I have a question for the group that has been bugging me for a few years now, and I keep forgetting to ask it.
Do you ascribe any meaning to outer planets' conjunctions with their SSR positions? e.g. Pluto going retrograde, then direct, and forming a Pluto transit to solar Pluto.
I haven't paid much attention, honestly, and nothing has ever jumped out at me. But I would love a more experienced opinion.
Many thanks.
Outer planet conjunctions to their SSR positions
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Outer planet conjunctions to their SSR positions
Answering on the fly because - long work day and one computer not up yet..
Do you have a copy of Interpreting Solar Returns? I answered this at length on p. 109 of the Astro Computing edition and specifically at the top of p. 110. (It's most of the page. If you don't have it maybe somebody else can copy a couple of paragraphs here?) - Simple answer: Yes.
Do you have a copy of Interpreting Solar Returns? I answered this at length on p. 109 of the Astro Computing edition and specifically at the top of p. 110. (It's most of the page. If you don't have it maybe somebody else can copy a couple of paragraphs here?) - Simple answer: Yes.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Outer planet conjunctions to their SSR positions
Jim's teachings from the first two paragraphs on page 110 of the ACS publication of "Interpreting Solar Returns."
FWIW, I may add Jim's above words could be more emphasized when coming to a Solar Quotidian angle or PSSR mean angle.Transits to solar Neptune have produced Neptunian responses as strong as natal Neptune, and far more intense than those to progressed Neptune when the latter have gained any distance on its radical place. The same can be said for all solar planets. Transits to them deserve full attention.
One special situation exists involving transits to outer solar planets. Due to retrogradaion, transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto nearly always conjoin their solar placements sometime during the year. The effect of this is to expose the individual to what may be the purest essence of that planet one can experience. For instance, transiting Pluto precisely conjunct Pluto will mark the most intensely Plutonian week of a year. It is as though a personal window has been opened, giving the individual direct access to that planet's untainted central nature.
Re: Outer planet conjunctions to their SSR positions
Huh. Thanks for the responses, guys. I don't have Interpreting Solar Returns, but it's on my to-buy list.
I'll have to keep watch for these from now on.
I'll have to keep watch for these from now on.