The following table shows when Jupiter was in Sagittarius and Capricorn for the last 60 years.
Jupiter enters Sag Jan 26 1960 11:02 pm
Jupiter enters Sco Aug 4 1960 05:01 am
Jupiter enters Sag Sep 5 1960 07:31 pm
Jupiter enters Cap Feb 14 1961 03:22 am
Jupiter enters Aqu Feb 28 1962 07:37 am
Jupiter enters Sag Jan 9 1972 11:15 pm
Jupiter enters Cap Jan 28 1973 11:07 pm
Jupiter enters Aqu Feb 12 1974 05:24 pm
Jupiter enters Sag Dec 25 1983 03:07 pm
Jupiter enters Cap Jan 13 1985 11:35 pm
Jupiter enters Aqu Jan 28 1986 03:53 pm
Jupiter enters Sag Dec 10 1995 06:58 pm
Jupiter enters Cap Dec 29 1996 06:59 pm
Jupiter enters Aqu Jan 12 1998 07:10 am
Jupiter enters Sag Nov 25 2007 08:29 pm
Jupiter enters Cap Dec 13 2008 05:12 pm
Jupiter enters Aqu May 8 2009 06:40 pm
Jupiter enters Cap Jul 22 2009 04:00 pm
Jupiter enters Aqu Dec 24 2009 08:06 am
Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
- Jim Eshelman
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Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
I've been meaning to get back and do some assessment of these dates before Jupiter entered Capricorn. Too late for that, but still worth some comments.
A few things were immediately obvious from the above table concerning Jupiter in Sagittarius. As Jupiter takes 12 years to go round the zodiac, this placement occurs every third Presidential election year. For the most part, the difference between Jupiter in Sagittarius (its home sign) vs. Jupiter in Capricorn (its fall) has been that the Sagittarius phase has been during the election cycle and extremely idealistic, while the Capricorn phase has been the first year of the new term and marked by the practicalities of "the rubber meeting the road."
Notice that not only was Jupiter in Sagittarius for the campaign and election of Barack Obama, but also of John F. Kennedy plus the campaign (and loss) of George McGovern. The similarities of those three campaigns in terms of idealism, hope, and inspiration are quite remarkable.
But it goes farther than that. Kennedy and Obama won in years when the incumbent President was not running. Their idealistic campaigns won. But McGovern was running against the seated President, and he lost. In fact, incumbents won in 1972, 1984, and 1996 - every time an incumbent was running. Now, more often than not an incumbent will win reelection, but that didn't happen for Jimmy Carter in 1980 or George Bush in 1992 (in both cases, Jupiter in Virgo, it's detriment). Since 1960, it only happened once in a non-Jupiter-in-Sagittarius year, that being LBJ in 1964 (Jupiter in Aries).
This gives me a preliminary feel about Jupiter in Sagittarius as enhancing idealism, hope, and progressiveness, except that it also passively accepts the status quo or establishment when that option is reasonably available (e.g., when an incumbent is running). In either case, it seems highly ideological.
I haven't had time to examine the Jupiter in Capricorn periods - roughly the first year of each of these Presidents (or the first year of a second term for three of them). Relying only on memory, I don't think these were great years for any of them, and we can note that the challenges of 2009 are significant as well. However, Jupiter is moving pretty fast through Capricorn this time. It entered early (and the new President has gotten practically involved earlier), but it speeds on into Aquarius for a short visit in May through August before retrograding back for the rest of 2009.
A few things were immediately obvious from the above table concerning Jupiter in Sagittarius. As Jupiter takes 12 years to go round the zodiac, this placement occurs every third Presidential election year. For the most part, the difference between Jupiter in Sagittarius (its home sign) vs. Jupiter in Capricorn (its fall) has been that the Sagittarius phase has been during the election cycle and extremely idealistic, while the Capricorn phase has been the first year of the new term and marked by the practicalities of "the rubber meeting the road."
Notice that not only was Jupiter in Sagittarius for the campaign and election of Barack Obama, but also of John F. Kennedy plus the campaign (and loss) of George McGovern. The similarities of those three campaigns in terms of idealism, hope, and inspiration are quite remarkable.
But it goes farther than that. Kennedy and Obama won in years when the incumbent President was not running. Their idealistic campaigns won. But McGovern was running against the seated President, and he lost. In fact, incumbents won in 1972, 1984, and 1996 - every time an incumbent was running. Now, more often than not an incumbent will win reelection, but that didn't happen for Jimmy Carter in 1980 or George Bush in 1992 (in both cases, Jupiter in Virgo, it's detriment). Since 1960, it only happened once in a non-Jupiter-in-Sagittarius year, that being LBJ in 1964 (Jupiter in Aries).
This gives me a preliminary feel about Jupiter in Sagittarius as enhancing idealism, hope, and progressiveness, except that it also passively accepts the status quo or establishment when that option is reasonably available (e.g., when an incumbent is running). In either case, it seems highly ideological.
I haven't had time to examine the Jupiter in Capricorn periods - roughly the first year of each of these Presidents (or the first year of a second term for three of them). Relying only on memory, I don't think these were great years for any of them, and we can note that the challenges of 2009 are significant as well. However, Jupiter is moving pretty fast through Capricorn this time. It entered early (and the new President has gotten practically involved earlier), but it speeds on into Aquarius for a short visit in May through August before retrograding back for the rest of 2009.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
Yesterday, on Jupiter's last full day in Capricorn (for the moment), the banking crisis ended.Jim Eshelman wrote:Jupiter enters Cap Dec 13 2008 05:12 pm
Jupiter enters Aqu May 8 2009 06:40 pm
Jupiter enters Cap Jul 22 2009 04:00 pm
Jupiter enters Aqu Dec 24 2009 08:06 am
I know this is true, because it's in the newspapers.

In any case, yesterday was a defining point that, at least, changes the ongoing conversation about the financial crisis. New language, new images, and a new "unfolding story" will continue from now onward... at least until Jupiter re-enters Capricorn July 22.
My original projection last year was that it would take until deep into 2010 to resolve the financial crisis but - because a significantly improving economy would be necessary for Democrates to hold their congressional gains in the 2010 elections - this year we'd have improvements in distinctive markers that would give the appearance of improvement in some areas that matter to voters most.
And Jupiter's movement into Aquarius (in the earliest degrees where it sits much of the summer) is concurrent with its conjunction with Neptune. Inflation could be predicted easily, plus a deceptive and ill-founded optimism. With Jupiter both conjunct Neptune and sitting in Aquarius, "Hope" may well return as the theme word of the times - but it will be hard to sort out delusional hope from pragmatic idealism.
In any case, the basics of Jupiter in Capricorn have been pretty clear. Historically this has been the practical, real-world "rubber meets the road" of Presidents elected or re-elected from idealistic and high-blown enthusiasm. This time, Jupiter entered Capricorn months before the new President was sworn in, and, in fact, he started working (effectively taking leadership early) months before he formally claimed the office. That work pattern has marked the administration through yesterday - and now we have a new phase to examine.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
SteveS wrote:Excellent mundane delineations Jim. It will be very interesting to see how the summer (July 22) conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune manifests itself in the collective arena of mass psychologically. I think we are already seeing the effects of the first approaching May Jup-Nep conjunction with an improving bullish psychological effect in world stock markets.Jim wrote: And Jupiter's movement into Aquarius (in the earliest degrees where it sits much of the summer) is concurrent with its conjunction with Neptune. Inflation could be predicted easily, plus a deceptive and ill-founded optimism. With Jupiter both conjunct Neptune and sitting in Aquarius, "Hope" may well return as the theme word of the times - but it will be hard to sort out delusional hope from pragmatic idealism.
Reputed to be one of the world’s best mundane astrologers, Andre Barbault has this to say about world cycles associated with Jupiter—Neptune symbolism, paraphrased by the authors of ‘Mundane Astrology’:
“Jupiter-Neptune: This cycle has a strong idealistic, humanitarian and ideological quality about it. It seems to relate to the unfoldment of idealistic and religious belief systems, and as such its hard-angle aspects can often relate to sectarian quarrels, political differences and ‘religious wars’. Economically it can produce periods of boom and much optimism, but also ‘pie in the sky’ plans and rampant inflation, if not well earthed. Barbault relates this particularly to the socialist economies of the Eastern bloc (Mundane Astrology was published in 1984). During elections, Jupiter-Neptune favours a strong left--wing majority.”
It will be interesting to observe the July 22nd eclipse with its shadow path over India & China. This area has produced some major ‘religious wars’ in the past, and in early July Mars will 90 the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. If there is going to be a major ‘religious’ conflict this early July period will probably offer the highest probability of another major ‘religious war’ manifesting. If there is going to be another massive dose of inflation the early July period will offer high probability of aggressive buying by the speculators with the symbolism of Mars 90 Jup-Nep. If we see aggressive buying of stocks during this same July period—it will probably be a major top—setting up another dose of Stock selling with the autumn 3rd Saturn-Uranus opposition. Hopefully, we will only see positive manifestations in a ‘humanitarian’ manner since this July Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is entering the constellation of Aquarius.
Regards, Steve
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
And, just to make the record more complete: The Senate voted to end debate on the health care bill the exact day Jupiter conjoined Neptune, and passed its version of the bill on Jupiter's last day in Capricorn.
Last Day in Capricorn, Round 1: Banking crisis officially "ended"
Last Day in Capricorn, Round 2: Senate passes health care bill.
On to Aquarius!
Last Day in Capricorn, Round 1: Banking crisis officially "ended"
Last Day in Capricorn, Round 2: Senate passes health care bill.
On to Aquarius!
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
SteveS wrote:Damn! Jim, I had completely forgotten about our posts on the possible mundane implications of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions. Pondering the political events in DC/Nation of the last six months pertaining to the Health Care Bill certainly reflects some solid, mundane, astrological symbolic points. It appears our Solar System singled out the USA/Politics and the Health Care Bill to be the focal point of the mundane Jup.-Nep manifestations. Another possible important symbolic point was the tight Mars square to the partile Jup-Nep conjunction on our national 09 SSR. With hindsight, I would say this could be the dead on symbolism that explains the public firestorm that was caused by the introduction of the Health Care Bill. Mercury tight 135 to the Jup.-Nep. Conjunction may be interpreted as the huge media (communications) attention by the Health Care Bill pertaining to our National Chart. Even through we may have our doubts about a precise mundane birth time, making it very difficult to delineate with foresight the July 4th National Chart, the above tight aspects to Jup.-Nep. has a certain amount of cosmic synchronicity.
I wish the entire World could experience the sheer AWE of the symbolic language of Sidereal Astrology. The world would be a better place.
Regards, Steve
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
I'm kicking this back up to the top because I just noticed something none of us have been talking about regarding the 2020 election: Jupiter will be back in Sagittarius for the entire year, including the election.
Jupiter enters Sagittarius in November 2019. In November 2020 it remains in Sagittarius for the election, conjoins Pluto mid-month, then enters Capricorn around Thanksgiving and moves straight for its new conjunction with Saturn. This is epochal, worldview-changing stuff.
But the election season and the election itself occur with Jupiter in Sagittarius. This tells me without a doubt that one of the parties - most likely the Democrats - will have a new, idealistic, uplifting voice for their candidate. Notice that this placement does not, by itself, say whether this inspiring figure will win.
Jupiter has been in Sagittarius for presidential races every 12 years including 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, and 2008. In 1960 it was John Kennedy (who won: there was no incumbent); in 1972, George McGovern (who was trounced by incumbent Nixon); the most recent, in 2008, was Barack Obama (who won: there was no incumbent). The others include '48 when incumbent Truman beat Dewey; '84, when incumbent Reagan trounced Mondale almost as badly as Nixon beat McGovern; and '96 when incumbent Clinton beat Dole and Perot.
The similarities of the Kennedy, McGovern, and Obama campaigns in terms of idealism, hope, and inspiration are quite remarkable. Equally interesting is that the same sign placement has always favored an incumbent running for re-election. More often than not, an incumbent will win reelection regardless of Jupiter's sign, but that didn't happen for Jimmy Carter in 1980 or George Bush in 1992 (in both cases, Jupiter in Virgo, it's detriment). Since 1960, it only happened once in a non-Jupiter-in-Sagittarius year, that being LBJ in 1964 (Jupiter in Aries).
It is unclear to me whether the "incumbents usually win" would apply in the current situation: As Marion said this morning, she's not sure there is a status quo at the moment.
Jupiter in Sagittarius enhances idealism, hope, and progressiveness, except that it also passively accepts the status quo or establishment when that option is reasonably available. In either case, it seems highly ideological. Then Jupiter enters Capricorn bringing practical concerns when "the rubber meeting the road."
Jupiter enters Sagittarius in November 2019. In November 2020 it remains in Sagittarius for the election, conjoins Pluto mid-month, then enters Capricorn around Thanksgiving and moves straight for its new conjunction with Saturn. This is epochal, worldview-changing stuff.
But the election season and the election itself occur with Jupiter in Sagittarius. This tells me without a doubt that one of the parties - most likely the Democrats - will have a new, idealistic, uplifting voice for their candidate. Notice that this placement does not, by itself, say whether this inspiring figure will win.
Jupiter has been in Sagittarius for presidential races every 12 years including 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, and 2008. In 1960 it was John Kennedy (who won: there was no incumbent); in 1972, George McGovern (who was trounced by incumbent Nixon); the most recent, in 2008, was Barack Obama (who won: there was no incumbent). The others include '48 when incumbent Truman beat Dewey; '84, when incumbent Reagan trounced Mondale almost as badly as Nixon beat McGovern; and '96 when incumbent Clinton beat Dole and Perot.
The similarities of the Kennedy, McGovern, and Obama campaigns in terms of idealism, hope, and inspiration are quite remarkable. Equally interesting is that the same sign placement has always favored an incumbent running for re-election. More often than not, an incumbent will win reelection regardless of Jupiter's sign, but that didn't happen for Jimmy Carter in 1980 or George Bush in 1992 (in both cases, Jupiter in Virgo, it's detriment). Since 1960, it only happened once in a non-Jupiter-in-Sagittarius year, that being LBJ in 1964 (Jupiter in Aries).
It is unclear to me whether the "incumbents usually win" would apply in the current situation: As Marion said this morning, she's not sure there is a status quo at the moment.
Jupiter in Sagittarius enhances idealism, hope, and progressiveness, except that it also passively accepts the status quo or establishment when that option is reasonably available. In either case, it seems highly ideological. Then Jupiter enters Capricorn bringing practical concerns when "the rubber meeting the road."
Jim Eshelman
Re: Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
I agree with Marion, I see no status quo. If a 'progressive' is the Dem candidate in 2020, I predict the progressive wins because of the 2020 Libsolar. I believe all the Uranus-Pluto action in the decade of 2010 has/is breaking-up status quo institutions.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Capricorn
I'm rolling this to the top as the closest thing I have so far to a Jupiter in Sagittarius thread.
Jim Eshelman