7 planets in Cancer

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Jim Eshelman
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7 planets in Cancer

Post by Jim Eshelman »

One time in the last 2,000 years, all 7 classical planets were in Cancer. This occurred June 30 to July 3, 710 AD. (Pluto was also in Cancer.)

Exact dating of major events is hard to get this far back, but I've found one historically noteworthy event on these days: Emperor Zhong Zong of the Tang Dynasty was assassinated (presumed poisoned by Empress Wei, who tried and failed to install her daughter as empress). The emperor's sister launched a coup d'etat to restore Zhong Zong's heir, Rui Zong as emperor.

I have no idea what this might have had to do with Cancer, though there seems a lot of family drama among the elite.
Jim Eshelman
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