Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm scheduled to get my second COVID-19 vaccine on Friday (2/19) at 9:30 AM. This provides one of those cases where one gets to choose between the integrity of astrology and one's personal comfort. Because it's far more important to me that astrology have a striking, successful showing, I'm hoping that, after the shot, I have an absolutely miserable weekend.

What the heck am I talking about? Well, about one person in three has been having severe reactions to Shot #2 including high fever, bad muscle aches, and being mostly incapacitated for 24-48 hours. This isn't a bad thing btw: It's an unpleasant thing, but not bad because it's a sign of how strongly the fortified immune system is engaging the disease. Not having these symptoms doesn't mean the vaccine didn't "take," but the severe symptoms is a strong indication that it really did! (I have a history of sometimes getting kicked hard by vaccines, e.g., most years don't get a flu shot because I have one or another adverse reaction; and my recent shingles shot #2 hit me pretty hard.)

What does this have to do with astrology? Well, on Saturday I have a precise progressed Moon-Mars opposition that falls exactly on a quotidian angle. At the time of the shot on Friday, here is my SNQ for the location of my home (which is where I will be heading immediately after the shot):

14°01' Leo - p Moon
14°04' Aqu - p Mars
14°30' Aqu - SNQ EP

A usual interpretation of this would include proneness to fever, muscle aches, and the rest.

With something this close and strong, I'll be seriously disappointed and worried if I don't have one of the worst weekends of my life. (I'm taking Friday and Monday off work.) - Since Marion's Sun is 14°01' Taurus, I'm happy that I've rarely seen secondary progressions have anything fruitful to contribute about synastry :)

The one disappointment is that Marion and I have two events scheduled Friday night and Saturday that I don't want to miss. One is an online wine-tasting we're lead for two friends and their work associates Friday night. The other is an annual (online this year) business retreat and training Saturday-Sunday. If necessary, she can do both of these herself. It does seem, though, that I'll at least be available Friday evening since I also have SQ Asc conjunct natal Venus, but with the following lineup that isn't pleasant (planets for the time of the shot):

0°45' Cap - s Saturn
0°45' Cap - t Pluto
0°57' Can - SQ Moon

These all seem to join my current SLR with transiting Sun-Mars and natal Pluto all partile angular.

So... a fever and feeling miserable on Saturday seems a small price to pay for all the benefit (and the to the glory of astrology.)

Obviously, I'll tell you the outcome.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Besides, if you didn't get the vaccine, this progression would manifest some other way, and who knows what could happen? Better the devil you can predict....
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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I thought so :). It's a more useful outcome than fights, car crashes, fires, and the like.

It's some very interesting timing, and definitely has me intrigued. When I was looking ahead to my October 2020 SSR, there was a lot of concern for Moon's aspects involving Saturn, Pluto, and two Marses. We managed to tweak a protective SSR and it seemed, on lunar progressions and transits, that if I got past February I was mostly in the clear: This is the juncture that was originally the highest risk / vulnerability time.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

Post by SteveS »

I get my second shot Sat the 20th. My wife had her second shot last Sunday and had severe chills & spitting headaches the day after---very sore arm---took Advil which helped.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Good luck with yours. - This is going to get us all to the other side: Infection numbers are going down nationwide roughly proportionate to the part of the population that has gotten inoculated. Sorry to hear Gayle had a rough go (what a lousy way to spend Valentine's Day), but I bet she's feeling a lot more confident about things now.

On a quick check, I see she had Mars square her Pluto Sunday-Monday, then Sun conjunct her Jupiter the next day.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
This is going to get us all to the other side:
Without a doubt. I still believe t. Jupiter cnj Capsolar Moon later in the year is symbolizing getting things back to normal and beneficially "to the other side".
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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SteveS wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:46 am Jupiter cnj Capsolar Moon later in the year is symbolizing getting things back to normal and beneficially "to the other side".
And, after predicting Labor Day would be the holiday we collectively celebrate as "We're back! We're free!" I now hear a lot of people in the loop of things citing Labor Day as the probable turning point.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

Post by SteveS »

My colleague still in the Theater Business (but closed) tells me Hollywood is gearing-up to release all of their backlog of movies the 4th of July & Labor Day. You know they have to be looking at the number of people being vaccinated. China is breaking all time gross revenues in their Theaters after reopening. There is pent-up demand for people to be able to get back to the popcorn. :)
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Shot #2 received February 19, 2021, 9:20 AM EST, El Segundo, CA as Uranus and Eris were preparing to rise together.

Partile aspects in space were Moon square Sun (0°39'), Venus square Mars (0°10'), and Saturn square Uranus (0°10'). Partile transits to my natal are Pluto square my Neptune (0°35'), and Uranus (0°09') and Saturn (0°01') semi-square my Moon. (The Uber to El Segundo and back cost about $130.) Oh, and Eris square my Mars 0°21'.

For my El Segundo natal, t Moon sq. local Asc 0°29', t Venus op local EP 0°53'.

At the time of injection, the SNQ had:

14°01' Aqu - p Moon [strangely square Marion's Sun to the minute]
14°03' Aqu - p Mars
14°23' Aqu - p EP
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Wasn't that like an hour there and an hour back? Did you pick getting the vaccine sooner rather than closer?
I picked closer, so will get it next week, four days after having to drive almost an hour, and then trying to find a place to park. Plus the below zero cold will be over. It's supposed to be 45°F.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:11 pm Wasn't that like an hour there and an hour back? Did you pick getting the vaccine sooner rather than closer?
About half an hour (35 minutes) each way. I got it through my primary medical office, a firm called OneMedical that had their own stash. They decided in their deployment plan that all LA second doses would be delivered out of the El Segundo office.

My primary doctor is in the Beverly Hills office. There's another OneMedical in the Century City mall right behind my office building (a few minutes from the BH office). But I got my first shot in the Culver City office (not too far away) because that's where they had an appointment available. Before leaving the office that day (about four weeks ago) I scheduled Dose 2 and learned all those appointments were in El Segundo.

I feel fortunate that my primary doctor's office acquired its own stash for distribution. People I know around LA are still having a difficult time scheduling and tens of thousands of appointments had to be cancelled because vaccine travelling to LA across the country got held up by the blizzards.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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I hope they don't cancel my appointment. Nebraska is moving along slower than most other states because we got way less vaccine at first than other states.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 5:04 pm I hope they don't cancel my appointment. Nebraska is moving along slower than most other states because we got way less vaccine at first than other states.
My hope is for Biden's plan to turn 200 million doses over to the three big pharmacy chains. That way, everyone in the country can go into their closest CVS, Walgreen's, or Rite-Aid and get the shot.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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The pharmacy chains got a lot of vaccine here, but only for rural counties. Which makes sense, but people in rural areas aren't going in to get it. So the cities here run out, but the rural areas aren't allowed to send the extra to the cities.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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How is your prediction working out?
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:16 am How is your prediction working out?
So far, no problems worth mentioning. One of my doctors, though, did say that if anything was going to hit it would be after the first 24 hours (barely past that), so we'll see.

The clear winning protection is that, with Venus on a quotidian angle last night I was able to do our planned event.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Glad it hasn't been as bad as you were worried it might be. So far, anyway.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

Post by SteveS »

Got my 2nd shot yesterday at 10:00 AM. So far no adverse symptoms except normal soreness in arm.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

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Despite the exact lunar progressions, I've been essentially symptom free. I'm glad to feel general well but I'm seriously disappointed in astrology. This should have been an easy slam-dunk astrological prediction, the kind we roll out to other people all the time, and it's a flop. I feel I've let astrology down badly.

Yes, I've had a couple of temper outbursts over the last week like I haven't had in a decade (came and went quickly), more easily frustrated, etc., but that's about it.

Full range of symptoms were subtle. I'd been without antihistamines for a couple of weeks (backordered) so I'd had more bronchial congestion than in a long time. (The Loratadine arrived yesterday.) This may have been the entire cause of some flu-like symptoms (post-vaccine, stuffy nose etc. started that hadn't been there earlier even without the Loratadine). For the first half hour after the shot, I had some intestinal effects not quite reaching cramping, then that never came back. Very brief arm soreness. The, for a couple of days, a vague "light flu" feel that has remained as a bit of dragging.

Which basically boils down to: No symptoms worth mentioning.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Can't remember, did you travel for your birthday this year?
Could that have helped mitigate the progressions?
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:43 am Can't remember, did you travel for your birthday this year?
Could that have helped mitigate the progressions?
Yes, for the birthday. I did get the best SSR I could get out of the circumstances. Natal Jupiter-Uranus on WP is strongest thing. That doesn't affect the math on the natal progressed Moon-Mars opposition falling on SNQ angles (which are always done for where you are at the moment).

Unless you're saying that a good SSR outranks anything else at all.
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Re: Vaccine #2 and Moon-Mars

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Just trying to figure out why the prediction didn't work out as expected.
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