Mars in Taurus

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Jim Eshelman
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Mars in Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars is now in Taurus where it will stay through April 14. I expect the main day-to-day story now will change to something distinctly Taurian.

In humans with Mars in Taurus at birth, we expect the following character (although this approach hasn't been very helpful in other Mars transits):
Artists, musicians. Tender, responsive, humane. Mystic instincts attuned to love. Sexually attractive, romantic soul, sensual (sexually popular?). Women often tough, competitive, comfortable with assertiveness. Men often second-guess themselves, perhaps a little lost, ambivalent about aggression.
I suspect that conditions will turn from conflict to peace, with greater focus on life, comfort, and Eros. Perhaps minds around the world turn more to anticipation of life and fruitfulness.
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Re: Mars in Taurus

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Today's top three stories are unusually kind news - they are all about relief and aid. It's rare that mainstream news centers on positives.

The three topics are: A new vaccine accelerates the path to Covid-19 relief. The House has passed the Covid-1 $1.9 trillion relief bill. A large immigration reform bill is heading through the House to legalize undocumented immigrants, granting legal status to thousands of undocumented form workers etc., on top of Pres. Biden's pursuit of a larger U.S. Citizenship Act.

Even the fourth pain story has peaceful character: Biden is being criticized for not retaliating against the Saudi Crown Prince after confirming that he did personally order the hit on Jamal Khashoggi.
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Re: Mars in Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Of today's topmost stories, there is a continuing trend that seems Taurian to me, though today they are a mix of (1) sad, sympathy-drawing shadow sides of some of yesterday's stories and (2) tenderer stories.

For example, this morning's stories are:

After yesterday's upbeat pandemic news (and some further good news in the "not topmost" category), this morning we here that the CDC director thinks the accelerating number of coronavirus variants may swamp any progress made and reducing numbers.

After yesterday's compassionate immigration news, today we learn that refugee cases are piling up at the border and processing won't come soon. Nonetheless, the Homeland Security secretary emphasized that families separated at the border under Trump-era restrictions can be reunited in the U.S. and set on a citizenship path.

Whereas last week (under Mars in Aries) 279 schoolgirls were kidnapped at gunpoint from their school in Nigeria (just one of several such incidents lately), this morning's news is that they have been freed.

It's probably even compassionate news that after former President Sarkozy was convicted of corruption and influence peddling and sentenced to three years in prison, he had two years suspended on the sentence and, apparently due to age and related factors, will serve the rest of the sentence imprisoned at home.

Besides, Starbucks is adding oat milk to its menu.
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Re: Mars in Taurus

Post by By Jove »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:44 pmBesides, Starbucks is adding oat milk to its menu.
That's the best news yet.
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Re: Mars in Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Confirming what seems to be an emerging, clarifying Mars in Taurus trend - favoring news of compassion (or, when dark, of heart-wounding), and especially favoring comfort, relief, and relaxing a bit: Today's top story is that the CDC has relaxed restriction guidelines somewhat for fully vaccinated people (while still advising that one shouldn't quit the safety game in the third quarter).
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Re: Mars in Taurus

Post by TheScales_BothWays »

Could Mars in Taurus reflect the public outcry over Sarah Everard's disappearance and murder in the UK, and the subsequent large-scale online discussions on women's safety when in public?

Also, the anti-feminist(?) slogan "Not all men" that's been around a while (said to have come about during the #MeToo movement, and is used as a retort when women talk about their [lack of] safety and their experiences of assault, etc. by men) is being hugely criticised.
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Re: Mars in Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yes, I'm sure. Just one more example. I haven't put any of yesterday's news in my logs yet, but I did think of this (which was the 5th top story yesterday), and the bigger other top stories fit well. The others were: Border Patrol guards are caretaking unaccompanied migrant children (a tender, caring version of the "put them in cages like ill-treated animals" of last year), continued coronavirus relief stories, and continued stimulus relief bill stories.

Against that, the other two of the top 5 stories weren't of the flavor (usually the top two or three are), these being voter suppression laws being pushed through and the Myanmar saga.
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Re: Mars in Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Taurus themes continue to dominate the top stories today, though the last 24 hours has had more negative news than positive. Nonetheless, the themes are present. Today's top stories include:

The Atlanta shootings (killings) yesterday were in massage parlors.
Gov. Cuomo's continuing sex scandal.
A Japan court ruled its rejection of same-sex marriage to be unconstitutional.

Also, the continued coronavirus story, of course, with no obvious Taurus themes in the immediate news unless it's a bit of people indulging social pleasures and entertainment putting themselves and others at risk.
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Re: Mars in Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars enters Taurus in a few minutes. - Making it through that Mars in Aries period wasn't easy!
Jim Eshelman
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