Is Jupiter hopeful?

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James Condor
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Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by James Condor »

Is Jupiter full of hope?
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I wouldn't say so. Sometimes people who see they have Jupiter angular in an upcoming solunar or progression or transit are full of hope. But Jupiter is usually full of his own importance.
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Re: Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by Danica »

I'd say hoping aligns more with the Neptunian ergie; it's a desire-expectation of something good coming/happening in the future. Jupiter is optimistic: prone to see (perceive, and focus on) the Good that's already-here (in actuality or potential), not hopeful per se in the sense described above.
Optimism knows with certainty ("knows" not in the usual rational sense, so feels may be a better word) that things are and will be Good; hope doesn't - there's the factor of the Unknown, and the desire for a specific something (set of circumstances, events, etc) that's perceived as Good, in the context of this awareness (conscious or not, as such) of the Unknown.
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Re: Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by SteveS »

Relative to one's immediate environment, Jupiter symbolizes spheres of life which expands things in one's individual psyche which allows one to experience more benefic feelings—happiness.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

James Condor wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:24 pm Is Jupiter full of hope?
As a general rule, I'd lean toward yes. "Hope" is often something something transiting Jupiter brings and, more often than not, those hopes are fulfilled. As for people with Jupiter strong natally, as a rule they have an optimistic bent, though this makes them vulnerable to deflation and disappointment: Happiness researchers generally hold that the level of one's happiness is measurable by the gap between one's expectations vs. one's perception of actual circumstances, and Jupiter types start with high, positive expectations.

Jupiter in us manifests as religious thinking rather than logical thinking. It isn't that Jupiter is anti-reason or anti-logic (the academic side of Jupiter can be quite the opposite) - those are the more extreme Neptunian traits - nor is Jupiter so deeply saturated in belief as Neptune (which fundamentally is the part of us that selects what reality to hold onto). However, it is far more in that direction than Mercury. Without thinking about it too much, Jupiter comes from a "wishing makes it so" world and that tends to work for them.

Think of it as three people who are throwing dice, and the dice throw matters to them: Mercury throws the dice and is mentally calculating the odds of what comes up based on mathematical principles. Jupiter throws the dice as if in a state of optimistic prayer with a certainty the desired number will come up, and only the final result dissuades him from that fact. Neptune throws the dice with a similar certainty of the outcome and may not pause to notice that something different came up because, frankly, Neptune is watching the stage show near the dice table.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by James Condor »

I like that analogy Jim.
I’m thinking Jupiter mental processes deduce in its own the mental agreement the most favorable outcome. Of course, if the outcome actually isn’t the most favorable, Jupiter still stays hopeful or optimistic that the next time it’ll be the most favorable.
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Re: Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by rr5209806 »

Astrologically speaking, Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. Jupiter governs long distance and foreign travel, big business and wealth, higher education, religion, and the law.
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Re: Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

This thread is meant to go deeper into how Jupiter operates in the psyche, not just give a generalized paragraph with basic keywords. We have our delineations of Jupiter and other planets here: viewforum.php?f=12
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Re: Is Jupiter hopeful?

Post by Dimitrios »

Jupiter in us manifests as religious thinking rather than logical thinking.
So true ! i have seen that the benefits are always more esoterical and spiritual than practical. Observing the 12-year Jupiters cycle in my life, i dnoticed that when i started to study and research astrology, 29 years ago, Jupiter was in conjunct with my natal Uranus in 2nd house (exact conjunction with 3rd house cusp - only typically in 2nd). This was one the happiest periods in my life. The excitment of discovery was tremendous.
2010 when Jupiter entered Aquarius (7th natal house) i entered to a esoteric community and i experienced almost the same feelings of spiritual excitment and hapiness. 6 years later, when i discovered Thelema and was very active in some new discovered practices and learning again, Jupiter
was in conjunct with my natal Moon...the same feeling again, great excitment. Some times Jupiter brings also practical gain,but i think there is more emphasis on the spiritual or psyhological development.
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