Finally met with my neurosurgeon yesterday and was told my disks injury in my lower back (L4-5) was not a candidate for robotic surgery, only regular surgery. 30 % chance I would come out of this surgery in worse conditions with statistics provided by this field of surgery

. 70 % success rate seems to be good % but I am going to at least opt to wait until t. Pluto clears partile 180 my natal Mars if I do decide to opt for surgery. My pain levels are low now but still I can't sit for long periods of time without increasing pain levels. I have had to give up my two favorite outdoor seasonal activities, kayaking % bicycling, but can still take my long mediated walks--pain free

. Solar Arc MC is approaching exact 90 my Natal Pluto in my 9th House. Since n Pluto is partile conjunct my n Saturn mundo, this back injury which started last July has placed a
heavy life burden on my life by limiting my complete freedom of normal mobility, creating negative 9th house life attitudes, but it could be much worse not being able to walk pain free. For sure, this
major life developing Pluto Solar Arc, has radically
transformed (Pluto) my life with a negative back injury event timed by the long transit of Pluto 180 my natal Mars. Because of Covid it took forever to get an appointment with a top neurosurgeon.
I am experimenting with microdosing what
I consider an alternative
medicine practiced by ancient indigenous people/cultures which is helping elevate my moods for better life attitudes. I also think this is helping alleviate my pain levels, but difficult to know for sure. I have taken-up a new exciting life direction by endeavoring to grow this alternative medicine, but will not know if successful until mid June. To grow this medicine successfully requires dozens of procedure detailed steps over 4-5 weeks, clearly suited for a Virgo mind

. I plan on microdosing this medicine the rest of my life provided there are no negative side effects, but can only work the conventional high costs of this medicine into my budget by cheaply growing it in my home.