Elvis & Priscilla Presley

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Jim Eshelman
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Elvis & Priscilla Presley

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Elvis Presley. January 8, 1935, 4:35 AM CST, Tupelo, MS.
Priscilla Presley neé Wagner. May 24, 1945, 10:40 PM EWT, Brooklyn, NY.

A classic example of an important couple with each chart worthy of study on its own and much information publicly available about the relationship. I found it particularly interesting to look at Priscilla's planets around Elvis' chart, just two or three contacts that seem to secure the connection.

Don't miss the semi-squares in the 'transits' pass. You don't need them to catch the essential nature of the relationship, but they do add to the picture in important ways.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Elvis & Priscilla Presley

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Checking the technique of progressing each chart to the others birth. First, Elvis' chart progressed to Priscilla's moment and place of birth:

3°40' Ari - r Uranus
3°58' Cap - p Sun

22°55' Vir - p Mars
23°24' Sag - r Sun

His progressed Moon is 1°24' past opposition to his Sun, but I think that's too far. Moon does trine his Jupiter 0°24', and trines are generally considered valid in secondary progressions.

Regressing Priscilla's chart to Elvis' birth:

9°33' Tau - r Sun
10°47' Tau - SNQ MC

I wish that were closer. One very strong aspect of conflict stands out:

15°05' Gem - r Saturn
15°08' Pis - p Mars

These are OK so far as they go - even a little impressive - though I don't know that we need them at all to understand the relationship already reflected in the synastry.
Jim Eshelman
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