A signs-only approach

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Jim Eshelman
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A signs-only approach

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here is a synastric technique that I've used for 30 years or so and have never published. It's a preliminary or supplemental technique - not meant to replace good ol' fashioned aspects - but it has its place and has been quite useful to me.

The technique relies entirely on the interrelationships of the signs of two people's planets, not the degrees. It instantly raises a few Siderealist eye-brows because, at first look, it seems to rely on old "trines & sextiles good, squares & oppositions bad" thinking. It did begin that way, but it's evolved since then.

I originally read about this in Horoscope magazine 30+ years ago. I don't remember the author and, if someone can remind me, I'd love to give him credit. The original technique used Tropical signs, of course, but that was easy to fix! <g> It used the pairings of Venus-Mars (both ways) for attraction, Mercury-Mercury for similarity of how the minds worked, Moon-Moon for domestic compatibility, and Sun-Moon (both ways) for long-term staying power. (In other words: Will they catch each other's eyes and ignite sparks, can they have a decent conversation, can they live together, and will they last.)

Anna-Kria King added some Mercury-Mars and Mars-Mars dynamics when consulting with a manager in the business world. We kept evolving this over the years, and I eventually wrote up a protocol and simple text for a commercial use. Remembering that (1) only signs are used for the "aspects" and (2) this isn't a be-all-end-all but just an opening gambit or supplemental technique, give it a try.

I'll give the method and my standard text in the next post below.
Jim Eshelman
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Comparing two charts, X & Y

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Moon-0-180-Sun (C07):
At the very least, this person quickly catches your attention! A very significant lasting relationship is possible.

Moon-90-Sun (C08):
Lifestyle differences may create strain at times; but this stands a good chance of being a very important contact.

Moon-60-120-Sun (C09):
Often you will lend support to this person’s goals and ambitions; but compatibility is usually slight though friendly.

Sun-0-180-Moon (C17):
Could well be a very important relationship. You definitely catch this person’s attention!

Sun-90-Moon (C08): <<UNLESS IT WAS USED BEFORE for MOON-90-SUN>>
Lifestyle differences may create strain at times; but this stands a good chance of being a very important contact.

Sun-60-120-Moon (C18):
You can expect support and encouragement for your personal goals, as well as an easy-going, casual friendliness.

Sun-0-Sun (C10):
You share many goals, ideas, and attitudes, often a basis for friendship; but too much similarity can also lead to boredom.

Sun-90-180-Sun (C11)
Egos clash! Each may feel a little threatened by the other. Equality is difficult, as each wants to be boss.

Sun-60-120-Sun (C12)
Mutual respect and acknowledgement of each other’s identity. Cooperation. You encourage each other’s life-purposes.

No Sun-Sun contact (C13)
Somehow, though, you seem unaware that this is a real person with genuine identity needs. It’s difficult for a deep, meaningful contact to be formed.

Lovely companionship. You enjoy many of the same things and people, and feel rather playful and sensual toward each other.

Affection and magnetic attraction can be fairly intense. Difficulty sharing friends and your tastes vary.

You enjoy similar types of people. You have fun with similar things and can share pleasure comfortably. Very pleasant.

Venus-0-Sun (C01):
You feel more love and affection for this person’s Sun-sign than any other. Pleasure, including sensuality, may be shared freely.

Venus-90-180-Sun (C02):
Potentially delightful, with affection and pleasure freely shared. Emotional intensity may cause stress, but need not.

Venus-60-120-Sun (C03):
Moderately affectionate and loving, rather than intense. Pleasant friend with whom to share common interests and play.

Sun-0-Venus (C23):
This person feels an immense affection for you and desires to share pleasurable, fun experiences with you.

Sun-90-180-Venus (C02): <<UNLESS USED BEFORE for VENUS-90-180-SUN>>
Potentially delightful, with affection and pleasure freely shared. Emotional intensity may cause stress, but need not.

Sun-60-120-Venus (C24):
Feeling a moderate, rather than intense, affection for you, this person shares many of your interests. A good playmate.

Moon-0-Moon (C25):
There are many similarities in your personalities. Strong emotional affinity. Shared outlook on life, people, relationships.

Moon-90-180-Moon (C26):
Lifestyle differences may cause domestic incompatibility; but many emotional similarities and shared values point to potentially excellent relationship. Some adaptation required.

Mercury-0-Mercury (C27):
You share innumerable ideas. In fact, your minds work in fundamentally the same way. Communication flows freely.

Mercury-90-180-Mercury (C05):
Ideas and words rebound between you at a fierce rate! Though intensely communicative, different ways of thinking may create tension between you at times.

Mercury-60-120-Mercury (C06):
Your minds work basically the same, allowing a common ground for thought. You can learn much from each other.

NO Mercury-Mercury contact (C28):
A common ground for communication must be sought. Your individual mental processes simply do not mix easily on their own.

Mars-0-Mars (C29):
Excellent partner for any shared physical activity. Your energies are directed into similar channels, toward similar ends.

Mars-90-180-Mars (C30):
A fiercely energetic or physical encounter. Can be competitive and antagonistic if energies are not directed together toward a shared purpose.

Mars-60-120-Mars (C16):
Together you can do far more than separately. Healthy competition stretches your limits and encourages growth.

Mercury-0-Mars (C31):
Powerful mental relationship. Intense communication on many levels. Ideas are refined through constructive challenge.

Mercury-90-180-Mars (C32):
Harsh words and tempers may fill the air! This person’s criticism of you and your ideas may be too severe for your liking.

Mercury-60-120-Mars (C33):
This person has much to teach you, and can help you refine your ideas and ways of presenting them.

Mars-0-Mercury (C31): <<UNLESS ALREADY USED for MERCURY-0-MARS>>
Powerful mental relationship. Intense communication on many levels. Ideas are refined through constructive challenge.

Mars-90-180-Mercury (C34):
Develop tact if you want this relationship to go smoothly. You are too critical, harsh, defensive. Arguments probable.

Mars-60-120-Mercury (C35):
Your insightful perspective serves as a valuable “second opinion” to this person. Just temper criticism with caring.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Comparing two charts, X & Y

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As an example, suppose young Bill Clinton ordered a report on how he might get along with that cute Hillary Rodham he'd just met. Here's the report he would get, based on:

BILL: Sun Leo, Moon Aries, Mercury Cancer, Venus & Mars Virgo
HILL: Sun Libra, Moon Pisces, Mercury & Venus Libra, Mars Cancer

At the very least, Hillary quickly catches your attention! A very significant lasting relationship is possible.

Mutual respect and acknowledgement of each other’s identity. Cooperation. You encourage each other’s life-purposes.

Feeling a moderate, rather than intense, affection for you, Hillary shares many of your interests. A good playmate.

Ideas and words rebound between you at a fierce rate! Though intensely communicative, different ways of thinking may create tension between you at times.

Together you can do far more than separately. Healthy competition stretches your limits and encourages growth.

Powerful mental relationship. Intense communication on many levels. Ideas are refined through constructive challenge.
Jim Eshelman