Veronica wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 6:16 am
My moon is at 7°Scorpio
My MC is 9°Aquarius. My Acs is 5° Gemini.
I believe that makes my moon on the WP angle.
Exactly. That's why you're on my list above (forum members with angular Moon). You're a solid mathematical example of it! (LOL, have you ever been called a Solid Mathematical Model before?

) The only thing that makes you a less perfect example is that your Jupiter and Neptune are even closer to the angle, but you always seem to me very much an angular Moon type.
I can add nothing to your summary. Every single word is deeply true.
Thanks. This helps. Moon is one of the planets I'd already rewritten a great deal so it may need less work than some other planets. However, I didn't want to leave it out of the rotation.
I dont have any personal people with an angular moon to compare but I do know a handfull Cancers very well and the distinction between those suns and my moon is the depth of nurturing applied. Where as the Cancer suns need to nurture seems like a need to immediately pacify by way of quick gratifaction (give the man a fish) angular Moons ( in my expierence) need to nurture is rooted in long term.
Hmm... I'll have to think about that. It's not immediately obvious to me it's true but there
is the Rim Sun effect in Cancer Sun of... well, rushing at most things. I'm not sure the
depth you credit goes to Moon (it might, but when I think of a double Rim with an angular Moon I get an entirely different feel), but the fact that you are a Double Hub (Aquarius-Hub) will alone add
penetrating depth to how you approach most things important to you.
I. Think the phase of the moon you are born under has an influence. If I understand correctly the phases of the moin are about where it is relative to the sun( _conjunct opposite full/new) but that the moon in theory could be at any phase and be angular? I think that is important yet Im not sure how to describe what Im thinking.
What Im thinking is that unlike the other heavenly bodies where we just say "You have an angular Jupiter" that the moon....being so flux...needs more clarification. Ie. If its angular.....exactly how so and in what phase. Which I think you were getting at this when you asked if we could spell out the moons angularity.
Several important astrological writings have been done on lunar phase, though I don't think any of it has been persuasive. D Rudhyar and ME Jones particularly divided Moon's distance ahead of Sun in eight phases that get a lot of attention in some Tropical circles but I think have contributed more to further the
theory that lunar phase is important, rather than give valid working interpretations. The Hindus take the day of the lunar calendar (lunar phase) of when you were born and interpret this as a factor;
e.g., you were born on the 9th day counting from the Full Moon so, according to Shil-Ponde you have a quarrelsome, passionate nature, are popular and well-known socially, but not inclined to do domestic things; and you have lousy luck with marriage and children. (I don't know if you think that's accurate but, if so, it's also not a bad description of Moon in Scorpio! <g>)
I've had this niggling idea for a few decades that the exact lunar phase for each person is somehow their "archetypal aspect," some basic imprint - that, to the extent there is any distinction between each type of aspect, we could find it most purely by looking with people who have Sun and Moon in that aspect. (You, as a Moon-Sun square type, would under this theory have what I might call an extra martial, edgy, driven push.) From my work with harmonics, I would take this theory down to "micro-aspects" when the luminaries aren't in a conventional, familiar aspect. For example, my Moon is 154°56' ahead of Sun. Some people might call this a wide quincunx (I consider it far too wide to take seriously); I note, though, that it is almost exactly 3/7 of the zodiac (154°17'), which may mean that the Septile series of aspects (1/7 intervals) is unusually important in describing me. (From others' discussion of the Septile aspects, this is a decent fit.) In my case it becomes more important because because Moon and Sun both have septile-series aspects (3/7 and 1/7, respectively) with Pluto, forming Mo = Su/Pl as one of my more important midpoints (0°07'), but yu get the idea, I think.
My most successful use of lunar phase, though - which I almost never mention because I can't confirm is a solid, consistent astrological factor - comes from some work I did with Zip Dobyns in the early '80s. Zip re-examined the Jones-Rudhyar phase work as 12 (rather than eight) divisions of the lunar phase, based on her theory that everything in astrology comes in 12s. We were able to work on this easily because it had nothing to do with zodiacs, and some of the individual examples and small collections caught my attention! I suggested to her that this was the real idea behind "solar houses" - counting "houses" as equal 30° divisions from Sun - because maybe
every planet has a "phase" consideration with respect to its distance from Sun. (That's what actually constitutes "phase" astronomically.) She liked that and ran hard with it - I think she came away thinking it was a discovery - and I occasionally still look at it.
So, in your case, since Moon is
just past a Last Quarter square to your Sun, Moon would be in your 10th "solar house." This phase theory says treat that like a Capricorn layer to your personality - which I don't think is obvious in you. (My "6th solar house" Moon is "Virgo phase," which just matches my Sun, so I can't tell.)
One serious theoretical weakness of this theory is the automatic assumption that the phase cycle starts with Aries (which, I'm sure, came from my working with Zip at the time, since she equates Aries to 1st house etc.). We've seen that, where "starting sign of the zodiac" matters at all, it seems always to come out that Taurus works best. But if that's true in this phase model, than
everything I've seen that impressed me is based on imagination (is a fiction). So - again - I don't bring this up much.
In any case, this is a LONG way of saying that I do think
natal lunar phase may be a source of worthwhile information, but I don't have any solid way of using it that I can count on,
i.e., I've still never found a way we can useful use it.