Ernest & Julio Gallo

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Jim Eshelman
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Ernest & Julio Gallo

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The famous brother team that substantially gave California its modern wine industry were born almost exactly a year apart, both Pisces.

Gallo, Ernest. March 18, 1909, 7:15 PM PST, Jackson, CA (AA).
Gallo, Julio. March 21, 1910, 2:00 PM PST, Oakland, CA (AA).

The charts are most interesting by themselves/ Their synastry adds entirely new dimensions. Perhaps foremost is Julio's Jupiter in the exact degree of Ernest's Ascendant, opposite Ernest's Saturn. I think that, in this, we will find much of the dynamic that led to their paired success. Additionally, their Moons are opposite. The connection is quite sound, with Julio's Venus exactly on his brother's Moon.

There is more, though I think these are the main features. It's possibly the best example (among the famous) of business compatibility I've seen. Contradictions are minor, the hardest interchange to juggle probably being Julio's Mars square Ernest's Jupiter (which, however, has positive contributions as well, especially when turned around as Ernest's Jupiter square Julio's Mars).
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Ernest & Julio Gallo

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Progressing Ernest Gallo's chart to his brother Julio's birth moment and place, the overall impression is indeed business, competition, and hustle. The one close angularity is natal and progressed Mars are on SNQ IC and transiting Neptune on SNQ MC. (The latter may be a tip to their transformation of the wine industry also.) There is also an interchange I might not normally emphasize much but it does fall within a few degrees of the angles: Julio's Jupiter opposed Ernest's Saturn 0°18'.

There is more Mars in the lunar progressions: Transiting Mars square progressed Mars 0°04'. All this Mars is probably accurate: While public discussion of their relationship doesn't go into a lot of details, private information in the wine industry suggests this was not only a competitive, hard-working pair of brothers, with perhaps a bit of (I might call it) cruelty - though, on the whole, it was ultimately positive and enormously successful.

Regressing Julio's chart to Ernest's birth, I don't see anything.
Jim Eshelman
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