George H.W. & Barbara Bush

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Jim Eshelman
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George H.W. & Barbara Bush

Post by Jim Eshelman »

President George H.W. Bush was born June 12, 1924, 11:45 AM EDT, Milton, MA. (Several birth times have been proposed within a two-hour range. This time is from a letter Bob Jansky received, and showed me, directly from President Bush, so I rate it A.)

First Lady Barbara Bush was born June 8, 1925, 7:00 PM EDT, Queens, NY. This is rated as A data, the time being passed to an astrologer I knew through a close personal friend of the First Lady.

The individual charts are worth studying, of course. Both show their character quite well. In terms of synastry, one can't miss their shared Taurus Suns not far apart, reflecting their partnership (based on similar core identity and values) and the common face they wore to the public at the national and local Houston level. His Moon (like that of their son, George W.) squares her Mars and Jupiter; his Venus is on her Mars, opposite her Sun-Jupiter; and they have the more general simpatico of shared Spoke Moons. His Jupiter opposes her Sun.

It's an excellent example of a strong, close, powerful couple who, until Pres. Bush's death, were longest-married White House couple in American history.
Jim Eshelman
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