Parsons, Jack. Oct 2, 1914, 8:45 PM PST, Los Angeles, CA (AA).
Cameron, Marjorie. Apr 23, 1922, 8:15 PM CST, Belle Plaine, IA (AA).
Husband and wife, magical collaborators, and preparing to leave the country together at the time of Jack's fatal explosion. But what was their real connection like? (Was it all Cameron's fantasy?) Here are the charts for your inspection.
The one immediately, unmissable thing is that their Moon's are conjunct within 0°40'! - There is a complication that she has a natal 4° Moon-Saturn opposition that they, therefore, shared, but the Moon-Moon conjunction is still the dramatic marker.
Their Venuses were opposed across her horizon. His Sun conjoined her Jupiter and (even closer) squared her Pluto.
His Mars was minutes from opposite her Sun. Conjoined to these two, their Mercuries were in nearly partile opposition.
Their Saturns were square within 0°11'. In fact, put their charts on a 90° dial and, for a moment, you might think it's the same chart.
There's more - I'll leave digging out the fine points to you. It's a fascinating pairing.
Jack Parsons & Marjorie Cameron
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Jack Parsons & Marjorie Cameron
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Jack Parsons & Marjorie Cameron
Parson's AA birth time has become controversial, they I lean toward accepting it. Progressing it to Cameron's birth time and place would be quite intense if his birth time were less than five minutes earlier, putting transiting (i.e., Cameron's) Sun and Jack's p Sun exactly angular.
Progressed Moon has a nice, rare surprise!
4°00' Pis - r Moon
4°14' Gem - p Moon
4°40' Pis - t Moon
(We can add that her regressed Moon top his birth was 3°01' Sag.)
When Cameron was born, Jack also had p Mars-Uranus square 0°04'.
Regressing Cameron's chart to Jack's birth, SNQ MC opposed natal Pluto triggered by Jack's Sun, all very tightly:
14°23' Gem - r Pluto
14°43' Sag - SNQ MC
15°35' Vir - t Sun
She also had a progressed Sun-Moon trine (0°56') and a progressed Venus-Uranus sextile (0°06').
Progressed Moon has a nice, rare surprise!
4°00' Pis - r Moon
4°14' Gem - p Moon
4°40' Pis - t Moon
(We can add that her regressed Moon top his birth was 3°01' Sag.)
When Cameron was born, Jack also had p Mars-Uranus square 0°04'.
Regressing Cameron's chart to Jack's birth, SNQ MC opposed natal Pluto triggered by Jack's Sun, all very tightly:
14°23' Gem - r Pluto
14°43' Sag - SNQ MC
15°35' Vir - t Sun
She also had a progressed Sun-Moon trine (0°56') and a progressed Venus-Uranus sextile (0°06').
Jim Eshelman