Neptune in Pisces

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Neptune in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In 2022, Neptune enters Pisces. It's time to start looking at what this has meant historically. Here are dates in recent centuries that Neptune has been in Pisces.

This is an important transit. It addresses the question of whether, as we suspect, Neptune rules Pisces i.e., has similar symbolism. It also, therefore, gives another way to reassess what we think we know about Neptune in general.

Mar 24 1034 to Sep 1 1034
Jan 24 1035 to May 29 1047
Aug 21 1047 to Mar 23 1048
Nov 25 1048 to Jan 5 1049

Mar 8 1199 to Sep 27 1199
Jan 6 1200 to May 6 1212
Sep 17 1212 to Mar 7 1213

Apr 28 1363 to Jul 26 1363
Feb 22 1364 to Nov 1 1364
Dec 5 1364 to Apr 20 1377
Oct 11 1377 to Feb 19 1378

Apr 7 1528 to Aug 20 1528
Feb 7 1529 to Jun 26 1541
Jul 28 1541 to Apr 5 1542
Nov 5 1542 to Jan 31 1543

Apr 3 1693 to Sep 20 1693
Feb 3 1694 to Jun 6 1706
Sep 13 1706 to Apr 3 1707

Mar 23 1858 to Oct 14 1858
Jan 20 1859 to May 22 1871
Oct 5 1871 to Mar 22 1872

May 20 2022 to Aug 6 2022
Mar 14 2023 to Nov 10 2023
Dec 31 2023 to May 9 2036
Oct 25 2036 to Mar 11 2037
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I will start gathering some historic notes on these periods, using the dates below, as time permits. I'm not looking for small stuff (given a 14-year passage), but for big themes, so I hope I don't overlook some nuances. Feel free to contribute.

Mar 23 1858 to Oct 14 1858
Jan 20 1859 to May 22 1871
Oct 5 1871 to Mar 22 1872

This is the onramp to Lincoln's election, and thus pushing the slavery issue to bursting as we headed into and through the Civil War and then the start of reconstruction. Not much is evident during the brief dip-in in 1858.

1859: Ground is broken for the Suez Canal. The Austro-Sardinian War (not very important, slight border changes). The British Empire is being built with securing new levels of control in India and Australia. New gold and mineral rushes in Colorado and Utah, an oil rush in western Pennsylvania. John Brown tries (unsuccessfully) to spark a slave rebellion in Harper's Ferry, VA: Robert E. Lee's troops overpower him (he was hanged). Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published.

1860: Kingdom of Italy formed, annexes Tuscany, opens a Parliament. Garibaldi leads his soldiers in many campaigns to unify Italy, conquers Sicily, crosses over and takes Naples. Pony Express begins to run. One of the worst storms ever hit England's east coast sinking over 100 ships. There seems to be a new era of exploration (resembling the Piscean explorers of the 16th-17th centuries). Abraham Lincoln elected President, South Carolina secedes.

1861: U.S. Civil War: Further states secede, Confederate States of America is formed, Pres. Jefferson Davis is inaugurated (weeks before Lincoln), open combat begins at Fort Sumter, the opposing sides continue to polarize, open warfare increases. (Kansas is admitted as a free state.) Lincoln is inaugurated. Battles toward Italian unification continue, the Kingdom of Italy is proclaimed by the new Parliament. Czar Alexander II outlawed serfdom.

1862: Civil War continues. Emancipation Proclamation issued. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo published. Lincoln creates (what is later named) the Department of Agriculture. Lincoln signed the Homestead Act. Bureau of Internal Revenue established. Lincoln signs law authorizing construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad. Dakota War begins in Minnesota, expanding into the Sioux War.

1863: @

1864: @

1865: @

1866: @

1867: @

1868: @

1869: @

1870: @

1871: @ [partial]

1871: @ [partial]
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm jumping back to years where not as much fills the history books - to see if the big themes are more obvious.

Mar 24 1034 to Sep 1 1034
Jan 24 1035 to May 29 1047
Aug 21 1047 to Mar 23 1048
Nov 25 1048 to Jan 5 1049

1034: Byzantine Emperor Romanos III is drowned at his wife's order: She marries the chamberlain and names him Emperor. Other conspiracies (figuratively back-stabbing) seem to be rearranging Europe's leadership.

1040: King Duncan I is killed in battle with his cousin Macbeth, who then becomes King of Scotland. Through this whole period there is a lot of Byzantine vs. Europe battling and territorial exchanges over a few years.

1042: Byzantine Emperor Michael V Kalaphates' mother tries to poison him, he banishes her, the people revolt against him as sole ruler. The mother and her sister are then proclaimed empress, Michael flees to a monastery but is arrested, blinded, and castrated. Much more family drama continues through the year and makes me long for the family calm of Macbeth.

1043: Byzantine family drama continues plus various wars and engagements with Arabs and Italians. - Another plotting mother appears when Edward the Confessor is crowned king of England and learns his mother (Queen of Normandy) is plotting to seize the English throne. (He strips her lands and treasure.)

1045: Lots of drama with shuffling Popes around. Movable type printing is invented in China.

1046: Important Chinese writings focus on corruption in government (centered on the throne). This seems a big theme around the world, happening with the pope and alleged in various kingdoms.

The Pope shuffling continues for years, and seems to wrap up as the transit wraps up. I lost track of how many times Benedict IX became Pope during these few years.
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

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Mar 8 1199 to Sep 27 1199
Jan 6 1200 to May 6 1212
Sep 17 1212 to Mar 7 1213

1199: A war between England and France had become brutal, evoking warnings that neither cities for dwelling or highways for travel are safe. Three weeks after Neptune entered Pisces, King Richard the Lionheart is wounded assailing a French castle and soon dies of gangrene, leaving the throne to King John. The sign-change, for England, is the transition from Richard to John. Other important monarchy hand-offs occur in Marrakesh and Japan. In the summer, Pope Innocent III calls for a fourth Crusade.

1200: The Fourth Crusade starts warming up. England and France (John and Philip) sign a peace treaty (that lasts a couple of years). John starts consolidating power by acquiring fealties. Similarly, Genghis Khan "manages to unite about half the feuding Mongol clans under his leadership."

1201: The fourth Crusade is still building (alliances, ships bult, acquiring provisions, other preparations).

1202: Crusaders convene in Venice (about a third the number expected) and starts (by various paths) toward the Holy Land.

1203: Fourth Crusade dominated the year, including the first successful siege of Constantinople (the main measurable outcome of the Crusade). Meanwhile, King John is driven out of Normandy.

1204: Fourth Crusade continues. Aftermath consequences of the siege of Constantinople.

1205: The usual power fluctuations (that always occur) center for a while on the Byzantine Empire instability. King Philip II in France is on a roll conquering regions now recognized as France. King John mobilizes all English males over 12 to a large defense force.

1206: The Latin Empire has been growing - formed by Crusaders by land captured from the Byzantines - and now crowns its second emperor (in Constantinople). Genghis Khan finishes organizing all Mongol chiefs under his sole leadership. England and France move toward war in the Aquitaine.

1207: Mostly, more of the same. King John introduces the first income tax (it's successful in raising revenue, though unpopular). Conflicts between John and the Pope about who is the new archbishop.

1208: Albigensian Crusade started against the Cathars in Languedoc; it lasted 20 years. Numerous battles and power shuffles around Europe (the usual; or more?).

1209: Mostly a continuation. King John is ex-communicated by the Pope over the archbishop conflict. Black Monday in Dublin when 500 settles recently arrived from Bristol and celebrating Easter Monday outside the fortified city are massacred by O'Byrne clan warriors. - Mongols led by Genghis Khan launch their first invasion (of a nearby Chinese state). Franciscan Order is bounded by Francis of Assisi. (It's characteristics might be important to this transit: Members cannot own any possessions at all, wander and preach among the people, help the poor and sick, beg for food but forbidden to accept money for work or as alms.)

1210: Mostly continues the same.

1211: Genghis Khan's conquest spreads within China. Many other things continue from prior yers. Albigensian Crusade heats up.

1212: [partial: Note the Great Fire of London happened when Neptune tipped into Aries for the summer] Crusades continue through Greece [spreading into the Neptune in Aries time].

1213: [partial: After Neptune enters Aries, King John submits to the Pope] Albigensian Crusade continues. Genghis Khan conquest of China continues. Pope puts out a call for a Fifth Crusade to retake Jerusalem.
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:55 pm Apr 28 1363 to Jul 26 1363
Feb 22 1364 to Nov 1 1364
Dec 5 1364 to Apr 20 1377
Oct 11 1377 to Feb 19 1378

Apr 7 1528 to Aug 20 1528
Feb 7 1529 to Jun 26 1541
Jul 28 1541 to Apr 5 1542
Nov 5 1542 to Jan 31 1543

Apr 3 1693 to Sep 20 1693
Feb 3 1694 to Jun 6 1706
Sep 13 1706 to Apr 3 1707
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In a little over two hours, Neptune enters Pisces.

Saturn entered Aquarius a couple of days ago, and now Neptune will leave her there on her own.

For the next month or so, the lineup will be:

Aries - Uranus
'Pisces - Neptune Jupiter Mars
Aquarius - Saturn
Capricorn - Pluto
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Neptune dipped its toe into Pisces May 20 to Aug 6, 2022. Here are the main events of the year that Wikipedia currently lists for that period. Are there any patterns? (While it was happening, I had no sense of anything showing a consistent pattern. Neptune, of course, confuses... and is usually takes me longer to see how it is working, primarily in hindsight.)

May 20 – 2022 monkeypox outbreak: The World Health Organization (WHO) holds an emergency meeting to discuss the spread of monkeypox in nearly a dozen countries, as the number of reported cases reaches 100.

May 21 – 2022 Australian federal election: The Labor party, led by Anthony Albanese, defeats the Liberal/National Coalition Government led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Albanese would be sworn in on May 23.

May 28 – Spanish club Real Madrid beat English club Liverpool 1–0 to win the UEFA Champions League final played at the Stade de France in Paris, France.

June 4 – Retired general Bajram Begaj is elected the 9th President of Albania by the parliament in the 4th round of voting.

June 5 – At least 50 people are killed in a dual mass shooting-bomb attack in Owo, Nigeria.

June 14 – Canada and Denmark end their competing claims for Hans Island by dividing the island roughly in half, ending what was referred to as the Whisky War.

June 19 – The second round of the 2022 Colombian presidential election is held, and former guerrilla fighter for the 19th of April Movement and incumbent senator, Gustavo Petro, defeats businessman and former mayor of Bucaramanga, Rodolfo Hernández Suárez.

June 22 - An earthquake measuring moment magnitude 6.2 strikes the Durand Line between Afghanistan and Pakistan, killing at least 1,163 people.

June 22 - The government of Bulgarian prime minister Kiril Petkov loses a motion of no confidence in a vote of 123–116, after the There Is Such a People party withdrew from the coalition over disputes over budget spending and Bulgaria's blocking of North Macedonia's accession to the EU.

June 23 – Dickon Mitchell's party wins a majority of seats in Grenada's general election, defeating Prime Minister Keith Mitchell's party. Mitchell is appointed Prime Minister of Grenada, following Keith Mitchell's resignation on June 24.

June 26 – G7 leaders gather for a summit in Germany to discuss the situation in Ukraine. A ban on imports of Russian gold is announced.

June 27 – 53 migrants from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador are found dead in a tractor trailer in San Antonio, Texas, United States.

June 28–30 – A NATO summit is held in Madrid, Spain along with the presence of guest countries from the European Union and the Indo-Pacific primarily searching for a consensual defensive reinforcement after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sustained threatening over the territorial integrity of other countries.

July 1 – Yair Lapid succeeds Naftali Bennett as Prime Minister of Israel, while Bennett succeeds Lapid as Alternate Prime Minister of Israel; this arrangement had been created after the 2021 Israeli legislative election, in which no party won an outright majority.

July 6–31 – UEFA Women's Euro 2022 is held in England, with the hosts winning their first major tournament since 1966.

July 7–17 – The 2022 World Games is held in Birmingham, Alabama, United States.

July 8 – Former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe is assassinated while giving a public speech in the city of Nara, Japan.

July 11 – The first operational image from the James Webb Space Telescope, showing the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, is revealed to the public.

July 18 – Droupadi Murmu is elected as President of India, making her the first tribal woman and youngest person to be elected to the office.

July 19 – 2022 European heat waves: A series of severe heatwaves from July to August hit Europe, causing at least 53,000 deaths and additionally causing major wildfires, travel disruption, and record high temperatures in many countries.

July 21 - The Parliament of Sri Lanka elects Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe as President of Sri Lanka, following the resignation of Gotabaya Rajapaksa amid protests over the ongoing economic crisis.

July 21 - The European Central Bank raises its key interest rate for the first time in more than 11 years, from minus 0.5 per cent to zero, with plans for further increases later in the year.

July 23 – The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the recent monkeypox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, as the number of reported cases exceeds 17,000 in 75 countries.

July 28 – August 8 – The 2022 Commonwealth Games is held in Birmingham, England.

July 31 – Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian terrorist who became the 2nd Emir of al-Qaeda after Osama bin Laden's death in 2011, is killed in an airstrike in Kabul, Afghanistan conducted by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency.

August 4 - China conducts its largest ever military exercise around Taiwan in response to a controversial visit by Nancy Pelosi, the highest-ranking U.S official to visit Taiwan since the 1990s.

August 4 - The Prime Minister of Peru, Aníbal Torres, resigns following multiple criminal investigations against the President of Peru, Pedro Castillo.

August 5–7 – Israel launches airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, killing Islamic Jihad military leader Tayseer Jabari. Both parties agree to a ceasefire after three days of skirmish.

6 August – Terrance Drew is sworn in as prime minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis.
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

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Neptune has entered Pisces again.
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I have been looking for a hook or handle on the nature of Neptune in Pisces. (Reading historic references just leaves me baffled.)

This morning, I may have my first clue: I think matters of secrecy and, especially, espionage (and perhaps anything clandestine) will become a dominant wave in mass psychology. We already have a former president facing criminal charges related to the Espionage Act (and related events supporting two former vice presidents having retained some things they shouldn't have). Now, with Daniel Ellsberg's death, the following story emerges and is bringing new attention. This may be the beginning of a 14-year trend.

Why the Pentagon Papers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End ... apers.html
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by Venus_Daily »

Sounds like romanticism and anything good for drama. Sensationalism.
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

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Except I can't find any record of that in the history of the transit.
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

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We're also seeing an increase in the trend of distrusting fact and expert opinion and embracing fantasy facts. This isn't entirely a Neptune in Pisces phenomenon: It seems to have begun under Pluto in Sagittarius as part of the "distrust experts, knock expertise off its pedestal" side, so it might not be part of Neptune in Pisces at all; but it's on the rise, and we'll probably see if really inflate next year.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:26 am I have been looking for a hook or handle on the nature of Neptune in Pisces. (Reading historic references just leaves me baffled.)

This morning, I may have my first clue: I think matters of secrecy and, especially, espionage (and perhaps anything clandestine) will become a dominant wave in mass psychology. We already have a former president facing criminal charges related to the Espionage Act (and related events supporting two former vice presidents having retained some things they shouldn't have). Now, with Daniel Ellsberg's death, the following story emerges and is bringing new attention. This may be the beginning of a 14-year trend.

Why the Pentagon Papers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End ... apers.html
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
...but it's on the rise, and we'll probably see if really inflate next year.
If so, timed for the 2024 Prez elections. :roll:
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I wrote in the Neptune in Aquarius thread that I'm beginning to suspect that Neptune in Aquarius (already easily linked to the time when the worlds day-to-day realities were shaped by personal electronic devices and digital reality) was specifically the era of social media - as we've come to know it. I think (in the form we've known it) that it might be coming to an end.

Twitter and Facebook date to 2006. The iPhone came out in 2007. It took a little while for everything to take off. Neptune entered Aquarius in 2009.

Suddenly this year (and it came fast) the whole nature of electronic social media is shifting. It might be about ready for as big a shift as that from "generic Internet" to social media in the late Bush years. The exact question, though, is: What comes next?

I think what comes next will be decisively Piscean (Neptunian) in nature. It may well be something that hasn't crossed my mind or that I can't anticipate yet - though I have a couple of solid ideas led by where tech countries are putting their money.

The first is augmented reality. This is already a thing, and both Microsoft and Meta (among others) have invested and developed heavily. This supports what I'm beginning to think might be a fundamental characteristic of Neptune in Pisces: Living in highly personalized manufactured realities. This can easily replace social media as we've come to know it because the largest social media platform has already announced it wants to move it's future development in that direction. Besides impacting every important Piscian thing (like entertainment) and giving a very full "return to the womb" effect reminiscent of narcotic addition, it stands on its own as a theme.

Beyond AR, I think (politically, socially, personally, creatively) that Neptune in Pisces will be marked by people living in highly personalized, manufactured realities.

The second area that I think might emerge dominantly from this is in the recent giant leaps in artificial intelligence. I have started thinking of chatbots and their close relatives and pending progeny as the ultimate social media because they are ultimately mindless social collaboration. I say this because of how they are being programmed: Basically, tools like ChatGPT are fad massive amounts of data which they learn and on which they base their responses. The simplest way to do this is simply to have them suck up the whole Internet (e.g., Google's or Bing's records). This means that the AI bots are already giant collective minds that incorporate everybody's social participation, creation, and responses without anybody actually having to think about them or know they are participating. In this way, the AI bots are becoming the literal collective unconscious, pools of unthinking social collaboration.

That's what I currently expect from Neptune in Pisces. We a month and a half of Neptune in Aquarius in November-December, then on with Neptune in Pisces for the next 14 years.
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As of New Year's Eve, Neptune is in Pisces for most of the next two decades.
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Re: Neptune in Pisces

Post by SteveS »

And it starts off with a bang partile 180 USA DOIC (Declaration of Independence Chart) Neptune and next up is partile cnj NYSE MC. I think DC’s 2024 Capsolar sp Moon could excite USA’s partile Mars-Neptune 90 into operation. And I think NYSE Nov 13 SLR will excite t Neptune partile cnj NYSE MC into operation.
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