2021 Cansolar for the World

Q&A and discussion on Sidereal Solar & Lunar Ingresses, and transits & quotidian progressions of solar ingress.
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2021 Cansolar for the World

Post by SteveS »

Jim, do you expect this Cansolar with its partile Moon-Sun-Pluto T square to produce some of the more "stunning-shocking" events the World has ever seen from a historical perspective. Offer us your take on this T-square. I find it most interesting the fast moving Moon happens to be configured in with this Cansolar's T-square. Thanks
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2021 Cansolar for the World

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:34 am Jim, do you expect this Cansolar with its partile Moon-Sun-Pluto T square to produce some of the more "stunning-shocking" events the World has ever seen from a historical perspective.
I do expect stunning events, yes... except, having already come through several years with Moon conjunct, opposite, or square Pluto (often partile) in every single lunar ingress, every single week... whoo, how much "stunninger" can it get?
Offer us your take on this T-square. I find it most interesting the fast moving Moon happens to be configured in with this Cansolar's T-square.
I've already done that in the monthly forecasts - its in the Bridge section, since there is no Cansolar as such to interpret for the U.S. (The Arisolar remains the Quarter ingress for another three months.) It's hard to keep finding new superlatives, The situation is kind of like, "Hey, if you think the last six years have been have been the most outrageous, this-stuff-doesn't-happen, OMG-we-even-topped-that - and then the last year and a half has blown THAT away - well, gosh, you ain't seen nothin' yet! Just look at what's coming now!!!"

Or, of course, it could just be more of the same. It could be just that we are entering a time we've been talking about for a year and a half, the time when we sort of have to reinvent the world a bit post-Covid. And a lot of mourning and realizing we've crossed lines we can't uncross, gone through doors that were one-way doors without retreat. Unfortunately, the most obvious "crossed a line we can't uncross" is with respect to the environment and global climate destabilization. We don't want to pass through too many one-way doors on that one!

The highest impact of this Cansolar, I think, will be in its unfolding by progression and transit. Two main aspects will be unfolding worldwide - defining the basic Bridge everywhere. These are transiting Pluto to Cansolar and CanQ Moon and CanQ Moon to ingress Pluto. They sound like the same thing, but they are quite distinct. I'll keep tracking those in the monthly U.S. forecasts, which will be where my most important mundane stuff will usually be buried.

To wrap this up in a bit of a package, here is a post I made on a mundane astrologers page on Facebook almost a week ago.
Sun enters Sidereal Cancer (Cansolar) July 17, 2021, 5:37 AM EDT. Normally, this would be a dominant chart for the next three months. However, to be "live" or "voiced" for a particular location (or for a particular nation), the chart needs to be geographically distinctive to that location by having at least one planet closely conjunct an angle (within 3°). When this doesn't occur, we call the chart "dormant" or "silent" for that location.

This Cansolar is dormant for Washington, DC. See the chart below [not reproduced here]: No planets are closer than about 5° to horizon or meridian. It therefore has no over-arching statement distinctive to Washington, DC (and thus the U.S.) specifically. However, close Moon aspects operate worldwide, including the U.S. Also, some parts of the U.S. are affected locally, such as the area near New York City.

In December 2020, I posted the following about this Cansolar: "Although the new Cansolar is dormant for Washington, it has a partile Moon-Sun-Pluto T-square that creates transiting Pluto square Cansolar Moon plus CanQ [i.e., progressed] Moon square ingress Pluto and Sun beginning July 17, atop the Saturn-Uranus transits to Capsolar angles. This dramatic configuration shows upheaval, confrontation of the people with their government, assault on those in power and ruling institutions, and defiant lawlessness as part of the overlapping Saturn-Uranus trends. (Possibly they signal mass existential confrontation, e.g., inevitability of overwhelming death. Choosing optimism, I will suggest that we are past this threshold before now.) These luminary aspects aren't limited to the U.S., though: Moon-Sun-Pluto effects will have impact worldwide. The cultural impact and volatility will be reminiscent of 1968. New York City is especially in line for a high-impact crisis that turns stable conditions inside out." The NYC Ascendant is 28°23' Gemini.

Besides the above about the worldwide impact of the Cansolar for the next three months, it is also responsive to transits and progressions for the next year. Of these, the most important (just to understand how far reaching the Moon-Sun-Pluto T-square is) are (1) transiting Pluto square Cansolar Moon and progressed Cansolar Moon, and (2) progressed ingress Moon square ingress Sun-Pluto. Pluto transits to Moon within 1° run July 17-December 25! Moon progressions to Sun and Pluto last July 17 to September 3, the stronger periods. (Remember, these are worldwide aspects, not U.S.-specific.)

Shorter-term volatile periods stand out within this time. For example, July 18-22, transiting Mars opposes progressed Capsolar Moon. In 12/20, I wrote that, for these few days, "Threats of assassination increase and, if not war, then the spirit of war." In the U.S., things start to ease up a little after Saturn leaves transit to Washington Capsolar Dsc July 27.
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Re: 2021 Cansolar for the World

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim, its nice to have all of your collected thoughts over different posts with this unique Cansolar posted in this thread, applied to the World as a Whole. Personally, I want to focus my mediated mind on positive stuff with this unique T-square. I am going to begin with small steps converting most of my energy needs for my home to Solar Energy. Of course I don't know for sure if one can channel positive energies for oneself with the vibes of a Solar Ingress--but who knows? :)
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Re: 2021 Cansolar for the World

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Your piece of the universal subconscious mind (Moon in the ingress charts) is only a drop in the ocean - but the way the ocean changes is usually one drop at a time until we hit a critical mass of enough drops! I encourage your positive efforts.
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Re: 2021 Cansolar for the World

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim, I was walking early this morning thinking about this Cansolar and made a final decision to take baby steps until I am completely independent with Solar Energy. :)
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Re: 2021 Cansolar for the World

Post by Jim Eshelman »

FWIW, I don't think the right approach is "complete independence." (I'm not telling you what to do, just offering an unsolicited opinion.) The real salvation of the world is if more or less everyone everywhere is on solar and it feeds back into the main power grid. If you create more than you use, you get paid for the overflow; if you use more than you create, you may for what you draw. But, in time, the grid starts sustaining the plan with something close to free power everywhere.

Of course, nothing in that model stops you from being able to fail back to your produced power only if the grid goes down.
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Re: 2021 Cansolar for the World

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim. Monday, I will begin this Solar Project, I have many questions and investigations to understand.
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