Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

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Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

One of my most astrological satisfactions in my life is the exploration of Sidereal Mundane Astrology charts. Here is Roswell’s New Mexico 1947 Mundo Capsolar (Roswell’s Master Mundane Chart of the Year) timing the most sensationalized UFO incident in the entire history of the USA, maybe the World. It is a most interesting “outstanding incident” Mundane Chart.

Jim’s research has been telling us how important angular partile mundane & eclipto 0, 90,180 aspects are with Sidereal Mundane Astrology charts:

Note: Roswell’s mundo 1947 Capsolar features and “outstanding incident” partile mundo 90 of Sun-Neptune with this combo calculating a Paran (DC-IC). Cyril Fagan taught a Paran was “the most powerful of all configurations.” Let’s explore some of Ebertin’s keywords for Sun-Neptune combo’s from his book, ‘Combinations of Stellar Influences’ as it would correspond to affecting a community of people in Roswell.
Psychological Correspondence: (+) Receptive to all impressions, active imagination, enthusiasm, inclination to mysticism, cultivation of inner life experience. (-) Impressionable and susceptible, self-deception.
Sociological Correspondence: Sensitive persons, mediums
Probable Manifestations: (+) Abundant experience in the spiritual and psychic realms or spheres, mystical experiences… (-) Persons easily influenced by others, A person(s) who is exploited by other people, chaotic conditions, entanglements in scandals.
Roswell’s Capsolar Mars was tight on Capsolar DC, maybe for the crash of whatever? Probably, the first time in USA history a Sun-Neptune Paran has ever occurred in any part of the USA involving a crash.

On July 8th 1947 the local newspaper ‘Roswell Daily Record’ wrote as headline news:
July 8th 1947 Roswell’s CapQ Uranus was partile conjunct Roswell’s CapQ DC. We can imaged the “sudden unexpected” shock this news caused for the Roswell residents, and which made this Roswell incident infamously ingrained into others psychic around the world pertaining to UFO’s.

Wikipedia article:
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Very interesting.

The Arisolar for the quarter is quite interesting also: A Moon-Pluto opposition across the horizon with Pluto 0°06' from Asc (Moon 2°54' before Dsc). Saturn squared MC in both the Arisolar and the Liblunar (which was the prevailing lunar ingress at the time). These all suggest that something bad (hurtful) yet quite extraordinary and out of the normal framework of expectation occurred.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
The Arisolar for the quarter is quite interesting also: A Moon-Pluto opposition across the horizon with Pluto 0°06' from Asc (Moon 2°54' before Dsc). Saturn squared MC in both the Arisolar and the Liblunar (which was the prevailing lunar ingress at the time). These all suggest that something bad (hurtful) yet quite extraordinary and out of the normal framework of expectation occurred.
Indeed! The folks around Roswell had to be absolutely "stunned" (Pluto) with this UFO news incident.
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Another major UFO Incident in the USA occurred from July12-29 1952, and this incident was over Washington DC. DC’s July 1952 Cansolar has the same Sun-Neptune angular signature as the Roswell UFO Incident symbolized by Roswell 1947 Capsolar. Also for the “stunning/shocking” news of this major UFO Incident for the 1952 DC Cansolar, note the partile conjunction, eclipto & mundo, of Mercury-Pluto which partile 60 Neptune.
DC’s 1952 Cansolar: ... O_incident
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Demanded by US Congress & Senate, what will the military institutions say or not say with the UFO Report coming out this summer? I am very interested if this Report will produce a new World Wide Narrative with the 2021 Cansolar for the partile Moon-Sun-Pluto T-Square?
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

With US Government now supporting all military personal/officials to feel free to openly discuss with media incidents with UFO's, I curiously asked the Tarot to describe with one card the meaning of this US Report this June from a World/Planet perspective. After a couple of minutes shuffling the 78 card deck, the Magician Card appeared, certainly symbolizing new beginnings. Lets see if this US Report kick-starts other World Governments releasing their UFO incidents.
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by Veronica »

My grandmother told me aliens were just the Fairy Folk changing form to what humans can see, and that the fungi of this world are not all to be trusted.
I also was told about rich bored people with nothing better to do to entertain themselves then create a hoopla.
As the Magician card is for Gemini and Mercury it seems as if something is being created and communicated at that time.
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

V, until I see a UFO land on the White House lawn with little green people getting out, I am a non believer, but am a big believer in other intelligent beings in nature, particular plant intelligence pertaining to the Mother Goddess---but that is a long story. I am still processing my first LSD & Magic Mushroom trips from 1969. :)
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by ABC »

I will give you UFOs but little green men I cannot swallow...Now I know there are those conspiracy theorists and ufologists who claim they are hiding aliens at Area 51 but we have no proof of that. And those that know are not talking...
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

The rapid advancing technology searching for aliens:
15 min video:
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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

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Re: Roswell, New Mexico 1947 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

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