Mars in Pisces

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Mars in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars will pass through Pisces for two months, June 20 to August 19. Beginning today, the main story again changes. What will we see in the top headlines during this time?

In humans with Mars in Pisces at birth, we expect the following character (although this approach hasn't been very helpful in other Mars transits):
Sensitive, imaginative, fervent; weaves vivid drama, vibrant fantasy. Brooding, moody, surging into temptation, pursing depths & heights. Creative reality-weaving, not scientific reality-discovering. Expect reality to match their wants (impatient with frustrated gratification). Passive-aggressive, manipulative. Looks at things most leave hidden (death, abnormal sexuality, occultism, mysteries of life & the psyche).
Potential Pisces themes are: Intensification of belief-driven passions and actions; surging into temptation and foolish risk-taking (resembling e.g. the "lets have lots of unprotected sex and get this infection over with" parties with regard to AIDS); mass migration or diaspora events (immigration?); focus on the foreign, mysterious, unknown, exotic, glamorous, theatrical; espionage, betrayal, slippery alliances; slavery-bondage themes; assaults on (and struggles over) the arts; science loses ground to belief.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

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It's been unusually slow getting a foothold on what effect Mars in Pisces has. I'd like to think it is more than toxicity etc., but it does seem that the shift in the story with the sign-change is the focus on how fast the virus is again increasing.

Mars in Aquarius was about "we gotta be free!" breaking out. While we saw indications of rising, it wasn't the main story. The main headlines hailed it as "wheels of industry are turning again, people are getting out more, lockdown is easing or lifting," etc. But since Mars went into Pisces, the main focus has been: Numbers of new cases are rising fast in lots of places, creating new record numbers! In the U.S. (and especially in California), the rising numbers are especially being fueled by new cases in the 21-49 age range. (The median age of all cases is now 35.) So far, it's unclear how many of these are from increased testing and how many are because if increased incautious social contact. Brazil now has over 1,000 virus-related deaths each day. Trump's Tulsa and Arizona rallies, of course, are likely hotbeds of virulence. New projections anticipate a strong surge in cases over the summer because of breakdown in social distancing, with 180,000 U.S. deaths from the virus expected by October 1.

So, increased virulence is part of this.

Speaking of toxicity, the other main store continues to be racial violence, with the Rayshard Brooks story especially in the news. His funeral was this week. Demonstrations against police brutality continue in many parts of the country. The George Floyd story is still a boiling cauldron. All three men participating in Ahmaud Arbery's murder have been indicted. Other cases are entering the news, and we're told that several are about to the number of pilgrims it will let take part in the Hajj this year (for social distancing reasons). NYC will quarantine for two weeks any visitors from any part of the U.S. that is having rising disease numbers. Europe is probably going to block U.S. tourists.

Also speaking of toxins... Bayer agreed this week to pay $10 billion to resolve lawsuits claiming its Roundup weed killer caused cancer. (Bayer owns Monsanto.)
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by SteveS »

...but it does seem that the shift in the story with the sign-change is the focus on how fast the virus is again increasing.
Indeed. My friend in Gulf Shores said there are alarming increasing Covid-19 problems creeping back into his area.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Mars in Aquarius was all "we don't want to stay home!" And/or get back to work you're costing me money.

The thing I'm seeing since Mars entered Pisces is the viral truthers are out in force. There is no virus. It's a Commie/CHinese/Liberal hoax meant to hurt Trump.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The main feature in the news is this virulence - primarily for the pandemic, but a broader feel of toxicity in many things.

As a humorous Pisces theme - the constellation marking those actors most gifted at disguise - there is suddenly a surge in willingness to wear masks. (Republicans in Congress - and even VP Pence! - are now encouraging people to wear "face coverings.") Not a big deal in terms of something that will be predictable in the future, but a good match of Sidereal Pisces symbolism.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Disease remains the new story. Yesterday set a new single-day record for new cases in the U.S.

Police reform remains the second biggest headline. I haven't fully sorted out what the Mars in Pisces elements are in this, though it certainly speaks to the great emotion, including emotion regarding ancient abuses. (I can at least say that all of this is exactly opposite what one would expect from Mars in Tropical Aries, which would theoretically be pro military, pro police. This contrast shows that the Sidereal symbolism is better.)

In Afghanistan, we now know that Russia has been working closely with the Taliban for a while - tied into the targeting of American soldiers, among other recent stories. This probably expresses Pisces' "betrayal" theme.

Speaking of changing horses and perceived backstabbing, John Bolton's book has become a runaway best seller.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Let me simply quote CNN's summary of headline #2 from this morning. (#1 was simply about the pandemic rise as usual.) Here is pure, seething Mars in Pisces at its poisonous worst:
Despite the pandemic, President Trump is employing a reelection strategy of divisive rhetoric with inflammatory speeches, tweets and statements. He recently condemned NASCAR’s decision to ban the Confederate flag and called to preserve statues of Confederate generals who took up arms against the US, among other claims that American history is under attack. The President is pinning his hopes for another four years on the idea that his silent majority of voters in rural parts of swing states and in the suburbs will respond to his warnings... But his support among well-educated voters is eroding – and recent national and district-level polls suggest that voters souring on Trump could turn on Republican congressional candidates, too.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by SteveS »

A good possibility for confirming the Tarot Tower effects for the present admin.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm not forgetting about this thread. It's just that the main stories every day are much the same, with variations on the themes. There are lead stories that aren't related to Mars in Pisces, but most of them just reiterate disease virulence with sub-themes of betrayals.

In particular, the U.S. in general (and individual regions in particular) are hitting new daily records of new COVID-19 cases almost every day. Most other stories are subplots of this (e.g., the battle of school openings, planning the Republican convention location, White House tearing at Fauci). A lot of the themes sound almost Scorpionic - or what people think of as Scorpionic, with related keywords like insidious, back-biting, insinuating, etc. I think this is all the Pisces "betrayal" theme in wider scope (and slithering fishes escaping your fingers fits the rest as well as slithering snakes).

Pisces symbolism I really love through all of this is that the constellation best known for being a master of disguise is highlighted at a time that more people are walking around wearing masks than any non-Halloween week ever - and masks themselves are also a battleground. If this weren't so dangerous, it would be high Piscian camp!

Meanwhile, racial wounds keep getting newly ripped open. This has been most extreme with Mars in Pisces. While there are several symbolic themes that could be cited, I think it all goes back to another fundamental Piscian word, slavery, along with related things such as involuntary restraint.

Speaking of insidious infection Justice RBG was in the hospital again - just a day or two - for an infection. Nothing coronal: She had fevers and chills from a bile duct infection. (Oh, yeah: Pisces rules the liver!)

While I primarily focus on the top 5 stories every day, CNN also gives a "second string" five, and one of those today is also Piscian: Eating fish, we learned this morning, helps protect the brain from air pollution (due to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids).

And the Piscian hits keep coming: Disney is reopening DisneyWorld and Epcot despite Florida's world's worst COVID-19 numbers. Any more obvious Pisces themes? Yeah, it's all about movies and a nearby cruise ship that is housing people.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Veronica » ... onal-ms-13

As this gang is supposedly a huge player in human trafficking, sex slavery, drugs and hidding people in plain site I think this arrest/takedown is very Mars in Pisces.

I have also read under this transit of other such busts in human trafficking/sex abuse/ cartel like activity....a huge bust in Lakeland Florida of trafficers in child pornography........but I couldnt vet the actual busts to this aspect as they happened silently in the spring and were only getting local press now (ie individual sherrif offices web pages not linked to county or state pages directly) so it seems very quiet action against these activities are going down.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Compared to most of the last two years, this Mars sign-passage has been something of a dumb note - in the sense that the main daily headlines have not been screaming its symbolism nearly every day.

Except... that's not entirely true. We're still on the "really only two stories" of coronavirus and racial injustice outrage. These stories are being told every day. I think Mars in Pisces has been a time of greater virulence - the raging numbers of sickness. I'll be able to eek out a few keywords and descriptors from this time, but it isn't as obvious as other passages.

Mars moves to Aries Wednesday where it will remain until September 30. During that time it will square Saturn (it falls right on my Neptune btw) and then will become stationary September 9 (it's square my Jupiter-Uranus btw) - it will be a rough sled - then it heads back into Pisces where it will remain through nearly the end of the year (it returns to Aries the day after Christmas).

During October, November, and December, then, in addition to the election, in addition to the terrible Libsolar, we have this Mars transit which, primarily, has shown as run-away virulence of the disease.
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Summary & Conclusions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

During this period (June 20 to August 19), the following themes were observed for Mars in Pisces:

Toxicity, increased virulence (intensification of disease and toxic behavior, rising disease numbers, hotbeds of infection, seething hurtfulness). Unhealed wounds open and festering (e.g., racial violence and outrage). Wearing masks (!). Betrayals, back-stabbing. back-biting insinuation, passionate lying. (Other news stories about Pisces themes of slavery, fish, and entertainment venues.)
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Round 2

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars re-entered Pisces September 30, 2020, and will remain there until December 26.

My starting expectation is that the following will manifest in the primary headlines. (We already have, beginning on that day, the President Trump COVID-19 saga.)
Toxicity, increased virulence (intensification of disease and toxic behavior, rising disease numbers, hotbeds of infection, seething hurtfulness). Unhealed wounds open and festering (e.g., racial violence and outrage). Wearing masks (!). Betrayals, back-stabbing. back-biting insinuation, passionate lying. (Other news stories about Pisces themes of slavery, fish, and entertainment venues.)
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars enters Pisces today. The note immediately above is what we expected during the first year of Covid and, indeed, there do seem to be "hotbeds of infection" brewing now. I expect insidious things - treachery, betrayal, and covert damage - and stories involving toxicity and infection.

More broadly, and perhaps related to accelerating riots under Jupiter-Uranus, I suspect we'll see the theme of unhealed wounds opening and festering - in past transits, racial violence and outrage have been the mark of the times.

Despite the theatrical quality of Pisces, I don't think we'll be wearing as many masks this time <g>.
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Re: Mars in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Between the campus protests, multiple kinds of animal-borne pathogens, and perhaps the daily drama of the Trump porn star trials and MarjorycTaylor Greene's renewed antics, I think the above expectations are right on target for surging emotions, festering old wounds, infection, back-stabbing, and theatricality.
Jim Eshelman
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