world and moving somewhere else permanently if not for a long time, to experience the variety of cultures, food and people which/whom were probably not much known before this.
My comment: With Uranus soon moving away from Pisces, and Saturn the inhibitor tomorrow entering Sagittarius: the sign of travel and long-distance transportation, and more modernly, aviation and flight; would travel lose its appeal? Will there be restrictions in travelling (like probably a lack of pilots or aircraft, or restrictions placed by countries to travel to other countries) and will there be more flight accidents? On the former, perhaps we're already seeing a prelude of this by US President Trump blocking entries from a number of Muslim countries, thankfully mine's not included.![]()
Speaking of food, yes, food is another popular topic among youngsters as well! Food blogs, channels, websites...basically the same of travel can be said for food as well.
Though since we're humans, food would probably be an all-time popular topic among us, if that's not an illusion created by Uranus being in Pisces for the past 7 to 8 years.
On masquerading, consider the cosplaying culture, "cosplay" being the short for "costume play" which is the act of dressing up as one's favourite anime/comic character, especially in comic conventions, in which most comic readers are being passionate about.
And for smoking, consider the now-popular "vape" and e-smoking culture, and before that, there was a hookah fad. Hookahs may still be popular even now. (Hookahs are Arab-style vessels/waterpipes filled with a sweet and perfumed tobacco concoction called shisha which gets heated for smoking, somehow, I don't smoke so I'm not sure.)
BTW I said this having mostly Malaysia in context, may or may not apply to the US an the rest of the world as well, though I'm aware that vaping has now become popular in most of the world.
As for marijuana/cannabis smoking—which connects to both "smoking/oral simulation" and "intoxication" themes—smoking marijuana is becoming more and more legal (and of course, popular among youngsters) which even the once strictly marijuana-forbidding USA is now being more lenient in it and more US states are allowing at least either medical or recreational usage of cannabis if not both.
Jim, IIRC you are into the wine industry; and has there been any increases in wine/liquor sales ever since Uranus entered Pisces?
On deception/betrayal, perhaps the increase of divorce cases which are reasoned by disappointments/disillusionments (by previously having "ideals" that they've gotten the "perfect partner"?) and by infidelity could be related to this? Not to mention that cheating partners has been a popular theme in the media as well. Correct me if I'm wrong though, in this or in anything else I've remarked.
Or, just as an afterthought, could all of the above relate to Neptune being in Aquarius better?![]()
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Uranus in Pisces
Sure, at a rapid rate - but not just during that time. It's been a steep climb over 20-30 years. One might talk about stylistic changes, advertising changes, etc. - a big ongoing discussion for most of the last decade on the impact of millennials' tastes and pocket books against wine traditions, and some of those trends might indeed be in the direction of Uranus and Pisces, though I'm not quick to jump to that. After all, there are always shifting market strategies, innovations in style and delivery, introduction of varieties not grown in a particular area, and more.TheScales_BothWays wrote:Jim, IIRC you are into the wine industry; and has there been any increases in wine/liquor sales ever since Uranus entered Pisces?
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Uranus in Pisces
Venus_Daily wrote:You're right about children, but you're also forgetting Pisces' malefic tendencies. Right now children and young adults are being indoctrinated into belief systems (Jupiter), which are based on cult philosophies (Neptune). A lot of people are sort of being indoctrinated into what I like to term as distance learning cults, which promote violence through mob rule. I am not mentioning any group in particular because it's happening almost everywhere except for old countries like Japan and China.
Anyway, these people are being lured with romanticism into a life that does not exist, which only benefits rich people pushing the levers and pulling the strings.
These people all want to live in a movie where they defeat the bad guy when they neglect to realize that we're all bad and good.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Uranus in Pisces
Uranus is back in Pisces today, to finish up its seven-year run between now and February 8.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Uranus in Pisces
American Airlines had a glitch in their scheduling system that is creating a holiday pilot shortage, and may have to cancel thousands of flights in December. ... ts-2017-11 ... ts-2017-11
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
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