"Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

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"Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Jim Eshelman »

A section in Garth Allen's February 1964 "Your Powwow Corner" column, with the above title, has been the most requested reprint - with people having only titles to go by. I'll summarize it here, with some interesting quotes, because it was about mundane astrology, i.e., mass-mind reactions.

He began by equating Saturn-Neptune with muckraking, observing that it is "one of the signs of good national health in a democratic society." If you aren't familiar with the old term, it refers to stirring up scandalous junk from the bottom of the swamp and disclosing it. (We certainly saw a fair bit of that - honest and dishonest - over the last year with Saturn square Neptune.) Bradley gave examples of this in politics from 20th century history books, and then tagged Vance Packard's writings as having made this a larger focus in the '50s and after.

What inspired the article in 1964 were two quality muckraking books about the funeral industry, disclosing all sorts of things the public didn't generally know. As a result, reforms were already underway. His conclusion to the article was, "Some wholesale reforms will overtake the funeral business ere the Saturn-Neptune influence has run its course. Malefics which inspire social progre,, you see, can't be All Bad!"

Here is the most interesting astrological text IMO:
Garth Allen wrote:We are interested primarily in the astrology behind the moods and movements of "mass psychology," since nothing ever happens as a "trend" unless there are celestial correspondences for the trend. Even the simplest of fads, whether on such trivial things as toy novelties or such basic things as popular dance forms, have their inevitable reflections in planetary configurations. The entrance of Uranus into sidereal Leo, for example, sparked the sequences of dances, from Rock-n-roll to the Twist and the Slop, in which the partners gyrate almost independently, seldom touching each other. Famed authority on dancing, Agnes de Mille, commented that this new style is without precedent in recent centuries anywhere and seems to be a throwback to primitive mating rituals having the same characteristics. Uranus rules individuality and separateness, while Leo typifies the romantic ritual - ergo! a case of astrological symbolism running true to form.

Fads are not actually so whimsical or flimsy as they seem on the surface... (Even the hula-hoop craze reached its peak as the two mightiest planets of the solar system moseyed through those parts of the zodiac traditionally said to rule the body parts concerned.) Sp even those deadly-serious trends of muckraking have their cosmic parallels too, through the medium of what an occultist might call "thought patterns."

As the great Aspect of the Year, the Saturn-Neptune square, took form, with Saturn dignified in Capricorn and Neptune in Libra, hovering around 21° which is the "exaltation" or "throne" of Saturn in the sky, the minds of millions of people were suddenly directed to the subject of Death and the lousiness of the profession which capitalizes on it through every Neptunian trick, contrivance and disguise imaginable.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Venus_Daily »

I noticed that after after Trump's last inauguration, there was a Saturn/Neptune aspect, and after his current inauguration there will be a another one haunting the sky. I wonder if this is significant of another 4 year of adults being afraid of ephemeral problems instead of taking care of practical matters. Being in Pisces, the hysteria will probably be much worse when you think about last year's Solar Eclipse in Pisces.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Veronica »

Thank you for bumping this thread Venus, Very important information in this article for us all to better understand each other and ourselves.

To respond to your thoughts…..I feel we have in this world a legion of human beings who outwardly seem mature and grown but in reality are emotionally infantile who’s infantile needs were never adequately met and will not be capable of practically until they have met those infantile needs.

For example, I have on many occasions since learning Sidereal Science had the topic of astrology come up in conversation, and when I interject the science validating Sidereal and physically showing in the sky that Saturn is blatantly in the sign of Aquarius …..and that the person is actually born with the Sun in Aries and Not Taurus, and shows little to none Taurean loving qualities ……I just lay the facts at their feet in hopes that they will pick it up and not stomp and grind it and name call, but I accept that for some reason they emotionally need to cling and claim to being Taurus and reject their Arian nature. My friend taught me that most people are nothing at all like me and have no desire to work or learn or educate and strive, that most people want to be ignorant and lazy and proud and full of wounds that they pick the scabs on so they never heal correctly and turn into an ugly scar. I personally find that hard to believe, but that’s my natal character after all, not willing to accept people as they really are, but to see them as the best they can be regardless of how long it takes them to get there. Sometimes I feel like people really hate me for seeing them shrouded in golden and silvery light, but that’s how my eyes are.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by SteveS »

Back in the 70s when I first started to investigate astrology on a very serious level, I never will forget Robert Hand (astrologer) saying the best way to handle a malefic Saturn-Neptune cycle or if you were born with prominent Saturn-Neptune symbolism is to seriously start some type of disciplined spiritual practice. I have long believed in spiritual practices which are many to chose from, individual choices. In my many years of retirment I like to take long mediated walks in sunshine in the very early morning hours, using other certain aids taken with me and also at times taken an hour before I start my walks. I love nature, it will heal you in many ways. I always like to contemplate my main astrological interest when I first awake which is usually about an hour before the Sun rises. There are also a few other practices/teachings/disciplines I use in the following video for what it may be worth to anyone.

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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Veronica »

SteveS wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 4:46 am Back in the 70s when I first started to investigate astrology on a very serious level, I never will forget Robert Hand (astrologer) saying the best way to handle a malefic Saturn-Neptune cycle is to seriously start some type of disciplined spiritual practice. I have long believed in spiritual practices which are many. I like to take long mediated walks in sunshine in the very early morning hours using other certain aids taken with me and also at times taken an hour before I start my walks. I love nature, it will heal you in many ways. There are also a few other practices/teachings I use in the following video for what it may be worth to anyone.

Very interesting Steve, thank you for the feedback. I can see how that idea could be very helpful for many people. I try in my day to day mundane life to do all acts and practices with devotion in my heart and mind, giving thanks for my challenges as well as the blessings and being mindful of the choices I make and the ramifications those choices have on all others, even the smallest things like microbes in the air and soil and water. I do plan on using this time to personally bring to light my own crutches and wounds and security blankets if you will, and hopefully be able to transmute them into healthier habits and patterns of behavior that will serve me and everyone else for the best. I’m sure it will be another mountain for me to climb, but with Sidereal understanding I don’t feel like this time I am illequipt for the challenge.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by SteveS »

V wrote:
I try in my day to day mundane life to do all acts and practices with devotion in my heart and mind, giving thanks for my challenges as well as the blessings and being mindful of the choices I make and the ramifications those choices have on all others, even the smallest things like microbes in the air and soil and water.
I understand V, knowing you for all of these years in a forum way, I am very aware of your unique spiritual mental practices. :)
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Veronica »

I can hula with more heart then most that’s for sure.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by SteveS »

Indeed V! :)
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Venus_Daily »

SteveS wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 4:46 am Back in the 70s when I first started to investigate astrology on a very serious level, I never will forget Robert Hand (astrologer) saying the best way to handle a malefic Saturn-Neptune cycle or if you were born with prominent Saturn-Neptune symbolism is to seriously start some type of disciplined spiritual practice. I have long believed in spiritual practices which are many to chose from, individual choices. In my many years of retirment I like to take long mediated walks in sunshine in the very early morning hours, using other certain aids taken with me and also at times taken an hour before I start my walks. I love nature, it will heal you in many ways. I always like to contemplate my main astrological interest when I first awake which is usually about an hour before the Sun rises. There are also a few other practices/teachings/disciplines I use in the following video for what it may be worth to anyone.

Yes, I remember Jim stating, these are two planetary energies you don't want to resist...with good reason. I don't think people will listen and will learn a valuable lesson.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Veronica »

Why do you think that Venus?

What are we supposed to be listening to? I’m confused? Are you saying if I don’t listen to what Trump is saying I’m going to be punished, just what are you implying with this “valuable lesson?”

There will always be someone in the world experiencing Saturn Neptune transits, returns, progressions or synastry….and it feels like you are leading me to believe that if they are not onboard the agenda they are in for doom and gloom? From history, my impression of “valuable lesson” language is that from the mouths of oppressors over those they oppress, ie get with the program voluntarily or we will use ugly force to make you….
I just don’t understand what you are getting at and would like to give you an opportunity to better explain your feelings and thoughts.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Arena »

You might all be aware of this, but I'll point it out anyway for those who are not.
There is a very useful tool on astrotheme.com that offers such great insights into a huge database of charts. On the right side of the page you can click on search features, such as search by aspects or other criteria.

I use it frequently. I just did a search this morning on Jup-Sat since I was curious to see if it would look like there are limits to success - since Saturn limits the great benefic. On the contrary, this aspect seems to result in HUGE success. (Well, there may be many other factors, bu at least it seems to not limit it). I'll post it in the relevant thread.

In the natal chart, when using this search tool (not considering other factors though), looking at conjunctions within a 3° orb only, there are quite a few actors in the group displayed. (I don't know some of the other people). But there is also a politician and that's Tony Blair. He's an anomaly though, since he's not surrounded by other politicians in this search. So I looked at his chart to see this conjunction and if it is prominent somehow, and yes it is; opposing Mercury-Venus (falling on their opposing midpoint) and square his MC.

There's also a very known actress that is politically inclined and she seems to be very passionate about exposing the deep state and pedophilia, so I took a look at her chart to see if there was a connection to Mars as well (since Mars-Nep is sometimes connected with this issue). And indeed it is; her chart has a Mars-Uranus opposition with the Sat-Nep conjunction in a square to it. The orb to Mars is wide, but since there are more than four planets involved in this - the orb of influence becomes wider according to what I've read. Jupiter is involved in aspect as well.

There are quite a few singers and actors in the group with this aspect, such as; Taylor Swift, Chris Brown, Cindy Lauper, Chaka Khan, Matthew Healy Dakota Johnson, Pierce Brosnan, Jeff Goldblum.

I didn't look at all the individual charts, but perhaps this aspect is not always depressive, perhaps in some instances people channel it into having discipline in their artistic endeavours.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Arena »

Looking at this mundanely, since t. Mars is now in trine aspect to the Sat-Nep, I was wondering if there will be a reveal and perhaps finally some punishment to the huge pedophile and sexual abuse network surrounding f.ex. Epstein and Diddy. It might manifest next spring when Sat,Nep,Mer conjunct the nodes and Mars trines this stellium with Uranus midway between them. There might also be something surrounding this issue soon when we see the Mars-Pluto opposition in aspect to Neptune&Nodes.

Did you all notice how Epstein's list was just hidden/buried after he was suicided? The same might happen with Diddy - he might face the same fate; be killed/suicided in prison (officially called suicide) so the rich and powerful won't be revealed and prosecuted. Trump has openly stated he wants to reveal the lists and punish the offenders.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
… so the rich and powerful won't be revealed and prosecuted.
It’s getting so difficult these days with most forms of media outlets to discern the real truth of things, but when Neptune is prominent with mundane charts we always have to suspect conspiracy/untruths will be an issue.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Profit »


"Mars is now trine aspect to Sat-Nep" is a very wide perspective. Can't abide by your observation as it is fictional in nature. Generalization of mathematic parameters is a void.

Trump and pedophiles have a history together from personal relationships to support of Q. Trump has openly stated much... What does that mean over the course of time?

On another sphere of thought Project 2025 may find commonality with Saturn/Neptune.

and that ends another chapter of my return to the national enquirer.
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Re: "Saturn-Neptune: Not All Bad" by Garth Allen

Post by Arena »

SteveS wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 5:18 am Arena wrote:
… so the rich and powerful won't be revealed and prosecuted.
It’s getting so difficult these days with most forms of media outlets to discern the real truth of things, but when Neptune is prominent with mundane charts we always have to suspect conspiracy/untruths will be an issue.
When Saturn is near, this might actually mean that something hidden will be revealed. The pedophile network is not untrue or a conspiracy. It is known to be pretty big and we all know Epstein was killed in prison to hide the perpetrators. We have yet to discover (or not if he dies), whether the rumours about Diddy's child abuse are true or not.

I've looked into Saturn-Neptune with Venus and found artists. Saturn may bring order and work to the imaginary artistic nature of Venus-Neptune. Although that belongs to natal astrology, not mundane.

What I stated about the Mars aspect to Nep-Sat is because Mars hangs around that area for a long while.
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