SteveS wrote: Sun Dec 13, 2020 7:49 am
V, wishing you the best for your new SSR.
I do like the feel of moving that angle to my Uranus and Venus, I love your words Fun and Flourishing Jim. I feel like for 50 years I have been putting down roots and shoots and gosh wouldn’t it be wonderful to take some time away from work and kids and home and just have some fun and play and flourish and flower and feel wonderful. I feel like I really really need some fun and playtime just for myself. I do though feel like it is in a way selfish of me to take a vacation and spend money that I don’t really have, or money that I should be using for buying myself a car or set aside to move. I have such weird internal feelings about spending money on myself for frivolous things when I have 2 kiddos I need to support still and bills to pay and all that grown up stuff…….
But gosh….
That word flourish…….
Brings tears to my eyes to think about flowering and beauty and fun.
While I have tried to live a life I don’t need a vacation from, there is a part of me that so so so wants a bubble bath and a massage and a walk on the coast and a night in a hotel with a huge sauna tub and just to be pampered and feel loved and special and good about everthing.
Bless your heart you are such a kind man to wish me the best. Each and every year. And it is so special to me to hear you say it because, well, I just feel in my bones 100% that you mean it with out a doubt, that you DO always wish me the best and have nice thoughts towards me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying it though and giving it life and letting me know in your own way that you are supportive of the little narrative that is my life. I have had SUCH a great year in so many ways, so many wonderful things happened (non plaque related) and I have so many wonderful stories I could tell about how my 2020 was probably one of the best years of my life!!! Of course I think that fact is represented in my progressed Venus, as well as my solar arc Moon/Neptune/Jupiter which is in a very interesting spot in Sag/Cap.
Im in the mopping up phase of this year and I did/do feel things shifting and winding down a bit.
I have thought about a few other places that I would like to go to for my SSR……The National Museum of Nation History in Washington DC to see the Hope Diamond has always been a dream to see……..I have a friend who lives on an Island near myrtle beach who invited me to stay with her………My sister in Los Angles invited me to come as well……..and for some reason I just love going to see Niagara Falls in Feb…….those are places that I would like to go, but they don’t seem to do much for my chart to boost my year and truthfully the expense of travel as well as the Covid factor is putting me off. I am thinking ahead to 2022 and the mars/venus conjunction in my SSR which would be nice to put on an angle if……
I am seriously trying to reevaluate my relationship with energy/money and have thought that I might beset serve my kids and myself by finding a nice Jupiter line to try and capitalize on that and improve my finances. I am considering going back to school and working on my Bachelor’s degree so that I am able to earn more money. I really am getting tired of not having a pot to p**** in. when Soft Alpaca wrote in a thread that if anybody could live off of minium wage it would be me… really hit home and made me cry that it is apparent to others how financially poor and struggling I am and how sad that must be for my children.