Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction Over Natal Pluto

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Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction Over Natal Pluto

Post by Venus_Daily »

Hey, everyone.
As we speak, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is squaring my natal pluto, within in like 10 minutes. I feel like shit. Everything feels so stagnant, even finding something entertaining to do seems impossible. I haven't cried in months, a few years ago, crying was a daily event, but tonight I'm crying. My last two SSRs featured Moon/Jupiter conjunctions, but I just don't feel happiness or joy. I really feel like nothing in my life has changed.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction Over Natal Pluto

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This is a most interesting report. Thanks for sharing with us.

I'm curious: Are there physical circumstances (events) in your life right now that are consistent with this feeling, or is the feeling disconnected from anything going on?

What you describe is not too different from what we'd normally expect from Saturn's transit to Pluto. It's hardening, creates a sense of separation or isolation, creates a sense of burden (and a willingness to take it on and bear it), though stubborn rejection of anyone's efforts to control, persuade, or move us. However, by itself, Jupiter's transit to Pluto tends to be freeing - it releases energy primarily from some kind of separation, disentangles us from impeding conditions, and often marks a positive turning point. -- Obviously in combination these have been something quite different from that for you.

A brief day or two of what you describe makes sense: Sun and Mercury, conjoined, have been conjoining your Neptune. But that happens every year and your current state seems disproportionate to it.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction Over Natal Pluto

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Your current solar return shows a year of mixed but very strong emotional cycles. On the one hand, Jupiter is exactly angular square Moon at MC and conjunct your natal Moon. On the other hand, Venus opposes Saturn across the horizon in mundane square to Moon at MC. I would expect Jupiter to predominate across the year as a whole, with some of the other kind.

Ah, but here's something of great interest: Your Solar Return Descendant is 5°31' Capricorn, exactly square your Pluto - and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is exactly on this angle. Again, Jupiter-Saturn is a mixed influencer and it is most curious that their simultaneous crossing would have this particular effect.

And then today it became even more emphasized because your progressed Solar Return (SQ) Ascendant reached 5° Libra - triggering the whole thing again (with SQ MC having passed through it two or three days ago). This is landing most strongly on you.

One thing of a different flavor - decisively separative and impactful on its own - is that progressed SSR Moon exactly squares Solar Return Pluto this week.

I don't think any of this exactly explains the psychological state you described. In summary, the two things I notice are that the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (square your Pluto) is extremely active in your chart - making the natal transit, occurring exactly on your SSR angle, and on quotidian angles for recent days; and that you're undergoing a Moon-Pluto progressed aspect this week that typically dislodges buried psychological content, purges things from our souls, and signals separation-themed turning points. (Jupiter-Saturn to your Pluto would mean that this kind of separation would be difficult and rewarding.)

Is anything like this going on in your life?
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction Over Natal Pluto

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Furthermore, you posted this as your natal Venus was rising, opposed by Moon (which also squared your natal Jupiter on IC). While this might, by itself, suggest very strong feelings, it doesn't describe bad ones. I'd say it describes something of great emotional importance and power coming to the surface. With transiting Moon exactly angular, emotion would have been foremost.

From different angles, themes of relationship, connection, and separation come up from different placements or aspects.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction Over Natal Pluto

Post by Venus_Daily »

You know, Jim. I actually wish there was something going on in my life like that. I don't know if it's burried deep or something. You know, it's very strange. The one thing that really comes to mind is that I no longer feel connected to the universe, my own synchronicity, or life purpose. For several years now, I've felt very detached from the fabric of life, even when I feel great. It doesn't feel like depression, it feels more like a spiritual death.
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