2022 Capsolar

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2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Capsolar effective Jan 15, 2022 to Jan 15, 2023. For the United States, the 12 months beginning January 15, 2022 are an accounting cycle for the Biden administration. Midterm elections nearly always weigh against the White House so, even without astrology, we expect Democratic losses in the Senate and House of Representatives. With a Capsolar that is anti-President, anti-establishment, and antigovernment, Republican gains seem certain.

Sun conjunct Pluto (1°21') is the primary aspect this year. Pluto, missing from 2021 Capsolar angles, is now back (square Ascendant 1°29'). Although the range of Sun-Pluto themes is diverse, from severe natural disasters to political confrontation, they always invite unprecedented conditions and irrevocable shifts of circumstances. Typical motifs include rebellion against prevailing conditions, assault on or removal of those in power, and disrespect for and disobeying the law. People are more "live and let live" but, equally, need to be free from arbitrary control or leadership that they feel is failing them. Especially with Pluto in Capricorn, more people think of themselves as sovereign, "a law unto oneself" or "exception to the rules," leading to increased lawlessness.

Crime is up. People feel that their neighborhoods are more dangerous. Moon opposes Mars (1°36') and squares Neptune (2°05'). Mundanely, Mars square Neptune is only 0°05' wide in Washington. Particularly, Sun conjunct Pluto and Moon-Mars-Neptune amps up the physical threat to the President or, if not him directly, then the Federal government, perhaps through heightened domestic terrorism. Expect a year of ferocious civil unrest as what was once called "civilization" rips open with unaddressed grievance while striving to settle into some new pattern where people feel greater safety and security.

Moon-Mars creates a state of alarm. Typical expressions are violence, blood, fire, bombs, earthquakes, accidents, and other destruction, often with significant loss of life. Other expressions include war, bombings, other attacks, and the death of leaders. Moon-Neptune describes waves of emotional reaction, fervor, herd-mind arousal, or panic accompanied by confusion, disorientation, uncertainty, and an undermined sense of security. Mars-Neptune is fundamentally an aspect of panic or feeling the ground fall from under one’s feet - surging adrenaline with heightened aroused emotion - increasing the risk of treachery, sabotage, other betrayal, poisoned relationships, and scandal. (On the other hand, it seems professional sports are back with a vengeance!)

The Sun/Mercury midpoint, 0°14' from Capsolar IC, broadly intensifies and highlights Mercury themes, including transportation, commerce, and science. As Mercury squares (non-foreground) Uranus within 0°34', trends of scientific and technological advances continue (this year has social unrest, not a dystopian turning from technology): Freedom and flexibility in communication and travel are big break-out themes for the year, including significant expansion and redesign in social media's impact. Science continues to have direct, relevant influence on people's changing lives.

Mercury-Uranus also has repercussions on social trends. With growing urgency of antisocial independence and autonomous self-sufficiency, and in people feeling exempt from precedents and historic social standards, "independent thinking" becomes a rallying cry (though probably more of a fantasy than a reality, as herd-mind passions surge the cry for "independent" opinion). Greater curiosity would help conditions improve, but instead we are likely to see passion-fed rejection of expert opinion, reliance on crowd opinion, and other challenges to convention or authority. “Don’t tell me how to think” takes on new, widespread life.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Moon-Mars creates a state of alarm. Typical expressions are violence, blood, fire, bombs, earthquakes, accidents, and other destruction, often with significant loss of life.
Jim, I know you have already thought about the 2022 Capsolar for LA, but :shock: to hell and back, that Moon-Mars Paran....Have you done any work yet on the Lunar Ingresses for LA to possibly narrow the time frame for possible malefic manifestations?
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

No, I really don't study mundane charts for LA unless I have a particular reason. Local news doesn't interest me much, and keeping ahead of the game with the national forecast is enough work.

Did you notice something interesting?

Oh, I see: The Moon-Mars (+ Neptune) is angular right here.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

FWIW: If some type Moon-Mars disaster were to hit the LA area, there would be higher probability for it to be timed with LA's Jan 30 Caplunar looking at all the Caplunars for the year. With a Sun-Uranus "outstanding incident" symbolized in LA's Jan 30 Caplunar, the incident would have higher probability of being a sudden unexpected incident, with Caplunar Uranus 1,15 cnj MC. Caplunar Saturn is partile conjunct Caplunar DSC, co-angular with Caplunar Uranus, a "tension" aspect. If I lived in the LA area, during the time period of this Caplunar, I would, at the very least want a months supply of essential items in case there were to be a sudden earthquake. Class 1 Moon-Mercury-Pluto conjunction with this Caplunar--not to be ignored.

Looking at DC's Capsolar, if there were going to be a major Moon-Mars event to occur in the USA sometime during the Ingress year, higher probability its location occurs somewhere on/near the West Coast with the Moon-Mars angular with this locality. I have not looked at the other LA lunar ingresses for the year.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

While the 2022 Arisolar and Libsolar for LA are silent, the Cansolar has Saturn exactly square MC, so the most vulnerable part of the Capsolar year is the last half. I'll look at the 52 lunar ingresses later if I have time - any of them has the strength to act on its own (the event doesn't have to show in a Caplunar).
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

During the period of the 2022 Capsolar, LA has the following Bridge factors that could be relevant to the energies being examined:

Neptune on Capsolar angles ALL YEAR
Jupiter on Capsolar angles [less likely time] 3/29-4/23
Mars on Capsolar angles 1/14-19, 5/12-19, 10/6-11/21
Of these Mars zones, those overlapping highlighted lunar ingresses include May 12-19 and three periods in the Oct 6-Nov 21 period (weekly ingresses beginning 10/10, 10/17, and 11/13). NOTE: Capsolar Mars progresses to the 00' opposition of Moon on November 12, so a week or two either side of that is particularly vulnerable.

Saturn on Cansolar MC 2/11-3/19 [a high vulnerability time!]
Jupiter sq. Cansolar Asc 1/29-2/15 [does this deflect the event away? not always...]
Mars on Cansolar MC 3/28-4/2
Mars sq. Cansolar Asc 4/23-28
Neither Mars transit falls during the Saturn period. Nor do any of the Mars transits to Capsolar. Going just from these transits to the 2021 Cansolar, I'd pick the most vulnerable time in the first half of the year as Feb 16-Mar 19, which includes the Feb 13 & Feb 20 lunar ingresses.

Saturn sq. Cansolar MC 7/17-8/5
Saturn on Cansolar WP-a 8/16-12/25
Saturn sq. Cansolar MC 1/1-END
Saturn transits these angles nearly all of the last half of the year. Within that:
Mars on Cansolar angles Aug 7-20. Therefore, in the second half of the year, Aug 16-20 (their overlap) are the most vulnerable days. Of these, Aug 16-17 has the most volatile CapQ.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Excellent analysis Jim. If I lived in the LA area, I guess the next best thing to do would be to look at all my lunars to see if i needed to relocate one with possible severe malefic symbolism. I don't really know how I would handle this possible severe Capsolar for LA, its a difficult situation. I can't ever recall seeing a Solar Ingress chart for a location with a Moon-Mars Paran.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I have almost non-stop difficult lunars next year, so I'm relying on an outstanding positive SSR to lift the curve on that.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

I just noticed this: the 2022 Super Bowl will be played in Inglewood, Ca on Feb 13 2022.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:34 pm I just noticed this: the 2022 Super Bowl will be played in Inglewood, Ca on Feb 13 2022.
OMG...Well, it seems pretty clear that no California, Oregon, or Washington team will win.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
OMG...Well, it seems pretty clear that no California, Oregon, or Washington team will win.
Exactly my thoughts Jim.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:37 pm
SteveS wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:34 pm I just noticed this: the 2022 Super Bowl will be played in Inglewood, Ca on Feb 13 2022.
OMG...Well, it seems pretty clear that no California, Oregon, or Washington team will win.
This is alarming to me. This seems familiar to me from reading past mundane events.
I am curious if there are seating restrictions in place due to covid, and how many people will be in attendance?
It seems the region itself will suffer, not just the team and football fans.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

California currently has the lowest Covid infection rate in the country yes, I'm sure there are still restrictions in place but I'm not up to date, since we don't go out.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I have some questions for possible learning purposes pertaining to DC’s 2022 Capsolar.
1: Whenever we see a tight orbed opposition in a DC Capsolar, I am assuming some location in the Country will be under a Paran opposition on the MC-IC axis, like certain cities on the West Coast for 2022 Capsolar.
2: Does it stand to reason this Moon-Mars Paran on the MC-IC axis on the West Coast increases the probability of its manifestation on the West Coast?
3: Do you recall any malefic Moon-Mars oppositions in any of the historic DC Capsolars?
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Mon Oct 04, 2021 8:07 am Jim, I have some questions for possible learning purposes pertaining to DC’s 2022 Capsolar.
1: Whenever we see a tight orbed opposition in a DC Capsolar, I am assuming some location in the Country will be under a Paran opposition on the MC-IC axis, like certain cities on the West Coast for 2022 Capsolar.
Some spot on the globe, yes. (There may or may not be cities there, but usually there will be cities. It could, of course, only occur out over the ocean.)
2: Does it stand to reason this Moon-Mars Paran on the MC-IC axis on the West Coast increases the probability of its manifestation on the West Coast?
Of course.
3: Do you recall any malefic Moon-Mars oppositions in any of the historic DC Capsolars?
There have been lots of Moon-Mars aspects in historic Capsolars. Just taking ecliptical Moon-Mars conjunctions, oppositions, and squares within 3° (since I have these tabulated), they occurred 32 times: 1789 1796 1798 1830 1836 1839 1842 1856 1863 1867 1880-81 1891 1905-07 1916 1923 1939 1948 1964 1966 1972 1981 1988-89 1994 1998 2014-15 2021-22.

But why did you specifically say "DC" Capsolars. Were you asking if they were angular in DC, or were you asking more generally about the Capsolar independent of place? (The last one that comes to mind - before the current Moon square Mars-Uranus on the angles of the 2021 Capsolar - was when Reagan was shot and had a Moon-Mars square and Sun-Pluto square on DC's angles.) I'd have to do more math to isolate those years, so only want to do it if that's what you're asking about.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Rather than math, I can use the spreadsheet and report I prepared years ago of all angularities, Moon aspects, and other foreground aspects in U.S. Capsolars.

Moon-Mars aspects have existed (angular and non-angular) in Capsolars during U.S. history 32 times: 1789 1796 1798 1830 1836 1839 1842 1856 1863 1867 1880-81 1891 1905-07 1916 1923 1939 1948 1964 1966 1972 1981 1988-89 1994 1998 2014-15 2021-22.

Of these, both Moon and Mars were foreground seven times: 1796 1836 1856 1863 1891 1905 1907 1916 1981 2014 2021. (Don't forget, we're living under one of these right now.)

Both Moon and Mars were closely foreground with this aspect three times: 1905 2014 2021
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
There have been lots of Moon-Mars aspects in historic Capsolars
I am only concerned with the Moon-Mars opposition aspect which would calculate a MC-IC Paran over a specific part of the USA, maybe for the possible Zenith locations as well. The burning question I have in my mind: Has this ever happened before in USA history. If needed, after Oct I will go back and look at all DC Capsolars to see if a tight Moon-Mars opposition has ever taken place in a Capsolar. Now that I think about it, it seems I remember a Moon-Mars combo with Pluto for the 1906 SF earthquake involving a CapQ chart?
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Mon Oct 04, 2021 10:10 am
There have been lots of Moon-Mars aspects in historic Capsolars
I am only concerned with the Moon-Mars opposition aspect which would calculate a MC-IC Paran over a specific part of the USA, maybe for the possible Zenith locations as well. The burning question I have in my mind: Has this ever happened before in USA history.
Remember that if it simply happens in DC, it can affect any part of the country. Major events in other locations often occur when the primary marks of that kind of event mostly exist only in the capital (though, of course, they usually show for the location itself).

I'll see if I have time to check this for you. It means pulling up 37 Capsolars and running astro-maps for them. It's not hard, it's just time consuming. I'll see if I can do it with the 37 charts I listed for you above.
If needed, after Oct I will go back and look at all DC Capsolars to see if a tight Moon-Mars opposition has ever taken place in a Capsolar. Now that I think about it, it seems I remember a Moon-Mars combo with Pluto for the 1906 SF earthquake involving a CapQ chart?
You'll notice that the three years 1905-1907 are on my list. However, IIRC it wasn't angular for San Francisco in the Capsolar originally, but only in its quotidians later.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

31 current and prior years that had close Moon-Mars ecliptical aspects in the Capsolar. I'm looking at their separate astro-maps to see if Moon-Mars lines cross any part of the "lower 48" United States. (BTW, I misstated above: These are 31 example of either ecliptical or mundane Moon-Mars aspects, so a lot of them won't exist except in the DC area, and most of those weren't on angles.) If Moon-Mars crossed similar parts of the country together for these 31 charts, I'll list below where that occurred.

1789 - Tightly aligned at the longitude of Chicago (just west of Birmingham), though only AL was part of the U.S. at the time.
1796 - Through North Carolina, Virginia, central PA, western NY
1798 - wide swath from Florida panhandle through Minnesota; also New England
1830 -
1836 - Widely spaced in the (barely occupied) West, with the Mars line passing roughly through Phoenix and Salt Lake City
1839 -
1842 - Longitude of NYC.
1856 - New England
1863 -
1867 - Roughly New Orleans (or coastal Mississippi) due north: Westernmost TN, mid-Illinois and Wisconsin
1880 - Similar to 1867 (slightly more east: coastal Alabama at the longitude of Chicago-Milwaukee)
1881 -
1891 - Mars at the longitude of Atlanta, Moon running straight up-down the middle of the Plains states.
1905 - A band from coastal North Carolina through to central-East NYC, including Mars exactly at NYC, Moon exact at Baltimore.
1906 - [It wasn't close enough in the Capsolar itself to both be angular in SF, though the Mars line skirted the U.S. northwest coast and wasn't too far from SF. Moon, though, was far off the coast.] - Also a somewhat wide band curving from Arizona to North Dakota.
1907 - North Carolina & Virginia [included the Monongah, WV coalmine disaster, plus big U.S. events in general such as the Panic of 1907] - Moon curves from New Orleans to near Fargo
1916 - Off the coast of the Carolinas and northern Florida. Mars sq MC is just inland from that, coastal NC through mid-NY, with Moon sq. slicing through the middle of Florida and GA, curving across Indiana and nipping a bit of Wisconsin.
1923 - Mars curves South Carolina, through Charlotte, and across bits of Midwest sttes.
1939 -
1948 -
1964 - Coastal northern California + Wash/Ore. Squares curve from Los Angeles upward through Boise. [For this year I'd expect civil unrest more]
1966 - Moon through central Cal/Ore/Wash [but the year's worst Moon-Mars events were in Chicago and Austin]
1972 - Moon through New England
1981 - Close in DC, and curving through that general area, inland across PA/NY [This was the Reagan shooting]
1988 -
1989 - A wide swath from Texas-New Mexico, mostly along/across the Rockies up to western Montana [This included the Philips disaster in Texas, but not some other large disasters in Alaska and San Francisco] - Squares were due north from western Louisiana through about Minneapolis
1994 - A Mars sq. in the west, at the longitude of Las Vegas. A Moon sq. line through the longitude of NYC. [Too far east to catch the Northridge earthquake and Simpson-Goldman murders directly, so LA got the heavy Moon-Mars impact - as did the world - regardless of angularity.]
1998 - A narrow swath from through Texas, that widened as it curved to central Montana (the Mars part passed through Denver). The squares are tightly packed just west of Houston, due north through Omaha and Fargo.
2014 - Northeast, with the Mars sq line along NY's eastern border and NYC, the Moon angling along the coast from NC through Philadelphia. NYC and eastern upstate NY have the strongest concentration.
2015 - Near Seattle. (Mars by itself went up the middle of California, Oregon, and Washington.) [It was a year when mass shootings were peaking, and some horrible ones occurred. This aspect was close enough to the one in San Bernardino but missed the Charleston AME Church killings or and the Colorado Springs shootings. I think the simple fact that we had the Moon-Mars anywhere at all - regardless of angles - mattered most.] - Mars sq line curves through Arizona up to North Dakota (still not very close to Colorado Springs).
2021 - Directly angular in Washington, along the coast in NC, VA, MD, and up through eastern PA and central-western NY.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

I've got to think about my original question more, it could very well be I am mistaken in my thinking that prompted my question. Thanks for the data.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

CapQ April 18 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 5:12 AM


Note the partile eclipto conjunctions of CapQ Moon-Mars-Pluto to its angles of ASC, IC, and DSC. IMO, a good example of Jim’s favor for eclipto hits to the angles for a Q chart, can’t get much better angular preciseness for this major event in US history.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

And transiting Saturn is within the 2° orb as well. - Yes, the CapQ shows it off, even though it wasn't as localized in the Capsolar itself.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

This weekend, I will be discussing astrological matters with two gentlemen who have Super Bowl tickets. I may get an invite, but I will decline-- more so out of old age. I am trying to make up my mind if I should forewarn em about the unfavorable West Coast situation with it's 2022 Capsolar.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Danica »

I saw a friend's post on FB tonight about there being "black clouds gathering on the eastern horizon", alluding to the global geopolitical situation (and unclear to me what he exactly means by this), so I've opened the charts to take a look at the new Capsolar for Moscow, and for Beijing.

Sedna on ND-a 37'
Sun on AC 1*15'
and then a bit further:
Pluto on AC 3*51'
Mercury on AC 4*55'

Me cnj Pl 1*04' M
AC/MC = Su/Se in mundo
(i.e. Su is 1*15' below horizon on the east, and Se is, measured in mundo, 1*25' from the IC eastward; they form a M square 2*40')

Uranus and Eris cnj 44' M, in the background.

The Moon, although ecliptically tied with Mars (effective for the whole world), is opp Venus in mundo here, however a bit wider, 4*21'

Sedna on AC 2*51'
Saturn on MC 3*24'
- the two not being in aspect
(would we consider this a non-dormant chart?)

There is, also, a background partile Uranus cnj Eris, 20' M

And there is Moon opp Mars 17' M
which is 10* away from the angles, across the horizon (Moon on the east, below hor., and Mars on the west side, above the hor.)
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Russia is pulling out most of it's embassy staff in Ukraine as of this morning, Jan 18, 2022. This isn't good.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:40 am Russia is pulling out most of it's embassy staff in Ukraine as of this morning, Jan 18, 2022. This isn't good.
Moscow has the same Sun-Pluto on angle that Washington has. Here is the Capsolar breakdown for Moscow:

Sun on Asc 1°11'
Pluto on Asc 3°47'
Jupiter on EP 1°55'
Mercury & Saturn more widely foreground
-- Sun-Pluto co. 1°21'
-- Mercury-Pluto co. 1°04' M
-- Mercury-Saturn co. 2°56' M
-- Sun-Mercury co. 3°40' M
-- Saturn-Pluto co. 4°00' M
-- Mercury sq. non-foreground Uranus 0°32'
-- Saturn sq. non-foreground Uranus 2°41'
Moon-Mars opp. 1°36'

The focus is similar to U.S. except that there is a clear "winning" element. Putin doesn't have a clear ride - Sun-Pluto still means prevailing forces are against whoever is in power - but the incumbent government seems more secure than in Washington. Sun-Mercury-Pluto joined by Saturn is harsh.

Similar forces are in play in Kiyv, with a somewhat different balance.

Sun on Asc 1°36'
Mercury & Pluto more widely foreground
-- Sun-Pluto co. 1°21'
-- Mercury-Pluto co. 2°47'
-- Mercury sq. non-foreground Uranus 0°32'
--Mercury-Saturn co. 3°08' M
Moon-Mars op. 1°36'

In some ways, this is a stronger chart than for Moscow. The focus is narrower. But it lacks the strong Jupiter, which probably makes the difference. There are, of course, ample indications of division, confrontation, and open conflict.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Bob Oz »

Haven't been on the site in many moons, yet I've run into the exact same problem again:
I wish you would post the full data for the CapSolar.... WHAT TIME

At least this time I was able to find the date, but rectifying the time is a royal pain in the 4$$
I'm spending way too much time trying to plug it into My WinStar software, adding an hour, backing up 10 minutes, the 2 minutes, etc. etc.

Is there any need to be so secretive, when it makes us work that much harder?
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Bob do you have a Windows Machine?

If so, go here:

Download the TMSA software (FREE!!) install and get your ingresses without having to beg.

Another way to get the time yourself... Go to astro.com and set up the ingress once, then do a yearly solar return. Boom, there it is.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Bob Oz wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:11 am Haven't been on the site in many moons, yet I've run into the exact same problem again:
I wish you would post the full data for the CapSolar.... WHAT TIME
Bob, welcome back!

Sorry this is a problem. I do operate on the idea that anyone who would visit this site (except brand new students) have the ability to calculate a chart. (One doesn't usually calculate ingresses from date and time like a birth chart, but from asking the software to calculate the ingress, much like a solar or lunar return.) This is even more so since we now have free astrological software that will do these calculations. You can download the latest version here: https://solunars.com/viewforum.php?f=60

I'm happy to give you the data on request, though. Different programs give slightly different times. The current Capsolar occurred January 15, 2022, 12:48:37 AM EST according to TMSA. (Solar Fire, which is slightly less accurate, gives 0:48:10 AM). - Just calculate a chart for when Sun reaches 0°00'00" Capricorn.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction mid April 2022 partile 90 Capsolar Moon could be signaling something to do with a wild speculative situation (Inflation) for the Country/People. Interesting technical artilce (link) for the Gold Market. Jim wrote several months ago about this possibility for the markets with this Jup-Nep-Cap Moon planetary picture.

https://www.barchart.com/story/news/728 ... led-spring
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim has always taught when we see important aspects with Moon in Solar Ingress Charts it symbolizes a more emphasis for World themes.

Many mundane astrologers consider Moon in mundane charts symbolizing the "people."

Observation with 20-20 hindsight:
When I saw t Neptune come partile 90 to Capsolar Moon-Mars, I witness panic-like selling conditions in world markets; a devastating continued rise in gas/oil prices in the World, there is at least a 20-40 $ a barrel premium on the oil caused by the Ukraine war symbolized by the close Capsolar Moon-Mars 180. Mundanely in the World and by t Neptune effects--- this Capsolar is dominated my Moon-Mars-Neptune symbolism.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 5:41 am Mundanely in the World and by t Neptune effects--- this Capsolar is dominated my Moon-Mars-Neptune symbolism.
Yes. Worldwide. (At least, the Moon-Mars part is worldwide.) - And the oil prices are tied into the other big worldwide phenomenon of the year, outright war.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Based on my market analysis for this Capsolar pertaining to World Equity Markets, particularly the DOW, it should make new yearly lows below 29,500 by the end of this Capsolar. If we don’t see selling pressure by the end of this autumn, expect the market to test the all-time high by the end of the year.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm working on the new forecast for the month beginning August 10. It's a devastating month - check out the our lunar ingresses.

The last 24 hours on outstanding upbeat news, though, is the result of Biden's new Deni-SLR and the new Liblunar.
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Progressed Capsolar Mars reaches Capsolar Moon

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The worst of this Capsolar is likely still ahead of us between now and mid-January - and especially in November. The main (but not only) basis for this statement is a progression of the Capsolar that you may have missed.

Other astrological conditions for the U.S.

Worldwide, November is a month of incendiary emotions and actions, a time of volatility and inflammation. Other than Pluto's square to U.S. Capsolar Ascendant, all the main medium-term factors involve Neptune and Mars transits to Capsolar or Cansolar Moons which affect the whole world generally. War and its horrors seem the most likely themes, though this is also flu season - and we've come to expect fevers, infection, and other biological inflammation in recent years.

Another strong factor - perhaps the more important one - increases the threat: In the Capsolar, Mars was 1° 36' from opposite Moon and, as of mid-November, Mars will have progressed to within a 1° orb. From now until the Capsolar expires in mid-January will be the most incendiary, inflammatory part of its 12-month reign. Volatile, rebellious rage following the U.S. elections is a definite possibility.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The horrible effects around Weed, CA (from the Mill Fire September 2-13) show well enough. The only mystery (pending further looking, e.g., through the rain patterns against weekly lunar ingresses) isn't that Weed (and areas due south and a bit inland) were devastated but, rather, that some other areas weren't.

For Week, the CAPSOLAR looks like this:

t Neptune on WP 0°41'
Mars on N 1°46'
Moon more widely foreground
-- Moon-Mars op 1°29' M
-- Mars-Neptune sq 2°19'

The Cansolar was Saturn-Uranus, which fits without exactly tagging the event. Uranus was closest, and these events came hard and fast when they hit.

For the narrow timing, the August 31 Liblunar under which it began had Sun 0°14' from IC and Mars 1°53' from EP. (Sun squared Mars 1°43', the closest aspect except the Moon-Pluto square.) The September 6 Caplunar under which it flourished had Mars 0°53' from WP-a (easily the closest of several foreground planets). The September 13 Arilunar (corresponding to its end) had Mercury-Neptune closest to angles but closely opposite Jupiter and Su/Ju midpoint exactly on angles.

But for the rest of the state and especially its strongest wine areas? (For Napa-Sonoma for the most part, or Santa Barbara and SLO-Paso altogether?) - The state was barely touched compared to recent years.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:55 pm But for the rest of the state and especially its strongest wine areas? (For Napa-Sonoma for the most part, or Santa Barbara and SLO-Paso altogether?) - The state was barely touched compared to recent years.
I only noticed, as I clicked Submit on the above post: I think of California fires almost exclusively in terms their impact on the wine industry. This, of course, is my own particular interest. I rarely think (outside of the current news cycle) of homes and occasional lives lost. I think a bit about the larger ecological impact. I certainly notice if smoke pools offshore and fills the LA basin with more smoke. But, really, if the vineyards aren't threatened or burning, these fires don't particularly impact me (and hardly register on the radar).

Realizing that, I also realized this introduced a new question: Since there WERE some big fires (even if less compared to recent years), what saved the grapes? That might be the whole big question. Having nothing else to go on, I wondered if there was something significant with Vindemiatrix - star of the grape harvest - in the Caplunar this year. We don't usually look at such things: I listed some of these contacts in the last edition of SMA, and suggested we might look at this over time, but that time hasn't yet come.

Anyway... on the wild guess that Vindemiatrix would be singled out for California in the grape harvest (which would mean angularity or some unusually important paran), I note that, at the latitude of Napa, Vindemiatrix is 0°36' from paran-square with Capsolar Moon. Not bad! For Sonoma, the orb is nearly identical, 0°35'. But this isn't perfect, since for the latitude of north Santa Barbara County and (an hour north) SLO-Paso, there is no paran.

I find it at least curious, though, that in the year that nature provided that there would be a grape harvest, a Moon-Vindemiatrix aspect existed at the latitude of North America's two largest wine producing areas.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

"Flood-ravaged" is the most common adjective these days for Northern and Central California. Let's remember we're still under the statewide Moon-Mars-Neptune Capsolar... that expires January 15.

Im curious whether this weather trend will continue in the new Capsolar in which we go back to "just Neptune" as usual.
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Re: 2022 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

And... it's over. While I was on vacation, this Capsolar expired.. As usual, it was a stunningly accurate one.

On to a new year, now: The new Capsolar is dormant for DC but active elsewhere. For Washington, 2023 is a year of the Libsolar and Arisolar then another Libsolar.
Jim Eshelman
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