Feb 07 2021 in Tampa, FL
The current favorites to win Super Bowl LV in the NFL futures market:
Top Tier
Kansas City +500
Baltimore +500
New Orleans +1000
Seattle +1200
Green Bay +1600
Dallas +1800
Pittsburgh +1800
Tampa Bay +1800
San Francisco +2000
Buffalo +2000
New England +2200
LA Rams +2200
Tennessee +2500
Arizona +2500
Utilizing the methods from Jim and SteveS, I see the following:
Kansas City
CapSolar = not good. Sun-Sat & Pluto-Sat midpoint on the angle. The Sun-Plu conjunction is within 3-4 degrees however, but Saturn within 5. No notable boosting day transits.
Progressed CapSolar (CapQ) = Puts Ur tight at the top, but probably not terribly meaningful based on CapSolar.
CapSolar = pretty bad. Mars exact conjunct angle. Ur 3 degrees away. Merc 3 deg away. Moon 4 away. Sat exact square MC. No good day transits I see.
So right away this is interesting. The top two teams have strong losing looks. KC and Baltimore are both in the same conference, so only one of them can go to the Super Bowl.
New Orleans
CapSolar = similar to KC angles. Nothing good, Sun-Plu Sat close and same midpoints. Moon trine MC/IC long. in CapSolar.
CapSolar = Bland but more promising than the first three. Ven and Nept on two different angles within 4 degrees. I know that signature has shown some promise in past games. Tight Moon-Pl midpoint on an angle (longitudinally). Not ideal.
So, that’s not a rousing endorsement of anyone so far! But Seattle is in the best place at first glance. If Seattle plays KC or Balt, seems Seattle would be the winner. I would do more work of course to tease everything out with the other charts as the playoffs begin.
I’ll save the bundle of other teams for another time perhaps, but wanted to point out two more:
Green Bay = CapSolar Mars square Asc/Dsc. Jup-Sat very tight conjunct angle. Probably not their season for a title.
Note with the 2021 CapSolar having a Sun-Pl conj Pl at 29Sa37 and Sun at 0 Cap of course, any city with a 0 CapSolar angle should have an edge. Especially if facing one of the strong Mars/Saturn ‘losing’ team signatures above.
A team whose charts have quite piqued my interest is Dallas. They fit the criteria just mentioned.
The CapSolar for Dallas has 28Sa42 Dsc, placing this Sun-Pl conjunction within a degree.
With Gemini rising it also puts chart ruler Mercury exactly sextile-trine the MC/IC.
The progressed Capsolar for Dallas gives the Asc-Dsc at 18Can-Cap.
This puts the Super Bowl day Jupiter of 16Ca44 inside 2 degrees of Dallas’ progressed Capsolar angle too. Intriguing.
Seattle and Dallas are both in the NFC however, so only one could go to the Super Bowl.
So there's a few insights for some potential matchups. Just to get the convesation flowing

Please feel free to comment and correct as needed!