Gerald & Charlene Gallego

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Jim Eshelman
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Gerald & Charlene Gallego

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Gerald Gallego: July 17, 1946, 9:00 AM PST, Sacramento, CA (B)
Charlene Gallego: Oct 19, 1956, 2:50 PM PST, Stockton, CA (AA).

The Gallegos were a husband-wife murder team - something of a rarity. I wanted to give you the chance to set up these charts and see a spectacular demonstration not only of nativities with familiar hallmarks of murderers, but especially synastry that screams of ferocious passions run wild.

Quoting from's convenient summary:
[Charlene:] An only child from a good family, she was indulged, adored and pampered. She started drugs and booze by the time she was 12 and was sexually experienced by 15, with a taste for freak scenes and bi-sexual exchanges. She married and divorced twice before the age of 20.

Charlene met Gerald Gallego on 9/10/1977 and moved in with him a week later; they married on 9/30/1978. Together, they committed ten kidnap-rape-sex-murders between 9/12/1978 and 11/01/1980. Apprehended and convicted, they went to prison where Charlene gave birth to their baby on 7/17/81.
[Gerald:] A habitual criminal, Gallego had 27 arrests of burglary and assault from age ten when he had pulled off his first assault with a deadly weapon. He had spent five years in reformatories and six years in prisons by the time he met Charlene Williams on 9/10/1977. She moved in a week later and they married on 9/30/1978. Both were sexually deviant, involved in freak scenes and sadomasochism. They worked out an easy method of operation. Charlene would entice young girls into their van and they would abduct them, driving to a remote place where they would indulge in whatever sex and torture scenario they chose. Gerald would then kill the girls and bury or dispose of their bodies. Apprehended, they went to trail 11/15/1981, Martinez, CA. They were both sentenced to death by lethal injection but were still on death row on appeal ten years later.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Gerald & Charlene Gallego

Post by SteveS »

The Sidereal Astrologer with Mike’s new program or the mundoscope can quickly isolate the sadistic mundo aspect in Charlene Gallego’s Natal with the class 1 Mars partile 180 Venus and Pluto. From COSI with Venus/Pluto=Mars, a Direct Mundo Midpoint:
Strongly sensual nature, rape, a brutal expression of feeling.
Only looked at Charlene Gallego’s chart, will look at the other charts later.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Gerald & Charlene Gallego

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It's a whole new world, eh?

Code: Select all

    Class 1 Aspects          
Mo op Su 00°33' 100% M   
Mo oc Ma 00°32'  95%     
Mo op Ne 00°44'  99%     
Mo tr Pl 00°42'  99%     
Ve op Ma 00°46'  99% M   
Ve co Ju 02°51'  88% M   
Ve oc Ne 00°55'  85%                                                    
Ve co Pl 00°55'  99% M                                                  
Ma op Ju 02°05'  94% M                                                  
Ma op Pl 00°10' 100% M
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Gerald & Charlene Gallego

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
It's a whole new world, eh?
Indeed, and you started it with your brilliant early analysis with mundane aspects, and Mike comes along and puts icing on it with his program.
Quickly noting main angular features of their synastry chart:
Gerald’s Mars partile cnj Charlene’s Venus 180 her Mars (2,23) on his Horizon! They share a partile Tau-Scorpio IC/MC axis, which would alert me to do an analysis of their individual direct midpoints involving their MC’s. Will look at later.
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Re: Gerald & Charlene Gallego

Post by SteveS »

When I noted this couple shared a partile MC/IC axis through their Synastry Chart, I wanted to take a look at Direct Midpoints involving both their individual MC’s. It’s very revealing particularly with Gerald’s Natal. But first, from an astrologer, Robert Hand, who did a tremendous amount of research with the Ebertin School of Midpoints:
Not all midpoints are to be taken equally. Here are the criteria I use for picking out the important ones. Direct midpoints ---ones that are conjunct or opposite (really the same) a single factor are more important than midpoints that aspect a single factor by square, semisquare, sesquiguarate. I find that direct midpoints are as important as major aspects in influencing a chart. One neglects them at one’s peril; if you use no other type of midpoint, use direct midpoints. Midpoints involving the Sun, Moon, Midheaven or Ascendant are to be taken more seriously than others.
Charlene has a Direct Midpoint involving her MC: Venus/MC =Moon=Neptune. But when we look at Gerald’s Direct Midpoints involving his MC is when it becomes very nasty with the two malefics, Mars & Saturn. He has 2 direct midpoints involving his MC: Mo/Ma=MC (0,30); MA/MC=SA (0,04). So, we see here a 3 planet direct midpoint combo involving Moon, Mars, and Saturn with his MC. But as a Sidereal Astrologer, this is where it becomes even more interesting when noting his two most angular planets are Mars & Venus, and this produces a Venus/Mars partile 90 his MC. So, we get a most important combo of these planets involved with his MC: MO-VE-MA-SA.
We see here with this example why Robert Hand said:
Neglect Direct Midpoints at your own peril.
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Re: Gerald & Charlene Gallego

Post by SteveS »

It is now becoming obvious to the astrologer that without an analysis of Direct Midpoints involving Gerald’s Natal MC, we can’t see entirely the destructive determinative force of Mars in his Natal. The Sidereal Astrologer immediately sees Mars rising along with Venus angular, but does not see/understand entirely how this angular combo possibly will manifest. COSI footnotes MA/MC:
Combinations of Mars/MC appear to particularly strengthen the determination (Mars) of the ego (MC) and this varies with age. The Mars/MC axis shows the activity of the native.
So, COSI is telling us in order to possibly see the activity of the native we need to closely examine his Mars/MC axis for any possible clues, and we clearly see a direct Midpoint of MA/MC=SA, Saturn being the greater malefic combo with the other malefic Mars. This is a tremendous clue to the Sidereal Astrologer how Gerald’s angular Mars-Venus may manifest, with VE/MA partile 90 his MC. But we never know the specifics, only that Gerald’s angular “activity” is laced with Moon- Mars-Saturn-Venus with a “strengthen determination” of angular Mars! The Sidereal Astrologer understanding the vast importance of angularity and combined with Direct Midpoint analysis with MC/ASC helps in understanding better the main impulses of the native. The chart itself clearly shows Mars the most angular planet on the ASC, and since one of the malefics in astrology-- a red flag. Direct Midpoint analysis shows Mars & Saturn combined with the MC, an even bigger red flag. The Synastry clearly shows a team of Mars.

The Synastry Chart shows a couple who combined their Mars in aspect in the Synastry as a Husband-Wife team, with a violent combined team of brutal activity. The Synastry shows this couple sharing a partile MC/IC axis, and an analysis of their MC’s with Direct Midpoints shows very malefic Mars-Saturn-Neptune combos. Charlene took her VE/MC=MO=NEP and lured/deceived (Neptune) young women into Gerald’s MA/MC=SA lair of rape/murder. Another huge clue in this Synastry analysis of hindsight is Charlene’s mundane partile Mars 180 Venus-Pluto, a brutal malefic tendency according to COSI. If the police in this sickening case had consulted a Sidereal Astrologer/Ebertin-Midpoint-COSI specialist in astrology and asked what the probability was for this couple committing these violent crimes, the police would have gotten an answer of: Very high probability! Thanks Jim for posting the data of this team’s Natal’s, a most interesting learning analysis.
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