Synastry by parans?

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Jim Eshelman
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Synastry by parans?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Recent discussions in other threads this week have returned attention to a little-examined approach to synastry, which is aspects by parans. I'm skeptical of the value of these, yet agree they should be explored - simply because they never have.

This brings several complexities. One important complexity, that Mike's TMSA software will resolve, is that one chart has to be precessed to the date of the other so they are on the same playing field. Another complexity is the question of location: While the related-but-quite-distinct mundoscope-to-mundoscope comparison needs to be done inside the framework of one of the charts (and then switch), the paran comparison brings the question of location: The charts need to be for the same latitude. It makes most sense to make this for the location where they both live. (If they don't live in the same location, I'm not sure there is a basis for a paran comparison.

As a single example to demonstrate the approach, I'll compare Marion's and my chart - using the local charts for our home, 34N03'46", 118W18'47". We will pretend that one has been precessed to the other (they have not - but the accrued precession is less than 0°07'). I also have not layered in all the RA squares to meridian (but I think these should be included in a full list approach, or treated separately to get RA squares).
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Re: Synastry by parans?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here is my local speculum. (I've marked partile parans in bold.)

Mar Dsc 007°38'
Ura Asc 014°27'
Jup Asc 014°59'
Sun IC 015°16'

Eri MC 017°14'
Nep IC 024°12'
Sat IC 037°22'
Mer IC 038°00'

Plu Asc 046°09'
Ven IC 052°10'
Mon Dsc 081°01'
Eri Dsc 093°57'
Sun Asc 109°42'
Mar IC 115°23'
Ura MC 119°37'
Jup MC 119°50'
Nep Asc 119°52'

Sat Asc 135°58'
Mer Asc 140°55'
Plu MC 152°04'
Ven Asc 160°27'
Mon IC 170°20'
Sun MC 195°16'
Eri IC 197°14'
Nep MC 204°12'
Sat MC 217°22'
Mer MC 218°00'

Mar Asc 223°08'
Jup Dsc 224°42'
Ura Dsc 224°48'

Ven MC 232°10'
Plu Dsc 257°59'
Mon Asc 259°39'
Sun Dsc 280°51'
Nep Dsc 288°32'
Mer Dsc 295°05'
Mar MC 295°23'

Sat Dsc 298°47'
Ura IC 299°37'
Jup IC 299°50'

Eri Asc 300°30'
Ven Dsc 303°53'
Plu IC 332°04'
Mon MC 350°20'

Here is Marion's local speculum (again with partile parans marked in bold):

Jup MC 011°40'
Eri MC 018°53'
Ven MC 041°42'
Nep IC 041°45'

Sat Dsc 045°30'
Mer MC 050°17'
Mar Asc 051°26'
Ura Asc 055°36'
Plu Asc 061°52'
Mon Asc 065°26'
Sun MC 066°30'
Eri Dsc 097°42'
Jup Dsc 104°12'
Nep Asc 141°36'
Ven Dsc 141°47'

Sat IC 145°48'
Mer Dsc 150°31'
Mar MC 150°45'

Ura MC 153°39'
Mon MC 163°14'
Plu MC 166°33'
Sun Dsc 172°06'
Jup IC 191°40'
Eri IC 198°53'
Ven IC 221°42'
Nep MC 221°45'

Mer IC 230°17'
Sat Asc 246°05'
Sun IC 246°30'

Mar Dsc 250°04'
Ura Dsc 251°42'
Mon Dsc 261°01'
Plu Dsc 271°13'
Jup Asc 279°09'
Eri Asc 300°03'
Ven Asc 301°38'
Nep Dsc 301°54'

Mer Asc 310°02'
Sun Asc 320°54'
Sat MC 325°48'
Mar IC 330°45'
Ura IC 333°39'
Mon IC 343°14'
Plu IC 346°33'
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Re: Synastry by parans?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Now I will visually scan the two lists side-by-side for any contacts within 2°. (We can always trim this back to 1°. By using 2°, either planet can be within 1° of an angle with the other.) With today's software, this is a tedious task, but not hard.

J Plu Asc 46°09' -- M Sat Dsc 45°30'
J Ven IC 52°10' -- M Mar Asc 51°26'
J Mer Asc 140°55' -- M Nep Asc 141°36', Ven Dsc 141°47'

There is a good thing or two to say about this list, but in general I'm not impressed. (It matched my negative expectations on the system.) This is especially because the last two are also ecliptical aspects that I already know are valid.

While I'm giving the example, I should see if there are any squares in right ascension. For this, I only need two entries per planet: One where it is on MC, one where it is on EP. (The conjunctions and oppositions have been absorbed into the paran search above.) - These are often-missed parans, co-angularities on adjacent angles of the MC-EP-IC-WP set. In this case, there aren't any.
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Re: Synastry by parans?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In contrast, using the same 2° orb, here are the standard ecliptical aspects. (I'd normally use more than 2° for these aspects - there would be more, and more significant ones, such as my Venus on her Dsc 3°00' - but I want a level playing field for comparison to the above aspects.)

M L Asc co. J Moon 0°04'
M Sun oc. J Mars 0°06'
M Uranus oc. J Sun 0°21'
M Jupiter oc. J Venus 1°05', oc. J Pluto 0°52'
M Mars co. J L Asc 1°23'
M Uranus co. J L Asc 1°53'
M Mars sq. J Venus 1°58'
Jim Eshelman
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