Super Potency of partile (1 degree or less) of planets to the angles.

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Super Potency of partile (1 degree or less) of planets to the angles.

Post by SteveS »

When I first encountered Sidereal Astrology through Jim’s book “Interpreting Solar Returns” I first leaned the vast importance of my angles with my charts. Jim writes:
One of astrology’s basic doctrines, handed down through the centuries, is that the angles of the horoscope—the horizon and meridian represent the most powerful, active, dynamic areas of the map.
In a few years of my life, I learned with relocating many of my Sidereal Lunar Returns and a couple of Sidereal Solar Return maps for recreational purposes, it is most special to pay close attention to when a planet partile (1 degree or less) an angle in a return map. These are very special potent return maps, specially the Sidereal Solar Return. Jim teaches that partile aspects “Reign Supreme”, but IMHO, partile planetary orbs to our return angles are even more important. When these angular partile orb planetary contacts rarely occur to the return angles, it is most important to pay close attention to the aspects the angular planet makes to return & natal planets. Again, partile planetary contacts to angles are very special, potent and important.
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