Saturn & High Prices

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Jim Eshelman
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Saturn & High Prices

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The Law of Supply & Demand correctly predicts that shortages cause higher prices. Today's published figures on September housing sales reminded me of a general point I don't think I've seen made in the Sidereal press.

Saturn's transits through Sidereal signs are sometimes absurdly, sublimely literal in how the Law of Supply & Demand works out!

When Saturn entered Sidereal Taurus in May 1971, it began two years that were particularly marked by... get ready for it... the BEEF SHORTAGE. Serious shortages and higher prices were a big deal.

Saturn then left Taurus and entered Gemini in June 1973. The next two years were the time of the GASOLINE SHORTAGE which, for the first time since rationing in WW II, put serious crimps in how much people were driving, started the hike of gasoline prices that has continued since, and introduced the 55 m.p.h. national speed limit. Saturn in Gemini was limiting travel and speed!

Having observed this, I was then curious to know what Saturn's ingress into Cancer would bring, beginning in July 1975. Not yet being willing to accept just how literal all this could be, I thought I was joking when I said, "So what's this going to be, a HOME shortage?" Being recently arrived in Southern California, in the months following I began seeing extensive news coverage of the boom in the real estate market and finally (doh!) realized that the booming real estate market was by definition a real estate shortage - proportionate to the demand. (Which is the only kind of shortage that is meaningful, of course.)

Based on history, it was no problem at all to predict - when Saturn again entered Cancer in September 2004 - that we were going to have a real estate boom. In fact, housing prices in Southern California reached historic highs.

And, on the same basis, it didn't take genius to predict - when Saturn finally left Cancer in July 2007 - that the housing industry was about to tank. The trend was already a bit downward (Saturn had already dipped into Leo once late in 2006) - but I told people it was about to drop off like it hit the Mariana trench, starting in August.

August showed a drop of nearly a third in number of homes sold in Southern California. The September numbers were just posted today, and the drop-off was even sharper, being a 50% drop from numbers of one year earlier and the lowest numbers in 20 years. The trend is expected to accelerate, and the glut to continue "into 2009." Interestingly, Saturn leaves Leo and moves into Virgo in September 2009.

The current economic problem in the housing industry are depicted as a glut. Another way to say this is that the shortage is over - Saturn has left Cancer.

If Saturn in Leo means "shortage of gold," then that explains the collateral problems. (It's already a clear shortage of generosity and festivity and the like - holiday retail purchases are expected to do poorly this year.) With other things going around, we may also have to ask, with Saturn in Leo: What price our pride?
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Re: Saturn & High Prices

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Vod-Vil wrote:This is an interesting topic.

"BTW, I've since gotten a handle on one of the economic manifestations of Saturn in Leo: The Hollywood writers' strike! (Which was effectively a mass-entertainment industry suspension.) I'm expecting further ripples through areas of mass entertainment between now and the fall of 2009 when Saturn leaves Leo."

I looked up some information on the Leo sign and it listed gambling as an attribute.Back in November's primary elections there were four measures on the ballot seeking to expand Indian gaming in the state.A slot machine shortage?
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Re: Saturn & High Prices

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gmugmble wrote:So when Saturn enters Virgo, are we looking forward to a bread shortage? That won't be as amusing as a writers' strike or a run on gold.
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Re: Saturn & High Prices

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Ben Rothell wrote:And last but not least, a shortage on virgins. :twisted:
I'm not too concerned about the virgin shortage; there's always an extra hassle involved in getting them up to speed.
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Re: Saturn & High Prices

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SteveS wrote:Jim, I was meaning to reply to your most interesting post on “Saturn & High Prices when you first posted but forgot until today. When you stated: “If Saturn in Leo means a shortage in Gold”---its going to be very interesting to see if the price of Gold experiences escalating prices while Saturn is going through sidereal Leo—just like the explosion in Gold prices 30 years ago when Saturn was going through sidereal Leo. If memory is still serving me, the price of Gold went up app. $600 an ounce, 30 years ago when Sat. was in Leo. When Saturn eased out of Sid. Leo by a couple of degrees in Jan. 1980—the bull market in gold was over. Gold prices peaked on the spot market Jan. 20th 1980 at app. $850 an ounce. If History repeats itself the price of Gold should experience another historic rise in prices and peak sometime in the last quarter of 2009 (beginning in Sept. 2009) when Saturn leaves Sid. Leo. When Regan entered office in 1980 and throughout his first term, the news media at the time coined the phrase “supply side economics” and contributed this to breaking the cycle of inflation that occurred in the late 70’s. But what really was the contributing factor that broke the back of price inflation was the escalating rise in interest rate. Rates went to 16-18% (1980) & and commodity prices went into a long cycle of deflation. I never will forget this era in history and this was the time when I was studying W.D. Gann’s work on commodity prices and he said many times how important the “30 year cycle” was in commodity/economic prices. This was before I took up the study of astrology and had no ideal that Saturn returned to the same position in the zodiac app. every 30 years. It’s going to be very interesting to see if this same 30 year cycle is going to repeat itself again with very high Gold prices, peaking in the autumn of 2009. Also, if the Fed will again be forced to substantially raise interest rates to break the escalating commodity prices that the world is now experiencing. Very interesting!
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Re: Saturn & High Prices

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SteveS wrote:Jim stated: “Saturn's transits through Sidereal signs are sometimes absurdly, sublimely literal in how the Law of Supply & Demand works out! “If Saturn in Leo means "shortage of gold,”…

Jim’s topic on ‘Saturn and High Prices’ found in the forum of ‘Outer Planet Sign Transit’ rings a loud bell and opens the mind to the truth of a natural law of Saturn’s transit through the Sidereal Signs, and how these Saturn transits are affecting certain market prices. I want to offer some links to historical price charts on gold, since ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ supporting Jim’s brilliant observations pertaining to this topic. Before jumping into this post you should read Jim’s entire post on ‘Saturn and High Prices’.

First some transits dates pertaining to Saturn’s transit through Sidereal Leo which is occurring NOW!

Sept. 1977, Saturn ingresses into Sidereal Leo---Gold is $158 an ounce and begins a historic bull market which ended on Jan. 20th, 1980 with the spot price of Gold at $850 an ounce. Saturn on Jan. 20th 1980 is at 2 degree Sidereal Virgo. When President Nixon took the USA off the gold standard in 1973, gold in effect became a commodity—no one or no country could exchange their US dollars for gold! But the main point supporting Jim’s topic on Saturn and High Prices is the fact that Gold began escalating in price when Saturn was in Sidereal Leo! To see price charts of gold during 1977, 1978, 1979, and Jan of 1980 go to:

Scroll down to the group under METALS; (colour red); find Gold (COMEX), 4TH down the list; then put your cursor on HISTORICAL and click; then scroll down to half the page looking for a box that says 2007 and a box that says change year; put your cursor on the down arrow and click; scroll down to the years of 1977,1978, 1979, and 1980. This will give you price charts of gold when Saturn was transiting Sidereal Leo, 30 years ago!

But the best chart to look at-- which speaks volumes about Jim’s topic on Saturn and High Prices is the following chart found again at: .

Scroll down again to the category of METALS (colour red); again find Gold (COMEX), 4TH down the list; BUT THIS TIME click on WEEKLY instead of historical. You can click on any bar and in the data box it will display the calendar week and year and give price data of the high, low, and close price of any particular bar on the chart. Saturn first poked its body into Sidereal Leo in Nov. 2006 but quickly retrograded back into Cancer. BUT IN JULY OF 1997 SATURN GETS IT IN GEAR AND BEGINS IT’S FULL TRANSIT PERIOD INTO SIDEREAL LEO. It is important that you find the BAR on the chart for July 2007. Note what happens, as Saturn moving with rapid RAPID PRICE MOTION INTO SIDEREAL LEO, to the PRICE OF GOLD! It explodes into a vertical price rise from $650 an ounce to $1,000 an ounce. I don’t think this is a coincidence! I think this is a solid confirmation that a 30 YEAR SATURN CYCLE IS REPEATING ITSELF in the gold market, BEGINNING a powerful BULL MARKET. Saturn does not leave Sidereal Leo until the last quarter of 2009. This means this bull market has more than a year to go before it makes it’s final cyclical top with much higher prices above $1,000 an ounce! I think Jim has made a very important and valuable observation pertaining to Sidereal Astrology with Saturn Sign Transits and High Prices.

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Re: Saturn & High Prices

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I've tended to see the economic impact of Saturn in Virgo as affecting the service industry and labor in general.

I think it no accident that Saturn had retrograded back into Virgo before last week's labor-related news - specifically, the failure to recall the Wisconsin governor (who had dealt a serious blow to certain unions in his state) and the in-fighting of Nevada service industry unions that probably will keep them out of coordinated political activity this year.
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Re: Saturn & High Prices

Post by Jim Eshelman »

So far, with Saturn in Capricorn (and considering the trillions of dollars of government incentives and subsidies), I'm inclined to say that human survival is in shortened supply and becoming more expensive.

And toilet paper. Capricorn obviously 'rules' toilet paper.
Jim Eshelman
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