Jupiter conjunct Pluto

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Jim Eshelman
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Jupiter conjunct Pluto

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In the December 2007 issue of Horoscope Guide, "Tomorrow's News" columnist Anthony Grady (who has more than a smattering of personal familiarity with Jupiter-Pluto aspects) discusses the likely geopolitical impact of the upcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (which occurs December 11 at 3 SAG 32 - though the Moon passes through the conjunction a day earlier).

In his usual observation-grounded style, he summarizes:
An overview of conjunction going all the way back to 1906 clearly indicates that this aspect provides a very unhealthy environment for governments or businesses that are characterized by concentrated power. Under this aspect, imperialist occupations have been challenged, authoritarian dictators deposed, colonial powers have been forced to retreat from their holdings, and at least one famous instance of trust-busting... was initiated.
He then gives a number of specific examples to support this, then goes on to apply this to the current state of the world with projections for "Tomorrow's News." I recommend the article.

This is similar to what I expected from Pluto in Sagittarius per se - though, as shown in the existing thread on that subject, Pluto in Sagittarius historically has been much more of an intensification (sometimes to the point of later self-destruction) of such matters.

What does everyone else think about this? Discussion?
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter conjunct Pluto

Post by Jim Eshelman »

chrys333 wrote:1906.
That is the date of the San Francisco earthquake. If Pluto in Sag, means a Jupiter (expansive), Pluto (violent upheaval), then that makes sense. Might say the world is shaken by a financial earthquake, as well as more weather damage. Reminds me of what Jesus the Christ said, that the next conflagration will not by by water, but by fire. Pluto is higher octave of Mars, and Jupiter rules both a water and a fire sign.Very Shin (key 20). Isn't Shin called the Fire of Water?
Do you think that if Mc Cain does win, there will be riots? Do you think, again, there will voter fraud?
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter conjunct Pluto

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Wayne Turner wrote:Hi Jim et al,
On 12 November 2007 one of the more historic news conferences was held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. It featured a number of significant UFO witnesses including former Arizona Governor Fife Symington, retired USAF Col. Charles Halt, and retired Major General Wilfried De Brouwer of the Belgian Air Force and later adviser to the United Nations. Here is an informative website: http://www.freedomofinfo.org/national_press.htm Although the geocentric JU 0 PL is not very close, heliocentrically they are less than a degree apart, and during that day helio Mercury passed through a trine to both, which I think is about as appropriate as you might want for such an event. The momentum seems to be real. On March 22, 2008 France opened their UFO files, and the UK has followed suit in their own fashion. http://space.newscientist.com/article.n ... print=true According to a graphic ephemeris published in Astrology Guide for November 1955, a keyword for JU 0 PL is "revelation", or in this case "disclosure." Pluto had also recently been in conjunction with the Galactic Center in longitude, and many will remember the embarrassing admission by candidate Dennis Kucinich that he had indeed personally witnessed an impressive UFO. (So did former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. So, in fact, have I.)
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