What the heck am I talking about? Well, about one person in three has been having severe reactions to Shot #2 including high fever, bad muscle aches, and being mostly incapacitated for 24-48 hours. This isn't a bad thing btw: It's an unpleasant thing, but not bad because it's a sign of how strongly the fortified immune system is engaging the disease. Not having these symptoms doesn't mean the vaccine didn't "take," but the severe symptoms is a strong indication that it really did! (I have a history of sometimes getting kicked hard by vaccines, e.g., most years don't get a flu shot because I have one or another adverse reaction; and my recent shingles shot #2 hit me pretty hard.)
What does this have to do with astrology? Well, on Saturday I have a precise progressed Moon-Mars opposition that falls exactly on a quotidian angle. At the time of the shot on Friday, here is my SNQ for the location of my home (which is where I will be heading immediately after the shot):
14°01' Leo - p Moon
14°04' Aqu - p Mars
14°30' Aqu - SNQ EP
A usual interpretation of this would include proneness to fever, muscle aches, and the rest.
With something this close and strong, I'll be seriously disappointed and worried if I don't have one of the worst weekends of my life. (I'm taking Friday and Monday off work.) - Since Marion's Sun is 14°01' Taurus, I'm happy that I've rarely seen secondary progressions have anything fruitful to contribute about synastry

The one disappointment is that Marion and I have two events scheduled Friday night and Saturday that I don't want to miss. One is an online wine-tasting we're lead for two friends and their work associates Friday night. The other is an annual (online this year) business retreat and training Saturday-Sunday. If necessary, she can do both of these herself. It does seem, though, that I'll at least be available Friday evening since I also have SQ Asc conjunct natal Venus, but with the following lineup that isn't pleasant (planets for the time of the shot):
0°45' Cap - s Saturn
0°45' Cap - t Pluto
0°57' Can - SQ Moon
These all seem to join my current SLR with transiting Sun-Mars and natal Pluto all partile angular.
So... a fever and feeling miserable on Saturday seems a small price to pay for all the benefit (and the to the glory of astrology.)
Obviously, I'll tell you the outcome.