East Point (by Firebrace)

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Jim Eshelman
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East Point (by Firebrace)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In Vol. IV, No. 4 of Spica (1965), we find one of the earliest (but not the earliest) Siderealist expositions on the importance of the Eastpoint. Brigadier Firebrace, in an article called "Key Points of the Horoscope," wrote in part:
As is well known to students of sidereal astrology we rely mainly for interpretation on planets situated near the angles, the horizon and the meridian lines. These appear to be the most important points of the map and planets near them appear to produce the maximum effect in events.

There are, however, other possible points which could be potent and some of these we have been studying.

For many years I used to draw maps with a form of house division which entailed equal division from the M.C. I had found that the cusp of the first house thus obtained was of definite importance. This first cusp was obtained by adding 90 degrees in longitude to the MC. I have since found that, in my opinion, better results are obtained by adding 90 degrees in Right Ascension to the R.A.M.C. The resulting point has often been called "The East Point." When one says, 'East Point' one must say 'East Point of what?' It is strictly the East Point of the Celestial Equator. This is not necessarily on the ecliptic and, as with the planets, we have to drop a perpendicular to the ecliptic to get its ecliptic position.

In recent experiments... I have found that this East Point is of considerable importance. I can remember that Garth Allen in 'American Astrology Magazine' commented on this point and stated that he had confirmed it statistically and considered it had equal value with the Asc.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: East Point (by Firebrace)

Post by SteveS »

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