I propose the following list as "test events" (even rectification events) for proposed U.S. charts. Whatever list is requested, testing of a given chart should be done by taking a single astrological technique (to avoid the appearance of cherry picking) through all events, in a way that can be compared to the same thing being done for a different proposed chart. - Anything else we should add?
July 4, 1776, 12:14 PM LMT, Philadelphia, PA - Declaration of Independence
Sep 17, 1787, 11:29 AM, Philadelphia - U.S. Constitution signed
June 18, 1812, 3:00 PM LMT, Washington, DC - declaring war on England
August 24, 1814, 7:00 PM, Washington DC - burning of Washington, DC by the British
May 10, 1837, NY C - Panic of 1837
January 4 (approximately), 1819 - Panic of 1819
August 4, 1841, 0:30 AM LMT, Washington, DC - President William Henry Harrison died
July 9, 1850, 10:35 AM LMT, Washington, DC - President Zachary Taylor died.
August 24, 1857, New York City - Panic of 1857
December 20, 1860, 1:15 PM, Columbia, SC - South Carolina seceded from the Union
April 9, 1865, 3:45 PM, Appomattox, VA - Confederacy surrendered, ending Civil War
April 15, 1965, 7:22 AM LMT, Washington, DC - President Abraham Lincoln died
October 8, 1871, 9:00 PM LMT, Chicago, IL - Great Chicago Fire
September 20, 1973, 9:00 AM LMT, New York, NY - Panic of 1873
September 19, 1881, 10:20 PM LMT, Elberon, NJ - President James A. Garfield died (shot July 2, 9:30 AM, Washington, DC)
December 29, 1890, 8:00 AM MST, near Wounded Knee, 43N08, 102W22 - Wounded Knee Massacre
February 20, 1893, 9:00 AM EST, NYC - Panic of 1893
September 6, 1901, 4:07 PM EST, Buffalo, NY - President William McKinley shot (died September 14, 2:15 AM)
October 22, 1907, 12:10 PM EST, NYC - Panic of 1907
April 6, 1917, 1:00 PM EST, Washington, DC - declaring war on Germany
November 11, 1918, 11:00 AM GMT - armistice & ceasefire ending WW I
August 2, 1923, 7:35 PM PST, San Francisco, CA - President Warren G. Harding died
October 24, 1929, 11:00 AM, NYC - 1929 Wall Street crash
December 7, 1941, 7:48 AM HST, Pearl Harbor Naval Station, Hawaii - attack on Pearl Harbor
April 12, 1945, 3:35 PM CWT, Warm Springs, GA - President Franklin D. Roosevelt died
August 6, 1945, 8:16:17 AM JST, Hiroshima, Japan - Atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima
June 25, 1950, 5:30 AM JST, Pyongyang, North Korea - Korean War began (U.S. involvement within days following)
July 27, 1953, 10:00 AM JST, Panmunjom, North Korea - Armistice effectively ending Korean War for the U.S.
April 17, 1961, 1:00 AM EST, Bay of Pigs, Cuba - Bay of Pigs assault (failure)
November 22, 1963, 12:30 PM CST, Dallas, TX - President John F. Kennedy murdered
March 7, 1965, Selma, AL - First Selma march (the other two in the few weeks following)
April 4, 1968, 6:01 PM CST, Memphis, TN - Martin Luther King Jr. murdered
June 5, 1968, 0:15 AM PDT, Los Angeles, CA - Sen. Robert F. Kennedy murdered
July 20, 1969, 4:17:40 PM EDT - First Moon landing
August 9, 1974, 12:00 PM EDT, Washington, DC - President Richard M. Nixon resigned
April 30, 1975, 10:24 AM, Saigon, South Viet Nam - Fall of Saigon.
March 28, 1979, 4:00 AM EST, 40N09 75W44- Three Mile Island nuclear accident
October 19, 1987, 9:30 AM - 1987 stock market crash
April 19, 1995, 9:02 AM CDT, Oklahoma City, CA 35N28, 97W31 - Oklahoma City bombing
September 11, 2001, 8:46 AM EDT, New York City (40N42, 74W01) - 9/11 attacks began
Oct 7, 2001, 9:15 PM AFT, Kabul, Afghanistan - Opened war on Afghanistan
March 20, 2003, 534 AM BAT, Baghdad, Iraq - Opened war on Iraq
September 15, 2008, 1:15 AM EDT, NYC - Lehman Bros bankruptcy broke open 2008 crash
September 11, 2012, 9:40 PM EET, Benghazi (32N04, 20E05) - Benghazi U.S. consulate attack
June26, 2015, 10:00 AM EDT, Supreme Court Building, DC - SCOTUS affirmed gay marriage rights
February 20, 2020, 4:30 PM EST - 2020 stock market crash
Proposed test events for U.S. charts
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
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Proposed test events for U.S. charts
Jim Eshelman
Re: Proposed test events for U.S. charts
An excellent event list Jim.
I will eventually check all of these events with the Boyd Chart vs the July 4th Chart, only checking for Three main astrological techniques which are upmost important to my Sidereal Astrology style. I am sure this will offer me a great learning experience comparing the two charts.
The three main astrological techniques I am most interested in testing are:
1:'Outstanding Incident' technique for Sidereal Return Charts using the criteria from your book 'Interpreting Solar Returns where you state:
3: Solar Arcs involving 0,90,180 partile aspects with Noel Tyl's main Solar Arc criteria:

The three main astrological techniques I am most interested in testing are:
1:'Outstanding Incident' technique for Sidereal Return Charts using the criteria from your book 'Interpreting Solar Returns where you state:
2: Partile 0,90,180 aspects with the 4 Moons & Suns. Natal Sun & Progressed Suns; Solar Return Moons & Progressed Moons.It is when angularity and partility coincide that outstanding incidents are most likely to come about.
3: Solar Arcs involving 0,90,180 partile aspects with Noel Tyl's main Solar Arc criteria:
Thanks for posting this event list Jim.There is nothing more important than the Angles of a Natal Horoscope. It is safe to say that nothing vitally important in life development occurs without Solar Arc angular contact---or contact with the Sun or Moon. Angles are crucial.
Re: Proposed test events for U.S. charts
The 19th Amendment and Roe Vs Wade?
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
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Re: Proposed test events for U.S. charts
Thanks for the ideas.
I have a problem with constitutional amendments for this because their impact isn't necessarily when they are passed. I'd have to research (or can you remind me?), were there immediate large public reactions August 18, 1920 when this passed (parades, celebrations, any immediate social impact) or did this strong surge of public response come simply in the effects of the 1920 and 1924 elections?
Roe v. Wade is an interesting choice. When the decision was made, the Court thought it was not all that big a thing, but it did get enough immediate reaction that I remember it when I was in high school. It has certainly been pivotal in its social impact and in the way it completely reinvented American politics in its wake - probably the single most impactful event on realigning political loyalties in the history of the country - but I'm unclear now much this was a "pow" on January 22, 1973 when it was decided. Wikipedia only talks about the public's reaction across subsequent decades. Veronica, can you (or anyone) help fill in the gaps on this? (We testing purposes, we need events that had an immediate strong impact.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Proposed test events for U.S. charts
Well here in Upstate NY I know there was a lot of hooting and happiness about the amendment.
Maybe then the original Convention in Seneca Falls where the "Declaration of Sentiments" was signed on July 19/20 1848. It was after this event that the movement took hold and eventually led to the huge parade of protest in 1913. Yet because that event is over a two day window it maynot be a testable event.
Honestly....you probably know this about me...when I read your list and got to the gay right event.....well my estrogen musta flared up. It just seems that our countries story and important events dont reflect the growth and progression of womankind and the special gift being an american woman really is. Nothing against gay rights at all, but I dont think gays, esp male gays, would have had an opening if the stage hadnt been set for both sexes being "covered" by the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.
Well here in Upstate NY I know there was a lot of hooting and happiness about the amendment.
Maybe then the original Convention in Seneca Falls where the "Declaration of Sentiments" was signed on July 19/20 1848. It was after this event that the movement took hold and eventually led to the huge parade of protest in 1913. Yet because that event is over a two day window it maynot be a testable event.
Honestly....you probably know this about me...when I read your list and got to the gay right event.....well my estrogen musta flared up. It just seems that our countries story and important events dont reflect the growth and progression of womankind and the special gift being an american woman really is. Nothing against gay rights at all, but I dont think gays, esp male gays, would have had an opening if the stage hadnt been set for both sexes being "covered" by the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.
- Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Proposed test events for U.S. charts
Maybe the court didn't think Roe v Wade was a big thing, but a LOT of other people on both sides did and still do. I really think unless there are technical reasons not to include it, it should be included.
Roe v Wade is about men (and a few women) who want to punish women for having sex without their permission by subjugating them or killing them. Yes, that's stark, but it's not about the babies. If it were, those same people would be marching to raise WIC enrollment and make all pregnancy and childhood medicine entirely co-pay free, but you notice they aren't.
Roe v Wade is about men (and a few women) who want to punish women for having sex without their permission by subjugating them or killing them. Yes, that's stark, but it's not about the babies. If it were, those same people would be marching to raise WIC enrollment and make all pregnancy and childhood medicine entirely co-pay free, but you notice they aren't.
Re: Proposed test events for U.S. charts
Im just gonna say that I dont like that list.
If an alien from space asked me about my country and I told her that list I wouldnt be surprised if she flew away.
When I think of what being born here on this patch of Earth that makes me an American means to me.......and the promise of such potential.....landing on the moon is the best archtype for me personally.
I hold Roe vs Wade close to my heart because it gifted me with the belief in personal freedom and dignity and autonomy. Yet while I think it should be included it feels like, in a subtle non spoken way, in reality it did not hit the mark. I am not free to do with self as I see fit.
Im just gonna say that I dont like that list.
If an alien from space asked me about my country and I told her that list I wouldnt be surprised if she flew away.
When I think of what being born here on this patch of Earth that makes me an American means to me.......and the promise of such potential.....landing on the moon is the best archtype for me personally.
I hold Roe vs Wade close to my heart because it gifted me with the belief in personal freedom and dignity and autonomy. Yet while I think it should be included it feels like, in a subtle non spoken way, in reality it did not hit the mark. I am not free to do with self as I see fit.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
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Re: Proposed test events for U.S. charts

[If an alien from space asked me about my country and I told her that list I wouldnt be surprised if she flew away.
The goal of the list isn't to describe the country. It's to find national events (usually by or to the government or leadership of the country specifically) that are events that had maximum mass-mind impact at the time they happened. These are primarily events like beginning and ending wars, massive high-casualty attacks, deaths of leaders, economic collapses if they can be narrowly timed. Occasionally a good event occurs that has that kind of impact, such as the Moon landing or the definitive confirmation of universal marriage rights.
There aren't any events on the list at the moment affirming women's rights because, for the most part, the nation hasn't had any massive victories in that regard. Those victories are still in the future, for the most part. Women's suffrage is the strongest one, but I still don't know what the on-the-ground impact when it happened was. I'm still considering Roe. But we haven't passed the ERA, haven't elected our first female president, don't even have binding legal national equal pay legislation.
That's on the list. But we don't have 50 or 100 events like that, we have one or two.When I think of what being born here on this patch of Earth that makes me an American means to me.......and the promise of such potential.....landing on the moon is the best archtype for me personally.
That's part of my concern: It's not a "done deal." (For the same reason, I didn't include things like the 15th Amendment because the granting of voting rights regardless of race, though legally binding, was still only introduced as "a really good idea" - never successfully enforced for 100 years and still (50 years after that) being fought is more insidious ways.I hold Roe vs Wade close to my heart because it gifted me with the belief in personal freedom and dignity and autonomy. Yet while I think it should be included it feels like, in a subtle non spoken way, in reality it did not hit the mark. I am not free to do with self as I see fit.
As in all other areas of astrological research, "good events" usually make lousy research examples with weaker indications (often none). Thestorngest astrological indications, personal or mundane, tend to be in ugly, hurtful, damaging, painful events: I think this is because we do truly resist these more than good events (despite my worst ideas about humans overall), and so it takes a much stronger and purer set of forces to bring them about.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Proposed test events for U.S. charts
IMO, the 2019 USA SSR offered par-excellent symbolism for the complete pandemic shutdown of the nation for Covid beginning in 2020.
1: SSR Pluto 00,44 partile cnj East Point in RA (“stunning/shocking” event)
2: SSR Saturn partile 180 r Sun (The worst the nation has ever been inhibited in its history). This partile transit of Saturn to r Sun also activated the class 1 angular r Sun-Saturn square.
3: The all-important secondary progressed SSR Moon was partile 90 SSR Saturn & Sun as the Covid shutdowns began. Also most important sp SSR Moon partile cnj r Saturn for a double whammy of Saturn.
4: Natal partile Mars-Neptune 90 (“Infections”) had directed to partile aspects (0 90) to Natal Moon (the people).
1: SSR Pluto 00,44 partile cnj East Point in RA (“stunning/shocking” event)
2: SSR Saturn partile 180 r Sun (The worst the nation has ever been inhibited in its history). This partile transit of Saturn to r Sun also activated the class 1 angular r Sun-Saturn square.
3: The all-important secondary progressed SSR Moon was partile 90 SSR Saturn & Sun as the Covid shutdowns began. Also most important sp SSR Moon partile cnj r Saturn for a double whammy of Saturn.
4: Natal partile Mars-Neptune 90 (“Infections”) had directed to partile aspects (0 90) to Natal Moon (the people).