Graphics in Python

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Graphics in Python

Post by mikestar13 »

I made a new discovery tonight. Python implements turtle graphics (with the correct libraries installed on the development machine--no effect on users). I need to learn some more details but I already have learned how to draw circles, draw lines at any angle, draw various geometric shapes, and above all, print text at any angle. So I will be able to draw a proper chart wheel on screen! (I can also continue to generate text files with all the data now present--it's not an either/or choice.) I have a lot of design work to do, and details to learn, but I am quite certain I can do it. I should even be able to draw glyphs if I need to, but it might be easier to install an astrology font to the user machine. I'm not envisioning this for the next release, but it should be available by version 1.0. I will prioritize adding functionality (returns, etc.), but I'm going to do this.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Graphics in Python

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Very neat :)

Also, remember, every Windows installation has Wingdings, which has some of the best zodiacal ensigns I've ever seen digitally. Wingding 2, which has been around at least since Win 7, has Sun and Moon, but with undesirable horizontal spacing.
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Re: Graphics in Python

Post by mikestar13 »

I will definitely work on functionality first -- graphics will take a fair amount of research for the details, but I'm sure I can do it. Python has the facility to create pdf files as well, so I could actually store proper chart files, if I can learn how to rotate text in pdf's.
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Re: Graphics in Python

Post by mikestar13 »

I have decided not to pursue this at least until version 1.0 is stable at the earliest, and may not do it at all.
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Re: Graphics in Python

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I figured you weren't doing it until 0.9 or so :)
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Re: Graphics in Python

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What I find amazing reviewing these old threads is just how much ground has been covered, how many inquiries and evolutions of idea we've gone through from a simpler beginning to the complex tool TMSA is today.

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Re: Graphics in Python

Post by mikestar13 »

Feel equally free to retain any threads you wish for historical interest.
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Re: Graphics in Python

Post by dflow »

Turtle graphics has a soft spot in my heart =) I cut my teeth on programming with Logo on an Apple 2e. It was really cool to make recursive geometric patterns, like a digital spirograph. I've seen implementations as web apps nowadays. There's even an Apple 2 emulator in javascript, which is kind of mind-blowing.

To make this post not completely off-topic, SVG is IMO the way to go since it is a widely adopted standard and can convert to any format like PDF or PNG. There are also Unicode fonts that can do all kinds of crazy symbols. These fonts are only for personal use but kind of blew my mind... Sumero-Akkadian and Early Dynastic Cuneiform anyone? 8-)
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