Angular Sun project

Q&A and discussion on Angles & Angularity.
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Angular Sun project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Angular Sun discussion project, which will run March 28-April 17, 2021 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Sun Angular people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

CRITERA: Planets within 7° of major angles (Asc-Dsc, MC-IC) and 2° of minor angles (Zenith-Nadir, EP-WP). Ideally (i.e., if you can), please assess proximity to horizon and meridian in prime vertical longitude, squares to MC and Asc in longitude, and RA contact to EP and WP in right ascension.

Here is the primary Angular Sun interpretive resource on the forum:

We may also want to compare to Sun in Leo and Aries for ideas to check against our Angular Sun examples:

My current concise summary of Angular Sun reads:
Warm, friendly, generous, shining their light on the world (often in a paternal, controlling, sense). Vital, assertive, confident (or acts it). Aware they have purpose (goal, destiny) they must seek, find, and actualize. At best: Is in charge of self & does well leading others (can be bossy, demanding, entitled). Needs centricity (attracts satellites; may expect others’ world to revolve around them). Drawn to proud, traditional institutions. Instinct for immortality.[/quo1e]
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Re: Angular Sun project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

People who are or have been active on this forum with Sun angular include:
  • By Jove
  • Jupiter Sets at Dawn
  • Lance
  • Soft Alpaca
  • Veronica (exactly 7°00')
To these we can add significant Siderealists Cyril Fagan and Kenneth Irving.

Some famous people with Sun angular:
  • Pres. James Madison, Pres. James K. Polk, Pres. Abraham Lincoln, Pres. Ulysses S. Grant (General), Pres. Chester A. Arthur, Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower (General), Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, Pres. Gerald R. Ford, Pres. Ronald Reagan, Pres. Barack Obama, Pres. Joseph Biden
  • Emperor Akihito, Queen Victoria, Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Sen. John McCain, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dir. J. Edgar Hoover, Eva Braun, Prince William, Grand Duchess Anastasia
  • Bruno Hauptman, Fritz Haarmann, Robert Strack, Mark David Chapman, Susan Atkins, Winnie Ruth Judd, Valerie Solanas, Erik Menendez, Lyle Menendez
  • Cyril Fagan, Kenneth Irving, Michel Gauquelin, Tony Joseph
  • John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Johnny Carson, David Letterman
  • Lee Iacocca, Ross Perot, Richard Branson, Leona Helmsley
  • Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, Manly Palmer Hall, Carl Jung, L. Ron Hubbard, Patty Hearst, JonBenet Ramsey
Besides the forum members and famous people listed above, I have a list of 24 other people I knew/know sufficiently well with Sun angular by the above criteria. I'll recheck everything against these examples. (Some of those I personally knew overlap with the famous: Israel Regardie, Many Palmer Hall (slightly), Michel Gauquelin, and astrologer Tony Joseph.) The rest are private acquaintances, including my wife, sister-in-law, and father.
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Re: Angular Sun project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

While I don't want to overdo the significance of individual angles, this has been at least a little interesting until now and Sun - of all the planets - should perhaps be the most distinctive. That is, if the individual angles each have their own unique characteristics, then having Sun on one of them should highlight that particular character. I'll at least give it a general look, as with the other planets (where mostly it looked like each angular axis had a positive and negative pole).

To a great extent (but not invariably), Sun on Ascendant people I know are bold, forthright... I think I would most say they are willing to step forward and do a thing, represent an idea, etc. This doesn't mean they are aggressive in a martial way (some are), but they especially don't seem held back from stepping forward. They don't always inspire confidence by their appearance and bearing on first impression: about half of them do, and then the rest tend to on only getting to know them a little. It's easier for me to see most of these traits in those who have a Hub Sun (which is exactly half my list), but it's more or less there in all of them.

Among the famous, though, Sun on Ascendant overflows with power, command, confidence, regal regard, etc., including Presidents Lincoln, Grant (a general), Lyndon Johnson, and Biden (also Arthur; not sure he had the trait), Queen Victoria, Emperor Akihito, the controlling and monarchical J. Edgar Hoover, and figures like Johnny Carson and Leona Helmsley. There is no less power command in Sun on Descendant, with President and General Eisenhower, President Obama, Adolf Hitler, John Lennon as the strong lead of his band, the corporate and public leadership of Lee Iacocca, the presidential-grade leadership of Senator John McCain - but there is a different quality here I haven't fully identified (or which doesn't fit all of them: e.g., there is more of a gentle understating in most of the leaders, except we then have Hitler).

The "don't seem held from stepping forward" fits Sun on Descendant examples also except a few of them seem to first sit back and watch for a while. I don't at all see that they are more relationship-focused than Sun-rising people - in fact, some of the best connectors I know are on my Sun Rising list (though the most obvious examples have Venus-ruled Suns) - whereas the Sun Setting people, if anything, lean toward being a little more preoccupied with themselves in any interchange. The old phrase "surrender of selfhood to others or to relationship" most definitely does not apply. (This is even true of the those with Venus-ruled Suns.)

I only have one person on my current list of personal acquaintances with Sun on MC, and I only knew her for a brief time (a long time ago). Adding in famous people are several known to readily speak up and, by their actions and persistence, more or less demand that people pay attention to them: Cyril Fagan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Paul McCartney for example. Actually, that trait is present with people I personally know with Sun on IC, but in a quieter way that implies self-confidence (dare I say they've set a solid foundation first?): a creative young architect who specializes in using access to light as a main design feature, a highly effective nonprofit fund-raiser and event producer, and a solidly-grounded, brilliant astrologer who spent years wedding his astrological counselling and teaching with depth psychology and mythology. (OTOH, adding the famous people for Sun on IC surprises with a few murderers).

Sun on EP is a mostly bold group with many of the characteristics already mentioned - but more than "willing to step in" I'm more inclined to say "insists on inserting themselves," with a particular insistence that they have their own voice and it's heard. (Depending on their level of self-confidence, this is either confident and grounded in honest ability or over-compensating.) Sun on WP is the strangest of the bunch and (at the risk of over-simplifying on five examples) all seem to have a measure of not being listened to by others (leaving them either defensive and over-compensating or just deciding to work harder).

I have no personal examples of Sun on Zenith or Nadir in the list I'm currently using.
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Re: Angular Sun project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Parto wrote: Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:10 pm I've wondered for a while if an angular Sun can grant a Hub-like essence to a person who does not have a Hub luminary, making up, so to speak, for such as absence.
It certainly can do some of that... it's a matter of degree. The angular Hub Suns still stand out on their own quite distinctly from angular Rim Suns.

Consider Hitler - an Aries-Sagittarius. Would you say his angular Sun makes him come across as a Hub? I think not (or else Germany likely would have won and redefined the world): He seems pure controlling Rim (Aries) to me. Even Michel Gauquelin (who had a Hub Moon) always seemed predominantly Rim to me - in his case, I'd say it was his gift to live more on the surface, which led him to choose externally observable phenomena that were easily, credibly quantified. (I would never, in several lifetimes, have thought to do it the way he did, but it was genius.)

Then, again, we have Jung - a double Rim - and he certainly gets Hub profundity from somewhere. His angular Sun seems the most persuasive to my eye.
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Re: Angular Sun project

Post by Hannah »

I must really love Angular Suns! My only two deep relationships (including my fiancé now) and my best friend from childhood all have angular suns. In addition to this, a few of my closest friends and brother I get along with most naturally also have angular suns.

All of the people on my list are most characterized by how warm they are, in any situation they manage to make the people around them feel comfortable and at ease.

Among the few people I know that have Sun on Asc, all of them are very giving socially (sorry for not quoting here, I really need to learn how to do that... I find quoting to be kind of tedious). But, all of them do have a strong influence of Venus in their charts as well. What separates them from other Venusian types I know is their hospitable graciousness, they all give generously to their friends and love being extravagant hosts.

For MC, my partner, childhood best-friend, and close half-brother all have sun in this position. Among all of them there is a quiet radiance about them, they are inclusive (on their best days), and naturally humble without affectation. With these people, I perceive them as having a more confident awareness of immortality. Those three definitely are not hosts, but they naturally become the center of social gatherings.

On descendant, my grandmother has her sun in that placement... and she is definitely very concerned with herself. She also has Leo sun with Jupiter on angle, she has very clear views about the right and proper way to do things. Other than that, she is quite fearless and very fun to be around when she is philosophizing, rather than judging everyone but herself.

For IC, I know one person... who is so radically himself without needing to try at all. He is very warm, loving, and perhaps a little stubborn to anything involving conventions, rules, and expectations.

And for EP, my first partner has sun in this angle.. and what you said Jim, I think is really spot on for him.

All in all, I enjoy the company of angular sun people. :)
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Re: Angular Sun project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Though I don't want to emphasize the individual angles overly much, there's a lot of information in my post above, then Hannah added a lot more from a different perspective. I want to summarize this here in a less wordy way, while emphasizing that these aren't recommended interpretations, just observations - and observations of small numbers of people. Consider them "new first impressions."

ASCENDANT: To a great extent (but not invariably), bold, forthright... willing to step forward and do a thing, represent an idea, etc. This doesn't mean they are aggressive in a martial way (some are), but they don't seem held back from stepping forward. They don't always inspire confidence by their appearance and bearing on first impression: about half of them do; the rest tend to only on getting to know them a little. Among the famous, this angularity overflows with power, command, confidence, regal regard. --- Hannah added: Hospitable graciousness: They all give generously to their friends and love being extravagant hosts.

DESCENDANT: No less power of command - but there is a different quality here I haven't fully identified (or which doesn't fit all of them: e.g., there is more of a gentle understating in most of the leaders, except for Hitler). The "don't seem held back from stepping forward" fits them, except a few seem to initially sit back and watch for a while. Not AT ALL more relationship-focused than on Asc: Sun Setting people, if anything, lean toward being a little more preoccupied with themselves in any interchange. The old phrase "surrender of selfhood to others or to relationship" does NOT apply. -- Hannah added on one person: Definitely very concerned with herself, quite fearless and very fun to be around when she is philosophizing (rather than judging everyone but herself).

MC: Several are known to readily speak up and, by their actions and persistence, more or less demand that people pay attention to them. --- Hannah added: A quiet radiance. Inclusive (on their best days) and naturally humble without affectation. Have a more confident awareness of immortality. Definitely not hosts, but naturally become the center of social gatherings.

IC: Same basic trait as Sun on MC (known to readily speak up and, by their actions and persistence, more or less demand that people pay attention to them) but in a quieter way that implies self-confidence. (Perhaps they have set a solid foundation first.) --- Hannah added on one person: Someone so radically himself without needing to try at all. Very warm, loving, and perhaps a little stubborn on anything involving conventions, rules, and expectations.

EP: A mostly bold group with many of the characteristics already mentioned - but more than "willing to step in" I'm more inclined to say "insist on inserting themselves," with a particular insistence that they have their own voice and it's heard. (Depending on their level of self-confidence, this is either confident and grounded in honest ability or over-compensating.) --- Hannah said of her one example that the above was "spot on for him."

WP: The strangest of the bunch: All seem to have a measure of NOT being listened to by others (leaving them either defensive and over-compensating or just deciding to work harder).
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

I have concluding my examination and rewrite of Sun Foreground. The full interpretation can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=38&p=181#p182

My updated summary (with the three keywords at the top of the paragraph) is:
Seeding, Dignity, Centricity. Warm, friendly, welcoming, sharing light, planting seeds. Vital, bold, confident. Dignity, gives and expects respect, needs to shine. Impelled toward a distinctive purpose (role) they must discover and fulfill. Urge to command (good leader; or bossy, entitled, controlling). Needs centricity (attracts satellites), flourishes as center of someone's attention. Drawn to traditional institutions with heritage. Need for personal continuity, something that survives them.

Last bumped by Jim Eshelman on Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:05 am.
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