Angular Moon project

Q&A and discussion on Angles & Angularity.
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Angular Moon project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Angular Moon discussion project, which will run March 13-27, 2021 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Moon Angular people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

CRITERA: Let's stick to planets within 7° of major angles (Asc-Dsc, MC-IC) and 2° of minor angles (Zenith-Nadir, EP-WP). Ideally (i.e., if you can), please assess proximity to horizon and meridian in prime vertical longitude, squares to MC and Asc in longitude, and RA contact to EP and WP in right ascension.

Here is the primary Angular Moon interpretive resource on the forum:

We may also want to compare to Sun in Taurus and Cancer for ideas to check against our Angular Moon examples:

My current concise summary of Angular Moon reads:
Adaptive in response to social, psychological, and environmental conditions (mask, roll, act). Impressionable, responsive, malleable, imaginative. Needs constant stimulation (of mind or senses). Strong sexual appetites; responsive to affection, friendship, sexual suggestion. Amiable, accommodating; sensitive, receptive, tender, empathic (touchy, moody, reactive). Vulnerable to judgments, displeasure, criticism. At home before an audience.
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Re: Angular Moon project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

People who are or have been active on this forum with Moon angular include:
  • James Condor
  • Jim Eshelman
  • Parto
  • Sotonye
  • Veronica
To these we can add significant Siderealists Donald Bradley and Brig. R.C. Firebrace.

Some famous people with Moon angular:
  • Pres. Thomas Jefferson, Pres. James K. Polk, Pres. James Buchanan, Pres. Ulysses S. Grant, Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes, Pres. William McKinley, Pres. Herbert Hoover, Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Pres. Gerald R. Ford, Pres. George W. Bush, Pres. Barack Obama, Queen Victoria, King Edward VIII
  • Sen. Mitt Romney, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Prince William, Grand Duchess Anastasia, Camilla Parker-Bowles
  • George Harrison, Prince, Madonna Ciccone
  • Bruno Hauptman, William Heirens, Charles Manson, Lyle Menendez, Erik Menendez, Jeffrey Dahmer, Myra Hindley, Josef Mengele
  • Albert Einstein, John D. Rockefeller, Ross Perot, Malcom X, Margaret Cho, Woody Allen, JonBenet Ramsey, Rodney King
Besides the forum members and famous people listed above, I have a list of 25 people I knew/know sufficiently well with Moon angular by the above criteria. I'll recheck everything against these examples. (Some of those I personally knew overlap with the famous: the named astrologers, Margaret Cho, and a popular singer.) Most are private acquaintances, including my sister.
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Re: Angular Moon project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It has been sufficiently fruitful in the earlier planets to check the angle polarities, where there has seemed more direct identification with the planet on the positive poles (Asc, MC, EP, Z) and strong presence of the traits but a variety of disidentification with it on the negative poles (Dsc, IC, WP, N). With a luminary, this would seem even more interesting since, if the angles have any intrinsic a nature, a planet on the angle would theoretically draw out and express that distinction.

Can I find it without forcing the issue?

My first impression of Moon on Asc famous people, regardless of what they did in their lives, is a soft, gentle facial demeanor, i.e., most of them reflect an impression of empathy. Among people I know personally, this is less obvious but not wholly missing in most of them (starkly missing in a few of them). What stands out most to me in the personal examples is an intense curiosity most of them show in their expression - nearly the same as Mercury but with the interesting variation that it looks like they are ready to be fed. This might be a bias in the people I personally know, but it's unmistakable in most of them, like they are hungry for information and waiting for the bottle!

By contrast, Moon on Desc, first of all, has mostly famous people on my list and they don't at all have that soft, gentle demeanor most of the time. (Typical of the crowd are Gerald Ford, Mitt Romney, and Prince William. We also find three presidents, none of them considered great, and three murderers.) It is certainly a different crowd and much less "soft" in several ways. The few people on my list that I personally know with Moon setting all have nice smiles but their default expression is stern, almost distracted in the sense that really busy people have their minds on many things.

So yes, there is some Asc-Dsc contrast with the Moon setting people less openly lunar.

Moon on MC: Personal cases are curiously almost hyperactive (I think it's hyper-responsive), four women with very similar body language, response, default presentation. Only one public case, and not one on which I have much of an impression. Moon on IC personal cases are hard to categorize together; the public cases hold several people in government (with an impression of public service mindedness), including five U.S. presidents - a stunning number, actually - and other military and government figures. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has some similar expressions to the women I mentioned earlier in this paragraph. Interestingly, all the presidents had to deal with severe economic crises. (Is this an IC/4th House trait, or just an expression of their lunar nature?)

EP: All public cases, including a royal concubine, a retired king, and a moderate, minor U.S. president. Two of the four WP public cases are clear geniuses in their own categories, Einstein and Woody Allen, with Margaret Cho probably hitting "near genius". I can't tell a clear contrast between the groups or anything that seems distinctive to the angles. The two personal cases are unusually insightful women that don't clearly have anything else in common.

Zenith-Nadir has few cases and nothing clear.

So... I'm not sure I found anything here. I'll leave the notes in case they are useful for digging into the lunar type overall.
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Re: Angular Moon project

Post by Stef »

Hello :)

My husband has Moon angular, 8* from IC, but his only angular planet. I struggle to interpret this influence separate from his Moon in Cancer and Sun in Pisces, but I will try here.

He is an artist and has a very imaginative, fluid, distracted nature that seems lunar (can be perceived as “feminine” by society’s standards, graceful, quiet, well-mannered, etc. at least on the surface). He just started his career as a high school arts teacher and does well with children, especially helping troubled kids find outlets for their expression, so I think that fits “public service mindedness” (and also a historically female-dominated career, or care-giving role). It’s funny you mention those politicians with Moon angular on IC dealing with economic crisis, because he also wasn’t very financially savvy until recently and much later in adult life than most.

I’m not sure about the “adaptive” part - he certainly doesn’t wear a mask and is very authentic and outspoken about who he is. Impressionable? Maybe when he was younger, but aren’t we all? The rest of your summary is spot-on.
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Re: Angular Moon project

Post by Steven »

Hello there!
I have moon 6°48' from MC measured in PV. Over all I'd say I'm very capable of reading (analysing) the emotional atmosphere, however I wouldn't say I'm social. It's more that I put on a convincing mask when that's required. I like to act and pretend I'm somebody else, you know just for fun. I also like to "deconstruct" unspoken social constructs in a humourous manner, even though that probably involves my Aquarius sun as well. My mind is very sensitive and imaginative, constantly looking for something related to either creativity or problems of society to (over)think about. Without some external stimulation involving these subjects I tend to drift away from reality and enter my "dream world". This could be my Virgo moon as well. All in all I can say I'm a very intuitive and quite sensitive person.
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Re: Angular Moon project

Post by Veronica »

Jim said

"Ideally (i.e., if you can), please assess proximity to horizon and meridian in prime vertical longitude, squares to MC and Asc in longitude, and RA contact to EP and WP in right ascension."

My moon is at 7°Scorpio
My MC is 9°Aquarius. My Acs is 5° Gemini.
I believe that makes my moon on the WP angle.
My moon being square my sun was in the last quarter of its phase and at my time of birth had recently set.
My moon is also conjunct Neptune at 8° and Jupiter at 11.

I can add nothing to your summary. Every single word is deeply true. I dont have any personal people with an angular moon to compare but I do know a handfull Cancers very well and the distinction between those suns and my moon is the depth of nurturing applied. Where as the Cancer suns need to nurture seems like a need to immediately pacify by way of quick gratifaction (give the man a fish) angular Moons ( in my expierence) need to nurture is rooted in long term. Cancer sun coworker interacts with a student. The student needs a book. Coworker will go get book for student.
Myself....I will teach student to use card catalog and livrary so step by step show student how I went about finding the right book at retreiving it.

My coworker is very proud that the students rely on her and boosts about all her little friends she helps.

Maybe that is more of a clear sun/ego/conscious vs moon/id/subconscious then an angularity point.

I have a need to show the children how to properly do there own research so they can do it for themselves for the rest of thier life. Liberating them in a way if you will....whereas the Cancer sun in way restricts and controls.

I. Think the phase of the moon you are born under has an influence. If I understand correctly the phases of the moin are about where it is relatice to the sun( _conjunct opposite full/new) but that the moon in theory could be at any phase and be angular? I think that is important yet Im not sure how to describe what Im thinking.
What Im thinking is that unlike the other heavenly bodies where we just say "You have an angular Jupiter" that the moon....being so flux...needs more clarification.
Ie. If its angular.....exactly how so and in what phase. Which I think you were getting at this when you asked if we could spell out the moons angularity.
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Re: Angular Moon project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 6:16 am My moon is at 7°Scorpio
My MC is 9°Aquarius. My Acs is 5° Gemini.
I believe that makes my moon on the WP angle.
Exactly. That's why you're on my list above (forum members with angular Moon). You're a solid mathematical example of it! (LOL, have you ever been called a Solid Mathematical Model before? :) ) The only thing that makes you a less perfect example is that your Jupiter and Neptune are even closer to the angle, but you always seem to me very much an angular Moon type.
I can add nothing to your summary. Every single word is deeply true.
Thanks. This helps. Moon is one of the planets I'd already rewritten a great deal so it may need less work than some other planets. However, I didn't want to leave it out of the rotation.
I dont have any personal people with an angular moon to compare but I do know a handfull Cancers very well and the distinction between those suns and my moon is the depth of nurturing applied. Where as the Cancer suns need to nurture seems like a need to immediately pacify by way of quick gratifaction (give the man a fish) angular Moons ( in my expierence) need to nurture is rooted in long term.
Hmm... I'll have to think about that. It's not immediately obvious to me it's true but there is the Rim Sun effect in Cancer Sun of... well, rushing at most things. I'm not sure the depth you credit goes to Moon (it might, but when I think of a double Rim with an angular Moon I get an entirely different feel), but the fact that you are a Double Hub (Aquarius-Hub) will alone add penetrating depth to how you approach most things important to you.
I. Think the phase of the moon you are born under has an influence. If I understand correctly the phases of the moin are about where it is relative to the sun( _conjunct opposite full/new) but that the moon in theory could be at any phase and be angular? I think that is important yet Im not sure how to describe what Im thinking.
What Im thinking is that unlike the other heavenly bodies where we just say "You have an angular Jupiter" that the moon....being so flux...needs more clarification. Ie. If its angular.....exactly how so and in what phase. Which I think you were getting at this when you asked if we could spell out the moons angularity.
Several important astrological writings have been done on lunar phase, though I don't think any of it has been persuasive. D Rudhyar and ME Jones particularly divided Moon's distance ahead of Sun in eight phases that get a lot of attention in some Tropical circles but I think have contributed more to further the theory that lunar phase is important, rather than give valid working interpretations. The Hindus take the day of the lunar calendar (lunar phase) of when you were born and interpret this as a factor; e.g., you were born on the 9th day counting from the Full Moon so, according to Shil-Ponde you have a quarrelsome, passionate nature, are popular and well-known socially, but not inclined to do domestic things; and you have lousy luck with marriage and children. (I don't know if you think that's accurate but, if so, it's also not a bad description of Moon in Scorpio! <g>)

I've had this niggling idea for a few decades that the exact lunar phase for each person is somehow their "archetypal aspect," some basic imprint - that, to the extent there is any distinction between each type of aspect, we could find it most purely by looking with people who have Sun and Moon in that aspect. (You, as a Moon-Sun square type, would under this theory have what I might call an extra martial, edgy, driven push.) From my work with harmonics, I would take this theory down to "micro-aspects" when the luminaries aren't in a conventional, familiar aspect. For example, my Moon is 154°56' ahead of Sun. Some people might call this a wide quincunx (I consider it far too wide to take seriously); I note, though, that it is almost exactly 3/7 of the zodiac (154°17'), which may mean that the Septile series of aspects (1/7 intervals) is unusually important in describing me. (From others' discussion of the Septile aspects, this is a decent fit.) In my case it becomes more important because because Moon and Sun both have septile-series aspects (3/7 and 1/7, respectively) with Pluto, forming Mo = Su/Pl as one of my more important midpoints (0°07'), but yu get the idea, I think.

My most successful use of lunar phase, though - which I almost never mention because I can't confirm is a solid, consistent astrological factor - comes from some work I did with Zip Dobyns in the early '80s. Zip re-examined the Jones-Rudhyar phase work as 12 (rather than eight) divisions of the lunar phase, based on her theory that everything in astrology comes in 12s. We were able to work on this easily because it had nothing to do with zodiacs, and some of the individual examples and small collections caught my attention! I suggested to her that this was the real idea behind "solar houses" - counting "houses" as equal 30° divisions from Sun - because maybe every planet has a "phase" consideration with respect to its distance from Sun. (That's what actually constitutes "phase" astronomically.) She liked that and ran hard with it - I think she came away thinking it was a discovery - and I occasionally still look at it.

So, in your case, since Moon is just past a Last Quarter square to your Sun, Moon would be in your 10th "solar house." This phase theory says treat that like a Capricorn layer to your personality - which I don't think is obvious in you. (My "6th solar house" Moon is "Virgo phase," which just matches my Sun, so I can't tell.)

One serious theoretical weakness of this theory is the automatic assumption that the phase cycle starts with Aries (which, I'm sure, came from my working with Zip at the time, since she equates Aries to 1st house etc.). We've seen that, where "starting sign of the zodiac" matters at all, it seems always to come out that Taurus works best. But if that's true in this phase model, than everything I've seen that impressed me is based on imagination (is a fiction). So - again - I don't bring this up much.

In any case, this is a LONG way of saying that I do think natal lunar phase may be a source of worthwhile information, but I don't have any solid way of using it that I can count on, i.e., I've still never found a way we can useful use it.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Angular Moon project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Thanks to all of you who participated in this short project. I've finished my rewrite of angular Moon (it was almost done: only needed a little polish). The full treatment can be found here:

Here is my new short summary, headed by the three words I've picked to summary foreground Moon.
Appetite, Sensitivity, Response. Needs constant stimulation (of mind or senses). Responsive, adaptive, malleable to social, psychological, and environmental conditions (impressionable). Strong sexual appetites; responsive to affection, friendship, sexual suggestion. Amiable, accommodating, good-hearted; sensitive, receptive, empathic, tender (touchy, moody, reactive). Vulnerable to judgments, displeasure, criticism. Natural before an audience (connected). Imaginative.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Angular Moon project

Post by James Condor »

Better late than never to this post.
I was always the type people gave attention to without me really wanting the attention.

People sought after me. I didn’t really plan on making a bunch of friends. People approached me way more often. People thought of me as bigger than I felt of myself. More important. People sought after me and wanted me in their group. I belonged to several distinct groups throughout my life. And most of the groups were separate and didn’t directly intertwine. I haven’t had much desire or success at creating my own social group.
People in school would take my words very seriously. I do have a big mouth. As I was a good listener too. But I seemed to be more understanding than others. I didn’t let an opinion turn into something it wasn’t.

I generally don’t like the pressure and spotlight. I used to get very nervous public speaking. I didn’t like walking into a room of students late to class while they were all sitting down. I could not get away with any sort of rebellion. People seem to see me before I saw myself. But this doesn’t mean they knew me inside and out. They most likely are wrong in their assumptions about my true character. They didn’t see the true me.

College was the first time I thought I had the potential to be famous. As a musician and a writer. The stage still frightened me, but I still tried. I didn’t try hard though. I wanted to be natural. But it didn’t go well with me in reality. It seemed the spotlight burned me, produced incongruity. Took away from my deepest values. Made me different. Compromised my integrity.

At my age now, I could be a public speaker in the right setting. I am well known in my town. But people seem to hide that fact. People prefer to have a covert rather than overt relationship with me, most times.
I could be an actor without a doubt. I could be a stand up comedian as well. And I could be on stage performing in a band. Maybe still, not the center of attention. So I sometimes want attention, yes. But the wrong attention I feel will consume me more than it ought to. I would have to be paid a bunch of money to be center stage. Then I would work on it. People seem to want you to work first then pay later. I want payment first then work.
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