2021 Cansolar

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Jim Eshelman
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2021 Cansolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sun entered Sidereal Cancer (Cansolar) July 17, 2021, 5:37 AM EDT.

The chart is dormant for Washington, DC. Therefore, it has no over-arching statement distinctive to Washington, DC (and thus the U.S.) specifically. The U.S. will feel only those factors that have universal or worldwide impact, which includes stunningly important close Moon aspects. Also, some parts of the U.S. are affected locally, such as the area near New York City.

In December 2020, I posted (in the monthly U.S. forecasts, under Bridge) the following about this Cansolar:
Although the new Cansolar is dormant for Washington, it has a partile Moon-Sun-Pluto T-square that creates transiting Pluto square Cansolar Moon plus CanQ Moon square ingress Pluto and Sun beginning July 17, atop the Saturn-Uranus transits to Capsolar angles. This dramatic configuration shows upheaval, confrontation of the people with their government, assault on those in power and ruling institutions, and defiant lawlessness as part of the overlapping Saturn-Uranus trends. (Possibly they signal mass existential confrontation, e.g., inevitability of overwhelming death. Choosing optimism, I will suggest that we are past this threshold before now.) These luminary aspects aren't limited to the U.S., though: Moon-Sun-Pluto effects will have impact worldwide. The cultural impact and volatility will be reminiscent of 1968. New York City is especially in line for a high-impact crisis that turns stable conditions inside out.

Besides the above about the worldwide impact of the Cansolar for the next three months, it is also responsive to transits and progressions for the next year. Of these, the most important (just to understand how far reaching the Moon-Sun-Pluto T-square is) are
  1. Transiting Pluto square Cansolar Moon and progressed Cansolar Moon.
  2. Progressed Cansolar Moon square ingress Sun-Pluto.
Pluto's transits to Moon within 1° run July 17-December 25. Moon progressions to Sun and Pluto last July 17 to September 3, the stronger period. (Remember, these are worldwide aspects, not U.S.-specific.)

Shorter-term volatile periods stand out within this time. For example, July 18-22, transiting Mars opposes progressed Capsolar Moon. In 12/20, I wrote that, for these few days, "Threats of assassination increase and, if not war, then the spirit of war." In the U.S., things start to ease up a little after Saturn leaves transit to Washington Capsolar Dsc July 27.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2021 Cansolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I think maybe we may have been given a clue in South Africa to how this Cansolar may partly operate in other parts of the World where it is non-dormant. It appears to me this Cansolar may have to do with large scale breakdowns of Law & Order (Lawlessness-Pluto).
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2021 Cansolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sure. That was part of my original forecast, the idea of civil disruption and unrest.

If you check the Event Profile Summaries (Appendix F) of SMA, you see that, statistically, Moon-Pluto aspects (which we have had non-stop for years now) appear with high frequency for disasters in general, volcanoes, hurricanes, coalmine disasters, bombs, leader deaths and crises, war, the costliest disasters in general, transportation catastrophes, and uprisings of the people. Sun-Pluto aspects appear for volcanoes, bombs, explosions, and war.

In a sense, we shouldn't be counting the Sun-Pluto character if they aren't foreground. While Moon aspects are important always, Sun acts just like any other planet in the ingresses - it's aspects are only important if foreground. What we really have here is Moon-Pluto concurrent with Moon-Sun - not to be confused with Sun-Pluto! In practice, the coexistent of solar and plutonian themes may make it seem as if there were a Sun-Pluto aspect, but, unless it's foreground, we shouldn't count it. (One of the stages in researching the SMA approach: I went through every single chart that had non-foreground Moon aspecting two planets that were also in aspect. I specifically wanted to determine whether the two planets' aspect worked on its own, as if Moon were merely highlighting it. The answer was no, that wasn't happening at all. Only rarely would it look that way. For example, a Moon-Venus-Saturn T-square most of the time did not act like "a really strong Venus-Saturn," but, rather, like "Moon has a benefic aspect and a malefic aspect, so there will be some good and some bad - which ever orb is closer tells us which predominates.") - So, literally, we don't have Sun-Pluto but, occasionally, it may seem that way (hopefully that's not too confusing).

Nonetheless, here are my standard, boilerplate interpretations for all three of those aspects:
Moon-Sun - A spotlight shines on events. Particularly, circumstances draw great attention from the government, yet fixate the attention of the people. Typical events range from fires and explosions to significant weddings (or matters that affect the institution of marriage), matters inciting national pride, and events that target national leaders or draw concentrated government attention, perhaps because of regulation or mandatory oversight (e.g., building collapses, financial crises).

Moon-Pluto - Events stun our sensibilities and halt the mind with their intensity. Marking unprecedented conditions and irrevocable shifts, the nature of these events makes them difficult to predict. Major examples from the past include deaths and departures of presidents and kings; uprisings and revolts; populist challenges to prevailing authority; and other staggeringly intense events, pleasant and unpleasant, that hold our unflinching attention.

Sun-Pluto - Although the range of Pluto themes can be highly diverse (from severe natural disasters to political confrontation), they always welcome unprecedented conditions and irrevocable shifts of circumstances. Repeated motifs in human behavior include assault on or removal of those in power, rebellion against prevailing conditions (to welcome new conditions), and disrespect for and disobeying of the law. (Common for events of overwhelming force, often exploding into our awareness: volcanoes, bombs, high-impact explosions of diverse types, and war.)
Jim Eshelman
Posts: 6670
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Re: 2021 Cansolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
(hopefully that's not too confusing).
No, not confusing, spot on imo.
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