Tentative Eris interpretations

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Jim Eshelman
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Tentative Eris interpretations

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The following are VERY EARLY and tentative conclusions about possible meanings of Eris when angular or in aspect in a natal horoscope. I am certain they will all be revised and superseded many times. It took three decades for astrologers to have an accurate handle on the behavior of Pluto after its 1930 discovery. We've had several years to draw first impressions of Eris and have better tools (and knowledge of how to proceed) today, but I imagine it will still take several more years before we feel confident using this planet as freely as the others.

A general thread including a stream of unfolding views on Eris is here:

ERIS FOREGROUND: Mischievous, curious, trickster, outlier, and disruptor: Naturally navigates the swarm of chaos more easily with practical advantage (but thus also leaves a wake of chaos, disrupting imposed orders and conditions, because they have little native resistance to disorder). Managing the incomprehensible, juggles undecided possibilities.

ERIS aspecting MOON: Mischievous, curious, trickster, outlier, and disruptor: Naturally navigates the swarm of chaos more easily with practical advantage (but thus also leaves a wake of chaos, disrupting imposed orders and conditions, from having little native resistance to disorder). At best, finds new order in the incomprehensible, manages outlier possibilities.

ERIS aspecting SUN: A disruptor to the established order and conditions (curious, trickster, mischievous): Open to outlier possibilities. Navigates chaos with practical advantage (leaving a wake of chaos: has little native resistance to disorder).

ERIS aspecting MERCURY: Insight comes easily: Mind can manage vast arrays of data points, incorporating facts and evidence, leaping to significant, persistent success. (Seems intuitive, but pursues goals through research, effort, persistence, skill, then insight.) A sassy, often unbounded “think-for-oneself” way through life (may use shock tactics to show they think and act on their own). Promiscuous: persistently casual, diverse, and indiscriminate in sexual variety (sliding through chaos? leaving a wake of chaos? "multiplicity" theme?).

ERIS aspecting VENUS: [No interpretation is currently proposed.]

ERIS aspecting MARS: Disruptors carving new paths (sometimes zealously). Breakout creativity and effectiveness. Highly sex-motivated (sexual-social outlier). Women in particular show unusual sexual ferocity and easy sexual freedom (but is this just from disrupting prior expectations?).

ERIS aspecting JUPITER: Chaos brings out the best in them (rises to the occasion best when things are falling apart). Disruptive circumstances around success and prosperity (self-defeating); manages the greatest prosperity in uncertain, undecided times and conditions.

ERIS aspecting SATURN: Gains control of the uncertain (manages to control chaos). Inspires (clings to) certainty in times of uncertainty.

ERIS aspecting URANUS: Sees chaos for what it is, unafraid (quells uncertainty, reassures the uncertain). [Coming out?]

ERIS aspecting NEPTUNE: Unleashing the chaos, letting it flood (living amidst a chaos storm, surfing the wave of uncertainty).

ERIS aspecting PLUTO: [No interpretation is currently proposed.]
Jim Eshelman
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