Mars-Uranus conjunction

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Jim Eshelman
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Mars-Uranus conjunction

Post by Jim Eshelman »


The last 24 hours were one possible trigger-point of trigger-type incidents, shown by Mars joining an existing outer planet hard aspect. Specifically, with Uranus square Pluto within 3 degrees, Mars conjoined Uranus yesterday.

I didn't see any explosive trigger incidents, but did notice some key breakthroughs of previously stagnant, blocked conditions. For example, Pres. Obama facilitated an apology (called a "diplomatic coup" by the press) that broke through a stubborn disagreement between Israel and Turkey. The Republican-led House of Representatives dropped their "just say no" philosophy and cleared the way for routine financial functioning. The Senate passed a budget for the first time since 2007, though it likely will hit a wall in the House. All this occurred in a three-day period centered on yesterday's Mars-Uranus conjunction.

This may be the basic characteristic of the Mars-Uranus conjunction: breakthroughs on stuck, rigid matters.

The pattern is strengthened on the 26th and 27th. A Sun-Venus conjunction hits the Uranus end of the pattern, followed by the intensification early on the 27th of a Full Moon. It's also the day of the Mars-Pluto square. This cluster covers the two days that the Supreme Court will be hearing two gay marriage cases that are considered pivotal. At the time of the March 27 Full Moon, the planets are:

Venus 11°32' Pisces
Sun 11°57' Pisces
Moon 11°57' Virgo
Uranus 13°28' Pisces
Pluto 16°35' Sagittarius
Mars 16°45' Pisces

FWIW, please note that Sedna at 28°00' Aries semisquares 13°00' Spoke. Please note also that, for San Francisco where the anti Prop 8 trial began, Pluto is rising in the Full Moon chart, and Sun-Moon-Venus square the Ascendant.
Jim Eshelman
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