I haven't really worked up a comparison between these two - accomplices on atrocious, vile, heart-braking murders, truly partners in crime - but I wanted to put their birth data here for anyone else to experiment and to add to the collection. The former is well-known from Fagan's & Firebrace's writings, but no time was available for the latter until more recently.
Ian Brady was born January 2, 1938, 12:40 PM, Glasgow, Scotland (AA Data).
Myra Hindley was born July 23, 1942, 2:45 AM, Crumpsal, Lancashire (B Data)
Most obvious is her Sun conjunct his Pluto 0°05'. Her Saturn squares his Mars 0°07' (murder and slaughter, I guess, are activities that would allow two people to interact well with Mars-Saturn). Each Jupiter opposes the others' Sun 2-3°. Their Venuses are widely opposite, square his Saturn (his own Venus-Saturn is wide, but her Venus to his Saturn within 0°27' sharpens the symbolism, draws out the energy I think).
Ian Brady & Myra Hindley
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Ian Brady & Myra Hindley
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Ian Brady & Myra Hindley
Taking a new look at this (after just working on Hindley's gruesome nativity), I find it's an unusually good example of a Composite. (I consider the Composite a valid relationship chart but also find it disappoints far too often to be as reliable as basic synastry.)
The strongest indication is given in the simplest things: This sadistically murderous couple's Composite with Mars 1°23' from Ascendant! That's the main mark of the chart. (Moon square Neptune is one of the two other really interesting aspects.)
For those who interpret Composites primarily by houses (as the two original works in astrological literature did) will see seven of ten planets in houses 6 vs. 12.
A very strange aspect, though, is Sun opposite Jupiter, with both trine-sextile Moon - all within 1°. I'm not sure what this means except, perhaps, that their activities as a couple were enjoyable to do the two of them as a couple. (In its own sick way, it seems to have been a great relationship.) Most of the rest of the close aspects show really great sex.
The strongest indication is given in the simplest things: This sadistically murderous couple's Composite with Mars 1°23' from Ascendant! That's the main mark of the chart. (Moon square Neptune is one of the two other really interesting aspects.)
For those who interpret Composites primarily by houses (as the two original works in astrological literature did) will see seven of ten planets in houses 6 vs. 12.
A very strange aspect, though, is Sun opposite Jupiter, with both trine-sextile Moon - all within 1°. I'm not sure what this means except, perhaps, that their activities as a couple were enjoyable to do the two of them as a couple. (In its own sick way, it seems to have been a great relationship.) Most of the rest of the close aspects show really great sex.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Ian Brady & Myra Hindley
Progressing Brady's chart to Hindley's birth time and place, we find convincing, impressive angular contacts:
5°07' Lib - SNQ Asc
5°37' Can - t Sun
5°40' Can - r Pluto
15°56' Ari - r Uranus
16°03' Can - SNQ MC
Though it seems minor in the "progressions and transits" function, we do find the one progressed Moon connection, p Moon sq. Hindley's Asc ("transiting Asc") within a degree.
Other progressions: p Venus tr. r Uranus 0°25', the significant "singling out" p Sun co. r MC 0°14'.
Regressing Hindley's chart to Brady's birth, the angular contact looks more like they were good business partners:
14°42' Gem - p Jupiter
14°56' Gem - p Mercury
15°22' Vir - SNQ Asc
15°42' Gem - r Jupiter
Progressed Moon (as in most such samples) stands out with other flavor, though:
27°15' Leo - t Neptune (i.e., Brady's Neptune)
27°44' Leo - p Moon
5°07' Lib - SNQ Asc
5°37' Can - t Sun
5°40' Can - r Pluto
15°56' Ari - r Uranus
16°03' Can - SNQ MC
Though it seems minor in the "progressions and transits" function, we do find the one progressed Moon connection, p Moon sq. Hindley's Asc ("transiting Asc") within a degree.
Other progressions: p Venus tr. r Uranus 0°25', the significant "singling out" p Sun co. r MC 0°14'.
Regressing Hindley's chart to Brady's birth, the angular contact looks more like they were good business partners:
14°42' Gem - p Jupiter
14°56' Gem - p Mercury
15°22' Vir - SNQ Asc
15°42' Gem - r Jupiter
Progressed Moon (as in most such samples) stands out with other flavor, though:
27°15' Leo - t Neptune (i.e., Brady's Neptune)
27°44' Leo - p Moon
Jim Eshelman