Transiting Moon's Node (Dragon's Head)

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Transiting Moon's Node (Dragon's Head)

Post by SteveS »

Recently, transiting Moon Node partile conjunct my Natal Uranus partile 90 Natal Sun; d Sun partile cnj my Natal Moon and p. Jupiter, setting off a-lot Uranus Midpoint axis in my Natal.

Results--this transit is hooking me-up with Uranium astrologers and I am having a blast learning new things. :D
This transiting Node is doing exactly what the German Schools of Witte/Ebertin taught for Node:
Unions. Connection. Junction. Communication. (Witte) Associations or alliance. (Ebertin)
James Condor
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Re: Transiting Moon's Node (Dragon's Head)

Post by James Condor »

Do I have any of these Node transits current or future,of whatever you’re talking about?
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Re: Transiting Moon's Node (Dragon's Head)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

James Condor wrote: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:54 am Do I have any of these Node transits current or future,of whatever you’re talking about?
Transiting South Node has been backing across your natal Mercury, Neptune, and Jupiter, square your Moon, in recent months. At present, it is only a few minutes from conjunct your Jupiter.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Transiting Moon's Node (Dragon's Head)

Post by James Condor »

I’ve got nothing to say for sure about it. I didn’t know the node was a factor.
Lately I’ve been very active, busy, which is common for the summer. The Solar Arc thing Steve brought up to me a few weeks ago was also news to me.

I can say that I’ve been very independent. It’s like a new experience since around March/April.
I began a new job. Picked up a few bad old habits. Picked up a few more good ones too. I pretty much stopped hanging out with all of my friends. I guess they can be considered former friends, but, I am still in the beginning stages of it.

As I’ve mentioned before, I deleted many personal contacts in my phone. I kept my family. I started texting my family more often, beginning around February. Sending group messages to them all. I’ve never done that before. None of my 5 family members has as much as I now do.
I find it ironic that I do not care to contact and spend time with what are now, past and dwindling friends. H and J are my only two friends on my phone that I’ve known over 5 years.
If I get a text from T, or J I’m not sure what I’ll do. T’s number I deleted but will know it’s him.

I’ve been a little lazy, or, not as hard on myself physically since May. I used to frequent the gym and now I don’t go at all until this fall. Reminds me of my college days. But, I am still keeping very active.

I have felt more stress in the body, neck, shoulders, back. I’ve been massaging all my areas and doing yoga. I do not feel like dating. I do feel less attractive lately at times. Stuffy noise. Sore muscles, tired. No desire. Blah. I feel anxious and Mentally loud decisions are too much for me right now. I do not want them.

Social interactions and pursuit of fulfilling a hidden, buried, desire like love, seem in the background but can be unlocked or will be revealed and lived if I focus more of my attention on it. But, I’m not, so. It’s different for me.

You know what,I have had a change of heart. At first I thought it was a lack of love, but I still have love. It’s more rigid. Gritty. Logical. Open. Curious. And open to family first, which is new to me, in who I choose to spend my time with. If I meet a lover someone, great. See what happens.

I’m learning about some of my woman neighbors are crazy.
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Re: Transiting Moon's Node (Dragon's Head)

Post by SteveS »

James, fwiw, here is how the Uranian Astrologers would look at t Node partile 180 your natal Jupiter. First, the Uranians do not distinguish a difference between the North Node or South Node for the Moon's Node, they just simply call it the Node.

Jupiter-Node contacts are looked upon as fortunate contacts and has a-lot to do with good financial contacts. This does not have to be a person--it can be anything that you may deem as a fortunate situation for you. Node contacts are at times new contacts that come into your immediate environment. Since this t Node is wired into your Natal Jupiter, a Uranian astrologer would analyze your midpoint structures to your Natal Jupiter looking at the harmonic aspects down to the 16th harmonic, beginning first and foremost with any Direct Midpoints involved. You have a Direct Midpoint of:

Uranus/MC = Jupiter. The Keywords by Witte (inventor of Uranian Astrology) for this combo are:
To be enjoyed by others. Suddenly gladdened by a happy surprise. Luck
So, since transiting Node is now part of this above Planetary Picture, a Uranian Astrologer would advise to pay close attention to any other new contacts entering your immediate environment for possible lucky breaks going your way.

Here are the other Midpoint Structures involving your Natal Jupiter:
Sun/As = Jupiter
Mars/MC =Jupiter
Node/ MC = Jupiter

These are fortunate midpoint structures to your Natal Jupiter, full of uranian personal points (Mc, As, Sun, Node)! Note your MC is involved with 3 of the 4 Midpoint structures, one involving a Direct Midpoint! This tells me there is high % for making good Node contacts involving your Career, and personal objectives. This makes good common sense when we consider you recently changed jobs with the all important Solar Arc Uranus to your Natal Sun in the 10th house of Career and personal objectives/goals.

As a side note: There is an acute labor shortage for quality employees because of the high unemployment situation with Covid-19. Now is a good time for anyone who is looking to improve their status/$ for a possible new career position to land a better position, as long as one knows it is with reputable employer.

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Re: Transiting Moon's Node (Dragon's Head)

Post by Arena »

Transiting Moon's Node is now almost exact on my n. Venus. What a lovely & wonderful feeling :)
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