Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

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Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by SteveS »

I have been going through a long term slow partile transit of Pluto 180 my Natal Mars in my 8th House. Some keywords for 8th House symbolism:
Death, taxes, surgery, wills, bank loans, debts….
This transit manifested a serious injury to my left Sacroiliac Joint causing severe pain with certain motions. Next week I get a MRI to see if robotic surgery can correct the severe pain. In my 8th House I have a partile direct Mars/Uranus=Vertex midpoint. Ebertin from COSI says about Mars-Uranus combos:
….prone to injuries or accidents. The midpoint of Mars/Uranus is often interpreted as the “operation axis”….
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm increasingly persuaded that contacts to Vertex (including midpoints to it) need to be taken in mundo which, for Vertex, means in azimuth. You still have this contact very close. In azimuth:

259°02' Mars
268°46' Ma/Ur
270°00' Vertex
278°30' Uranus

(I'm still skeptical of the importance of most things Vertex related, but this is close enough and, I think, is the right way to calculate it.)

By the way, while I also expected health/physical consequences for Pluto's transit conjunct my Mars, I haven't had any. Steve, I keep forgetting about your Moon-Mars sesqui-square so that this is also a Pluto transit to your Moon - even more directly connected to health. This is even more interesting to me because the Taurus-Scorpio axis (your Moon) is often connected to the sacral area, while the Gemini-Sagittarius axis (your Mars) is not. This also distinguishes your transit much from mine.
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by SteveS »

Great observations Jim. I also think the t of Pl to my Mars triggered my d MC partile 90 my r Pl.. BTW, when you have time look and tell us what you see with Tiger Woods serious accident today which may end his career! I am pretty sure there is A time. I am away from SF, or I would look.
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:09 pm Great observations Jim. I also think the t of Pl to my Mars triggered my d MC partile 90 my r Pl.. BTW, when you have time look and tell us what you see with Tiger Woods serious accident today which may end his career! I am pretty sure there is A time. I am away from SF, or I would look.
OK, if you insist <g>. I've been trying to ignore it as a piece of trivia on a slow news day...

When and where did it happen? (I have a friend in Palos Verdes that said it was near her house. Is that right?)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I just looked it up on google and posted here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4761
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Quick look:

t Uranus op. r Uranus, oct. r Moon - It's that time of his life! [Saturn barely joins them.]
t Venus sq. r Venus - one is led to believe he was having fun
p Moon squares same natal Uranus
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by SteveS »

Finally met with my neurosurgeon yesterday and was told my disks injury in my lower back (L4-5) was not a candidate for robotic surgery, only regular surgery. 30 % chance I would come out of this surgery in worse conditions with statistics provided by this field of surgery :( . 70 % success rate seems to be good % but I am going to at least opt to wait until t. Pluto clears partile 180 my natal Mars if I do decide to opt for surgery. My pain levels are low now but still I can't sit for long periods of time without increasing pain levels. I have had to give up my two favorite outdoor seasonal activities, kayaking % bicycling, but can still take my long mediated walks--pain free :) . Solar Arc MC is approaching exact 90 my Natal Pluto in my 9th House. Since n Pluto is partile conjunct my n Saturn mundo, this back injury which started last July has placed a heavy life burden on my life by limiting my complete freedom of normal mobility, creating negative 9th house life attitudes, but it could be much worse not being able to walk pain free. For sure, this major life developing Pluto Solar Arc, has radically transformed (Pluto) my life with a negative back injury event timed by the long transit of Pluto 180 my natal Mars. Because of Covid it took forever to get an appointment with a top neurosurgeon.

I am experimenting with microdosing what I consider an alternative medicine practiced by ancient indigenous people/cultures which is helping elevate my moods for better life attitudes. I also think this is helping alleviate my pain levels, but difficult to know for sure. I have taken-up a new exciting life direction by endeavoring to grow this alternative medicine, but will not know if successful until mid June. To grow this medicine successfully requires dozens of procedure detailed steps over 4-5 weeks, clearly suited for a Virgo mind :). I plan on microdosing this medicine the rest of my life provided there are no negative side effects, but can only work the conventional high costs of this medicine into my budget by cheaply growing it in my home.
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by Veronica »

I'm so sorry to hear about the surgery. How disappointing about the robotic option. I am so glad to hear though it appears not to have chronically gotten progressively worse and you are able to alleviate the pain.
How exciting though that you found a new interest in cultivating something!! I think I understand on the "down low" what you are talking about. Very Interesting and I hope it helps. Please be careful self medicating and experimenting, there is so much we dont know and understand about how things really work. Processing and breaking down things is hard work on our organs and they need all the love and help we can give them.
I know that own body does not metabolize like it did when I was younger, and one teensy weensy chocolate chip is now capable of havoc in my body.
You have been in my thoughts and I wanted to ask how you were feeling. I hope that you find permanent relief soon.
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by SteveS »

Thanks V for your thoughts/advice. I am treating this plant medicine as a sacrament on many inner levels, with keen interest as how it may heighten my Jupiter rising with its aspects in my Natal Chart.
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This is indeed a distressing report, Steve. I do completely understand your wanting to clear Pluto-Mars (which, for reasons I don't much understand, has not scathed me). This doesn't leave until the end of December, though, so you might have to do more in the meantime.

Your current SSR has natal Saturn square Ascendant. It's not the closest planet to an angle, but it's the second closest - transiting Venus being closest (with its aspects to the natal). Your next SSR, though, is quite positive - really positive! - with foreground transiting Venus (0°55'), Uranus (1°49') and Jupiter (5°33'): Even though your Saturn-Pluto is on MC (I haven't calculated how close), and this surely has to do with your skeleton, its there in relation to these benefics. (Moon-Neptune convalescence?) Furthermore, your Jupiter is on EP-a. I'd feel quite optimistic about your chances for the surgery after September 20.

Another very positive point in the interim involves progressed SSR Moon. This is also a test of something we've been looking at together recently: the legitimacy of PSSR Moon. Though your SQ Moon doesn't quite reach natal Jupiter before your birthday, PSSR Moon reaches it July 29.

Progressed Mars is currently exactly on your natal MC - surely showing the pain - in Leo, signifying the back! (look at the Moon in the charts of all the Kennedy brothers who had debilitating back pain). It will take month a year to fully clear this, but at least it's already peaked and is on the wane.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I should take the time to work out all of your September 2021 SSR angularities. For Springville:

t Jupiter on IC -5°32'
t Uranus on Dsc -1°48'
r Saturn on MC -0°55'
r Jupiter on EP-a -0°04'
r Pluto on MC +0°53'
t Venus on Asc +0°55'

t Venus sq. r Pluto 0°02' mundo
t Jupiter sq. r Asc 0°36'
t Uranus sq. r Saturn 0°53' mundo
t Uranus sq. r Pluto 0°53'
t Jupiter sq. r Jupiter 1°11'
r Saturn-Pluto conj. 1°48' mundo
t Venus sq. r Saturn 1°50' mundo
t Venus-Uranus op. 2°38' mundo

t Moon-Neptune conj. 1°55'
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Re: Transit Pluto partile 180 Natal Mars

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Steve. I do completely understand your wanting to clear Pluto-Mars (which, for reasons I don't much understand, has not scathed me).
I think the main reason the same transiting aspect has not “scathed” you vs. my same aspect is my Solar Arc MC 90 my r Pluto and as you pointed out my p Mars conjunct my MC. Noel Tyl said when isolating major Solar Arc angular 0, 90, 180 hits---to always closely look for any major outer planet transits to the Natal to help determine negative/positive effects. Right now I can manage the pain levels without pain shots or surgery, so I can afford to wait on time for this Pl transit 180 r Mars, MC Solar Arc 90 r Pluto, and p Mars 0 r MC to pass, although very slow time cycles. The only way I will do surgery soon is if a new development occurs where I can’t walk because of great pain. I will still have the option of long lasting pain shots but that only masks the problem of the two disks. Hopefully with the positive cycles you pointed out coming soon, I will improve or arrive at a better time for possible surgery. Thanks
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