Natal angularity

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Natal angularity

Post by Parto »

Is having a natal planet angular in a Solunar Return kinda like having that planet natally angular for the duration of that year/month?
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Natal angularity

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Pretty much, yes.

A couple of modifications come from aspects:

First, any transits it receives from a foreground planet usually makes the angularity more about the transiting aspect than the planet itself. For example, my having natal Mercury-Saturn angular is one thing; having them square a foreground transiting Jupiter makes it more about the Jupiter transit to Mercury-Saturn.

Second, because the wheel is rotated, sometimes you will have new natal mundane aspects - new aspects in your birth chart temporarily. For example, in LA my Jupiter-Uranus rises exactly as my Sun crosses IC, so when the return chart lands at roughly that rotation I have natal Sun square Jupiter-Uranus - aspects I don't have in my birth chart normally.

But your basic answer is: Yes.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Natal angularity

Post by Danica »

Parto wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 12:01 pm Is having a natal planet angular in a Solunar Return kinda like having that planet natally angular for the duration of that year/month?
I would formulate it:

It becomes easily expressible, and this: in the context of the particular Return chart (which has own tr angularity, and other specifics, like the tr to nat aspects, etc).
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