First Saturn Return

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First Saturn Return

Post by SteveS »

Looking back over my life of 73 years, without a doubt, the most important life transformation and most important year in my entire life occurred in 1977, the year of my first Saturn Return. This Saturn Return occurred in my Natal 9th House where I have a partile mundo conjunction of Saturn-Pluto. Some keywords for 9th House:
Religion, philosophy, higher knowledge or education, long distance travels, belief system, spiritual understandings.

This was the year I first discovered the field of Astrology, first visited an astrologer and high grade psychic (long distance travel), first encountered natural law cycles in the market places, and first encountered a paranormal experience (t. Pluto was conjunct my Natal Neptune). Obviously, mundo Pluto partile conjunct my Natal Saturn symbolized these major life transformations (Pluto).
Houses are not used in Sidereal Astrology, but only judged my life experiences, first Saturn Returns may kick-off activity pertaining to keyword house symbolism.
Ebertin in COSI for Neptune-Pluto combinations:
Principle: The supernatural.
Psychological Correspondence: (+) An intensified and purified soul life, high degree of sensitivity, highly active imagination and fantasy, clairvoyant visions and second sight, inclination to delve into unusual and supernatural phenomena, love of mysticism, self-knowledge (by inner realization of truth).
Sociological Correspondence: Peculiar people, mystics, mediums, occultists, people engaged in psychical research.
Probable Manifestations: (+) ...spiritual evolution
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