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Post by Jim Eshelman »

I thought it might be useful to give a summary of the astrological component of my book, Visions & Voices. Even though it's been out for two years, is the first significant Sidereal astrology work in almost 30 years, and has some of the more [in contrast to "most" <g>] important Sidereal research findings, I thought it might catch fire with the astrological community and that there might be discussions of it originating here. That didn't happen. - I need at least to give the core findings here.

In the final weeks of 1909, Aleister Crowley, assisted by his protégé Victor Neuburg, obtained a series of 33 mystical visions which (with two more that had preceded them in 1900) were later published as The Vision & the Voice.

Astrologers are treated to an unexploited bonanza in this collection: For all but two of these 35 visions, exact dates, times, and places were recorded, providing an unusual opportunity to study the interrelationship of astrology with the magical visionary process and, more generally, with the arising of streams of symbols in an individual’s mind.

For nearly a century this potential lay untapped until my pilot exploration was serialized in the journal BLACK PEARL from 1997-2001. By book Visions & Voices, is based on that pilot study, enhanced by the maturing of perspective during intervening years, and supported by supplemental material. I have reproduced the textual record of these visions, along with (a) horoscopes for the time and place each vision began, (b) an analysis of what the horoscopes show, and (g) a Qabalistic symbolic analysis.

Astrologers have long been interested in the astrological factors accompanying dreams and similar internal states. This gains greater importance as we appreciate that such subconscious patterning is the base-line from which other psychological states plus impulsions to action arise. This collection gives us a pool of data to tap that vividly demonstrates how ongoing astrological factors correspond to subconscious content.

So... what did I find?
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Astrological factors & vision content

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The content of the visions was primarily an interaction of symbols. The nature of the content came from various factors, some of which were astrological. Those astrological factors which had the greatest impact on the visions were:

Planets on the angles
Lunar phase
Sidereal Moon-sign
(surprisingly) Sidereal Sun-sign

There were other factors, e.g., partile aspects at the time of each vision and transits to Crowley's natal horoscope; but these were minor and hit-or-miss compared to the above factors.

To judge the relative effectiveness of any particular astrological factor, I used a 7-point scale, comparing the astrological factor to a given vision's content. I rated the factor's performance as follows:

1. Absolutely wrong / totally mismatched
2. Seriously mismatched
3. Slightly mismatched
4. Inconclusive / Nothing discernible pro or con
5. Slightly matched
6. Solidly matched
7. Nearly flawless!
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Planets on the angles

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29 timed visions had one or more planet on an angle at the time the vision began.

In 10 cases, the angular planets rated 7 (“nearly flawless” match to the content of the vision).

In 11 cases, angular planets rated 6 (“solid” match to the vision).

That means that 72% were “solid” (6) or better. Also, the average score for these 29 visions was “solid” (6).

There were other performances of angularity that are harder to rate, but fascinating to watch. Over the course of a given vision (commonly lasting an hour or so), different planets would cross the angles. Frequently we can see the planetary energy exactly hit the angle in the course of the vision. Other than that, those planets on the angle at the start of the vision accurately reported the vision's content with a fidelity that 72% of the time was characterizable as "solid" or better.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Of the 33 timed visions, the Sidereal Moon sign averaged a 6 ("solid"). The Tropical Moon-sign, when compared to the content of the visions, averaged a 4 ("inconclusive").

The Sidereal Moon-sign placement was rated 7 ("nearly flawless") 7 times, or 30% of the time. It was rated 6 ("solid") 11 more times, so that 21 of the 33 visions (63%) were "solidly" described by the Sidereal Moon-sign alone.

The Tropical Moon-sign placement was rated 7 ("nearly flawless") NO TIMES out of these 33 visions (0% of the time). It was rated 6 ("solid") 7 times. Therefore, only 21% of the visions were "solidly" described by the Tropical Moon-sign alone.

We can also compare the Sidereal vs. Tropical Moon-signs against each other directly.

26 timed visions had the Moon in a different sign TZ vs. SZ.

In 4 cases (15% of the total), neither the SZ or TZ Moon-sign seemed better. (In most of those cases, the Moon-sign didn't seem relevant to the vision's content at all.) This leaves 22 cases for actual comparison.

In 21 of those 22 cases (95%), the Sidereal Moon had a better symbolic match to the vision than the Tropical.

1 time (5%), I can credit the Tropical Moon as having a better symbolic match to the vision than the Sidereal.

In 10 of the 22 cases, the Sidereal Moon was “unquestionably superior” (7 points) – 45%. In another 6 instances, the Sidereal Moon was “solidly superior” (6 points) – 73%.
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Some samples

Post by Jim Eshelman »

A few representative examples:

28th Aethyr
Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon: The angel that appears has fishy traits... and those that aren't fishy are scorpionic. Also the Moon conjoins Saturn in Pisces, and the vision dramatizes the traumatized maternal aspects of consciousness breaking loose, requiring redress and healing.

“And now… I see him as he is. His garment is black… but it is lined with white, & he has the shining belly of a fish, and enormous wings of black & white feathers, & innumerable little legs & claws like a centipede, & a long tail like a scorpion. The breasts are human, but they are all scored with blood; & he cries: O thou who hast broken down the veil, knowest thou not that who cometh where I am must be scarred by many sorrows?” Etc.

28th Aethyr
Aries Moon: Vision begins with woe, wages war in the middle, & consummates in overflowing blood at the end. (The TZ Taurus Moon is entirely inappropriate.)

24th Aethyr
Jupiter is exactly setting. Mars is more widely rising. The vision is filled with Jupiter and Sagittarius symbols, and with an intermixing of Mars and Jupiter mythic and symbolic themes, for example:

“An angel comes forward into the stone like a warrior clad in chain armour… He stretches forth his arms to heaven & cries, In the crackling of the lightning, in the rolling of the thunder, in the clashing of the swords & the hurling of the arrows: be thy name exalted.”

23rd Aethyr
This occurred the day after a Full Moon with the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus. The entire vision was the appearance of a bull (who talked a while), when its withdrawal and the appearance of an eagle (who talked a while). In the symbol system Crowley had learned in the Golden Dawn, the bull and eagle were kerubic figures corresponding to Taurus and Scorpio.

In contrast, no bull symbolism had appeared in the 24th Aethyr vision, received when the Moon was in Tropical Taurus. (No bull!)

9th Aethyr
Virgo Moon: It's a vision of "The Virgin of Eternity."

7th Aethyr
Venus is exactly setting, and the Moon is in Libra. It's a Venus vision start-to-finish.
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The single best example!

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If I were to show only one decisive example, it would be the vision of the 5th Aethyr.

The content of this aethyr boils down to one thing: It's the Vision of the Arrow. (You can read this in my book, in other books, or in online copies of The Vision & the Voice, and you can see subtleties; but the gist of it is, the whole vision is centered around a Vision of the Arrow.)

Crowley attempted to get the vision on one night; was told he couldn't get it then, and had to come back the next day; and then came back the next day and got the full Vision of the Arrow.

How do the charts stack up?

In the Sidereal zodiac, on the first night there was a New Moon - in fact, a solar eclipse (not visible in North Africa where he was located) - with the Sun and Moon conjoined in late Scorpio. But when he came back the next day and successfully got the Vision of the Arrow, the Moon had entered Sagittarius. Bingo!

In the Tropical zodiac, on the first night (when he could NOT get the Vision of the Arrow), there was a solar eclipse with the Sun and Moon conjoined in Sagittarius. (Why, or why, wouldn't this release the Vision of the Arrow unless - gosh - that wasn't really Sagittarius <g>.) But when he came back the next day and DID successfully get the Vision of the Arrow, the Moon had left TZ Sagittarius entered Capricorn. (Huh!?)
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Thanks Jim for your analysis with this tread which resonated strongly with some of my life experiences and observations.

Jim wrote:
Astrologers have long been interested in the astrological factors accompanying dreams and similar internal states. This gains greater importance as we appreciate that such subconscious patterning is the base-line from which other psychological states plus impulsions to action arise. This collection gives us a pool of data to tap that vividly demonstrates how ongoing astrological factors correspond to subconscious content.
There were other performances of angularity that are harder to rate, but fascinating to watch. Over the course of a given vision (commonly lasting an hour or so), different planets would cross the angles. Frequently we can see the planetary energy exactly hit the angle in the course of the vision. Other than that, those planets on the angle at the start of the vision accurately reported the vision's content with a fidelity that 72% of the time was characterizable as "solid" or better.
Cyril Fagan wrote from one of his Solunar columns titled ‘The Unconscious Mind’.
I have frequently noticed that in waking from a dream, the substance of the dream accorded in a most astonishing manner with the constellation and planets that were on the Ascendant at the moment of waking. In my own case, my most significant dreams occurred in the early hours of the morning, about sunrise.

When I first read Fagan’s above words, I soon discovered the truth about this with a very vivid dream (the kind where you awake and feel drugged) where I dreamed I was on some battlefield witnessing a bloody battle. I awoke and immediately calculated the chart which showed Mars partile the Ascendant partile 90 Neptune. I wish I had saved the date and time of this chart. I would also like to point out the ancient Egyptian priest/astronomers/astrologers did most of their work near dawn with helical risings of stars. Fagan says in the same AA article:

"Clairvoyance is also a projection from the unconscious and occurs when mind and emotions are at rest for even a fleeting moment. It seems to me the sages who were priest of Egyptian temples obtained their astrological lore through natural or induced sleep."

Jim wrote:
"The entire series of visions (over the course of about a month) occurred during a Uranus-Neptune opposition in space that was square Aleister Crowley's Sun."

This resonates strongly with me when back in the late eighties I had a-lot of exact information channelled to me from a Tarot Reader. This happened in a 2-year period when I was experiencing a Uranus-Neptune Paran with my secondary progressed Natal Chart. This two year window was the most fascinating psychic time I have ever experienced in my life.

Jim wrote:
"This was the day that Uranus precisely squared his Sun in the Sidereal zodiac."

This also resonates strongly with my life. I was born with a partile Sun-Uranus 90 (2 Virgo, 2 Sag) and in potential Paran with Sun rising and Uranus on MC. I still live close to my birthplace which means I experience this potential Paran everyday with the rotation of the Earth on its axis. I have always received my best astrological sight on waking before dawn.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Cyril Fagan wrote from one of his Solunar columns titled ‘The Unconscious Mind’.
I have frequently noticed that in waking from a dream, the substance of the dream accorded in a most astonishing manner with the constellation and planets that were on the Ascendant at the moment of waking. In my own case, my most significant dreams occurred in the early hours of the morning, about sunrise.
I remember that. But the part about the ascending sign didn't hold up for this study (although planets on the angles were supported).

In any case, I've published all the charts of 35 timed visions, in both the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs.
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Post by Gary903 »

I hadn't read this post until now, Jim, but it really is fascinating. Aleister Crowley, "the wickedest man in the world", was certainly a complex mysterious guy who inspired great controversy: the Magus of the new aeon to some and a charlatan to others. I do like the point you made about the astrological forces patterning subconscious states being the basis for our conscious reactions and impulses. I haven't read "Visions & Voices" yet, but maybe some of those who have are just a little too intimidated by its content to discuss it here.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but some of your remarks would appear to imply that you find the Sidereal Zodiac superior to the Tropical <g>.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Gary903 wrote: Sun May 21, 2017 2:26 pmI haven't read "Visions & Voices" yet, but maybe some of those who have are just a little too intimidated by its content to discuss it here.
I strongly recommend it. I regard it as the finest thing I've ever written (by a large margin)_ - the only thing that let me, as author, integrate at least five separate fields where I have expertise.

It isn't a quick read. It requires patience. But I think it rewards that patience (and it can be read in shorter segments). Nothing in the history of the astrological press documents the phenomena of intrapsychic phenomena the way this book does IMHO.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but some of your remarks would appear to imply that you find the Sidereal Zodiac superior to the Tropical <g>.
I don't understand the tone of this sentence unless I give heavy weight to the grin :). Of course my remarks imply that. This book is just one more example of the evidence that the Tropical zodiac doesn't even exist.

Except... and this is the important point... it isn't fair for Tropical astrologers to simply paint it as a Sidereal book. Each chart given is provided in both the Tropical and Sidereal frameworks equally, and they are discussed equally. The structure of the book, and how it is carried out, is zodiac-neutral. However, having thus approached it, I also have a chapter or two that assesses what was found, and the data (not me - it was the data) speaks loudly about the hands-down superiority of Sidereal astrology.

Consider alone these facts:
1. The SZ Moon-sign, alone, overwhelmingly described the visions one after another.
2. Crowley didn't know about the Sidereal zodiac, and was an avid Tropical astrologer. If he was paying any attention to ongoing astrological patterns, his heavy tendency would have been to (perhaps unconsciously) program his mind for the Tropical Moon-sign.
3. Despite this, the SZ Moon-sign, alone, overwhelmingly described the visions one after another.

Thanks for the comments. Now, go buy and read the book :)
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Post by Gary903 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun May 21, 2017 2:36 pm
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but some of your remarks would appear to imply that you find the Sidereal Zodiac superior to the Tropical <g>.
I don't understand the tone of this sentence unless I give heavy weight to the grin :). Of course my remarks imply that. This book is just one more example of the evidence that the Tropical zodiac doesn't even exist.
Yes, I agree 100%. (Just my poor attempt at humor. :oops: )
"Gŵyl loyw fu eu goleuaint."
"Their lights were a shining festival." ~ from the Welsh poem "Y Sêr" (The Stars), by Dafydd ap Gwilym
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Post by James Condor »

I am reading this post for the first time. I remember Jim telling me to read Visions And Voices and I had an idea of what it was like. Recently I have come to think, feel, more definitely, that one's state of consciousness can connect to astrological symbology. And if one is trained, practiced, on how to see the visions, then more insight will be obtained. Much like meditation. And in recalling dreams, symbols, like Jung, we can learn more about a spiritual realm that is the definition of 'infinite oneness'.
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